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- 1 rem jumbles
- 2 dimb$(30),j$(25),l$(30),w$(25)
- 99 poke53281,13:poke53280,6
- 100 print"[147][144]"chr$(142);tab(8);"c= jumbles - bill sander"
- 110 input" topic";t$
- 120 input" # of words";n:ifn>25thenprint"25 words max!!":goto120
- 130 :
- 140 forj=1to20:b$=b$+chr$(164):next
- 150 forw=1ton
- 160 print" word #";w;:inputw$
- 170 l=len(w$):w$(w)=w$:fork=1tol:l$(k)=mid$(w$,k,1):ifl$(k)=" "thenl$(k)="-"
- 180 b(k)=k:next
- 190 fork=1tol:d=int(rnd(0)*l+1):e=int(rnd(0)*l+1):t=b(d):b(d)=b(e):b(e)=t:next
- 200 fork=1tol:j$(w)=j$(w)+l$(b(k)):next
- 210 next
- 220 poke144,0:open4,4:print#4:close4:ifst=0then230
- 222 print"[147]"spc(15)"naughty"
- 223 printspc(15)"naughty"
- 224 print" you don't seem to have a printer"
- 225 print" on-line and ready to go..."
- 226 print" please press a key and try again."
- 227 print" < press 'q' to quit now>"
- 228 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"q"then220
- 229 goto60000
- 230 open4,4:cmd4:printspc((80-len(t$))/2);t$:print
- 240 print:print:forj=1ton:printspc(30-len(j$(j)));j$(j);" ";b$:print:next
- 250 forj=1to53-3*n:print:next
- 260 forj=1ton:printw$(j):next
- 270 print#4:close4
- 60000 rem re-connect
- 60010 print"[147]would you like to do another?"
- 60012 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then60012
- 60014 ifa$="y"then99
- 60020 print"[147]"spc(12)"loading menu..."
- 60030 poke646,peek(53281):f$="magic menu"
- 60040 print"loadf$,8":print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end