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- 0 rem mad poet
- 1 poke53281,1:poke53280,6:printchr$(142)"[147][144]"spc(9)"** the mad poet **"
- 2 print""spc(10)"by william barton"
- 3 gosub50000:print"[144]"
- 5 dimn%(27):c=36879:sh=36864
- 10 v=c-1:s4=c-2:s3=c-3:s2=c-4:s1=c-5:sv=sh+1:sc=sh+2:sr=sh+3:va=peek(sc)
- 15 pokec,234:pokes1,201:pokes4,201
- 20 forx=0to22:pokesc,peek(sc)and128orx:pokesr,peek(sr)and129or(x*2)
- 25 pokesv,69-(x*2):pokesh,17-int(x/2):pokev,int(x/2):next
- 30 pokev,0:pokes1,0:pokes4,0:pokesh,5:pokesv,25:pokesc,va:pokesr,46
- 35 fort=1to140:readw$:next
- 40 fort=0to27:readw:n%(t)=w:next:w=0
- 45 print"[147]"spc(9)"** the mad poet **"
- 50 printspc(10)"by william barton"
- 65 restore
- 70 gosub50000:print"":fory=1to4:printchr$(13)
- 75 print"";:forz=1to7:gosub100:next:ify=2thenprint"[157],"
- 80 next:print"[157]."
- 81 print"hit space[146] for next poem...":gosub135
- 82 print"<'q' to quit>"
- 85 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"q"anda$<>" "then85
- 86 ifa$="q"thengosub60000:goto81
- 90 restore
- 95 goto45
- 100 x=int(rnd(ti)*5)+1:fort=1tox:readw$:next
- 105 ifpos(x)+len(w$)>30thenprintchr$(13)tab(14);
- 110 printw$chr$(32);:gosub135:ifright$(w$,1)="-"thenprint"[157]";
- 115 ifx=5then125
- 120 fort=1to5-x:readw$:next
- 125 return
- 135 pokev,15:pokes2,n%(w):pokes3,n%(w):foru=1ton%(w+1):next
- 140 pokev,0:pokes2,0:pokes3,0:ifn%(w+2)=-1thenw=0:return
- 145 w=w+2:return
- 150 gosub135:return
- 200 data we,i,he,they,she
- 205 data went,ran,fled,flew,soared
- 210 data wandering,gibbering,scuttling,trembling,shuddering
- 215 data across,along,into,above,below
- 220 data the,this,some,a,that
- 225 data sparkling,glittering,shimmering,towering,ravishing
- 230 data strand,land,band,hand,strand
- 235 data of,of,of,of,of
- 240 data sand-,mad-,dark-,bright-,death-
- 245 data stars,kings,clouds,wings,men
- 250 data set,drunk,drowned,flat,left
- 255 data in,on,by,near,in
- 260 data the,this,some,a,that
- 265 data sea,lea,tree,key,sea
- 270 data from,by,with,of,from
- 275 data the,this,some,a,that
- 280 data shreiking,sinking,hollow,merry,sordid
- 285 data land,maze,place,box,cage
- 290 data of,of,of,of,of
- 295 data kings,lords,minds,hordes,dogs
- 300 data so grand,command,demand,in sand,remand
- 305 data that,so,when,so,that
- 310 data they,all,we,all,they
- 315 data lived,died,ate,grew,shone
- 320 data by,from,on,by,from
- 325 data the,the,the,the,the
- 330 data forever,alien,smoldering,wallowing,simpering
- 335 data tree,scree,sea,tea,tree
- 345 data 217,400,227,400,227,200,217,400
- 350 data 213,400,234,200,234,200,227,400
- 355 data 223,400,230,400,230,400,217,400
- 360 data 213,600,-1,-1
- 50000 rem border
- 50010 a$="":forx=1to40:a$=a$+"*":next:a$=left$(a$,40)
- 50020 print""a$;:forx=1to23:print"*"spc(38)"*";:next:printleft$(a$,39)"";
- 50030 poke2023,42:poke56295,peek(55296)
- 50040 poke646,0:fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:return
- 60000 rem re-connect
- 60010 print"[147]quit for sure?"
- 60012 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then60012
- 60014 ifa$="n"thenreturn
- 60030 poke646,peek(53281):f$="hello connect"
- 60040 print"[147]load f$,8":print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end