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- *** Questions and Answers Part 2 ***
- From: Brewer
- Dear Loadstar,
- A few issues ago you gave a listing
- for a sequential file reader. Is
- there a small program for a relative
- file reader? Some of the data bases
- and word processors I use store
- information in relative files. I
- would like to easily scan the files
- without having to load in the entire
- program.
- Thank you for your help! It is
- always greatly appreciated. By the
- way, someone was requesting a disk ID
- changer last issue. I believe such a
- program was included on Issue 23 as
- part of 'Disk Utility'.
- > Reading relative files is a much
- > more complex and less frequently
- > used method than that of sequential
- > files. But you can try this:
- >
- > 10 OPEN2,8,2,"DATA FILE"
- > 20 GET#2,A$:IFST=0ORST=64THEN?A$;:
- > GOTO 20
- > 30 CLOSE2
- --------------------------------------
- From: Larson
- How do I go about sending you a
- program that I've written? Do I
- send it back on your feed back disk
- or do I send it back on a different
- disk? I have sent two programs in
- and never heard any more about them.
- I had sent them in on the feed back
- disk.
- > You should submit all programs on
- > either a Feedback disk or any other
- > as long as the disk contains your
- > name and address on it. It is also
- > very essential that you enclose a
- > written description of your program
- > and, any other helpful information
- > that will enable us to quickly
- > evaluate it.
- >
- > You didn't mention the names of the
- > programs you sent... let us know and
- > we'll look in our data base to see
- > if we ever received it.
- --------------------------------------
- From: Dorough
- Loadstar:
- I need help from someone who
- uses Speedscript (Version 3.2) with a
- Star Micronics printer. (SG-10C)
- I placed the up-grade kit in my
- printer, which allows for added
- features like:
- 1- Underlining
- 2- italic character set
- 3- Standard character set
- 4- Double Strike
- 5- Superscript
- 6- Subscript
- and other formats.
- I don't seem to be able to get
- the underline feature to work with
- the Speedscript's print command.
- (Control-3 or \ and then business u)
- A reversed u before and after the
- section to be underlined just wont
- work. I have tried every combination
- I can think of and nothing works.
- I would appreciate very much if
- someone could help me convert the
- code below to Speedscript code
- The book says,
- Select Underlining
- CODE <ESC> "-" 1
- (decimal ASCII) 27 45 1
- (hex ASCII) 1B 2D 01
- Cancel Underlining
- CODE <ESC> "-" 0
- (decimal ASCII) 27 45 0
- (hex ASCII) 1B 2D 00
- HELP !!!!
- Thanks
- > Anyone out there able to help this
- > poor soul?
- --------------------------------------
- From: Ruddy
- Dear Loadstar,
- I have a question for you. How could
- you make a backup disk from one of
- your Loadstar disks. I used the
- program Commodore gave me but it
- didn't work. When I tried to
- load a program from Loadstar 19, it
- would give me a message 'The disk
- currently in your drive is not a
- Loadstar issue'. The program was
- on side 2 of the Loadstar disk. Do
- you know any other way that I could
- solve this problem? Please give me
- any suggestions.
- > The Commodore Backup program
- > changes the disk's name to '1541
- > BACKUP', which clearly does not
- > spell 'LOADSTAR', hence the error.
- > LOADSTAR must be able to recognize
- > itself in order to function right.
- >
- > A number of other backup programs
- > are available which do NOT change
- > the disk name, not the least of
- > which is 'EASYCOPY' found on issue
- > number 16 of LOADSTAR. It works...
- --------------------------------------
- From: Morris 68134
- Things are not going well with
- Communique and me. In both issues
- when an attempt was made to run
- "Communique", the program halted with
- a "bad subscript" in line 13 for
- Loadstar #22 and the same error in
- line 2140 for Loadstar #23.
- I look forward to more presentations
- using graphics of that type and maybe
- incorporating that style into some of
- my work.
- > We couldn't seem to duplicate your
- > problem on issue #22. Double check
- > yourself there. Regarding issue
- > number 23, you must first run the
- > program named "GALLERY" before the
- > Communique file can come into play.
- -----------< end of text >------------