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- 5 ifpeek(679)<>1thenpoke679,1:goto10
- 6 goto41
- 10 print"[147]":poke53281,2:poke53280,12:open2,8,2,"0:aile,s,r"
- 11 print"[158]please wait while the data loads."
- 20 fort=49152to49740:input#2,a:poket,a:next
- 30 fort=49845to50424:input#2,a:poket,a:next
- 40 close2
- 41 poke53281,0:poke53280,2:print"[147][159]i n t r o d u c i n g"
- 42 print"[205][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][206]"
- 43 print"[167]>>>> dmain <<<<[165]"
- 44 print"[206][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][205]"
- 45 print"[154]author.......[156]david j. stephens"
- 46 print"[154]date comp....[156]6/2/85"
- 47 print"[158]for use with regular color mode sprites.":goto99
- 48 geta$:ifa$=""thengoto48
- 49 print"[147]":poke53280,14 :poke53281,0:poke49741,96:poke50372,206:dimh(21)
- 50 fort=49800to49843:poket,0:next
- 55 fort=0to2:reada,b:poke910+t,a:poke913+t,b:next
- 60 fort=0to62:reada:poket+12288,a:poket+12352,0:poket+12416,0:next
- 61 fort=0to62:reada:poket+13888,a:next
- 62 fort=0to62:reada:poket+13952,a:next:goto130
- 99 print"[153] press any key to begin ! ":goto48
- 130 print"[147]":v=53248:pokev+21,7:poke2040,192:poke2041,193:poke2042,194
- 140 pokev,75:pokev+1,110:pokev+2,150:pokev+3,110:pokev+4,225:pokev+5,110
- 150 poke828,0:poke829,48:poke830,64:poke831,48:poke832,128:poke833,48
- 160 poke834,24:poke845,21:poke842,0:poke857,192:poke858,48
- 170 fort=55306to55310:poket,1:next:
- 175 print"[147][129] now deresing sprite. please wait."
- 180 pokev+23,7:pokev+29,7:pokev+39,1:pokev+40,6:pokev+41,2:sys49152
- 185 pokev+21,0
- 190 fort=0to62:poket+12352,peek(t+13888):poket+12224,255
- 191 poke12416+t,peek(t+13952):next
- 200 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke2047,195:poke916,0:poke917,0:poke918,195
- 201 pokev+43,7:print"[158] select sprites! "
- 210 poke53280,14:pokev+46,5:sys50336:n=2
- 215 print"[147]"
- 220 pokev+21,0:poke53281,0:poke53280,7:print"[159]the menu?"
- 230 print"#1 : choose sprites!"
- 240 print"#2 : examine animation!"
- 250 print"#3 : save data to disk!"
- 260 print"#4 : terminate the program!"
- 270 print"[159] input the number of your choice. ":print:g=1
- 280 j=peek(56321):fr=jand16:j=15-(jand15):
- 290 ifj=1 thenn=n-1:poke1024+((n+1)*120)+160+4,32:ifn=0thenn=1
- 300 ifj=2 thenn=n+1:poke1024+((n-1)*120)+160+4,32:ifn=5thenn=4
- 305 iffr=16theng=0
- 306 iffr=0andg=0thengoto320
- 310 poke1024+(n*120)+160+4,107
- 311 poke55296+(n*120)+160+4,10
- 315 goto280
- 320 on-1*(n=1)-2*(n=2)-3*(n=3)-4*(n=4)goto330,400,500,321
- 321 poke680,0:goto60000
- 330 print"[147]":goto190
- 400 print"[147]":pokev,150:pokev+1,150:n=0:pokev+23,1:pokev+29,1
- 410 poke53280,2:fort=21to0step-1:ifpeek(49800+t)=1thenh(n)=195+t:n=n+1:j=1
- 420 next:te=0:w=1:c=0:pokev+21,1:ifn=0orn=1thenn=1:goto215
- 421 print"[147]sprite animation"
- 422 print"[154] move joystick to the left to slow. "
- 423 print"move joystick to the right to speed up.":pokev+39,5
- 424 print"[158] press fire button to return to menu. "
- 430 poke2040,h(c):c=c+w:ifc=n-1thenw=-1
- 440 ifc=-1thenc=0:w=1
- 450 fort=0tote:next
- 460 jv=peek(56321):fr=jvand16:jv=15-(jvand15)
- 470 ifjv=4thente=te+5:ifte=2005thente=2000
- 471 ifjv=8thente=te-5:ifte=-5thente=0
- 472 iffr=16thenj=0
- 475 iffr=0andj=0thenn=3:goto215
- 480 goto430
- 500 print"[147]":yi=0:fort=21to0step-1:ifpeek(49800+t)=1thenh(n)=195+t:yi=yi+1
- 501 next:ifyi=0oryi=1thenn=1:goto215
- 502 print"[158]save sprites to disk"
- 503 print"please remove joystick from port!!!"
- 504 print"when this is done type '/'"
- 505 geta$:ifa$<>"/"thengoto505
- 506 print"[159]if you reached this step in error type *"
- 510 input"name of the sprite?";n$
- 520 ifn$="*"thenn=2:goto215
- 530 open2,8,2,"0:"+chr$(191)+n$+chr$(191)+",s,w"
- 540 fort=0to20
- 545 ifpeek(t+49800)=1thengoto550
- 546 next:print#2,-1:close2:goto575
- 550 r=(t+195)*64:fory=rtor+63:print#2,peek(y):next
- 560 goto546
- 575 print"[159] re-insert joystick."
- 576 print" press any key to return to menu. "
- 578 geta$:ifa$=""thengoto578
- 580 n=4:goto215
- 1000 data90,110,140,160,180,200:rem scan lines
- 1005 data128,0,1,192,0,3,160,0,5,144,0,9,136,0,17,132,0,33,130
- 1010 data0,65,130,60,65,154,102,89,166,195,101,161,129
- 1015 data133,161,195,133,166,231,101,154,90,89
- 1020 data130,60,65,132,0,33,136,0,17,144,0,9,160,0,5,192,0,3,128,0,1
- 1050 data198,127,255,238,64,1,254,64,1,214,64,1,198,126,1,198,2
- 1051 data1,3,242,1,243,2,1,147,242,1,147,3,241,147,240,17,144,25,145
- 1052 data159,157,145,128,159,145,128,155,159,128,153,128,128,128,198,128
- 1053 data252,198,128,4,198,128,4,198,255,252,254
- 1060 data254,127,255,192,64,1,254,64,1,6,64,1,134,126,1,254,2,1,3,242,1
- 1061 data240,194,1,144,195,241,144,192,17,144,192,17,144,15,17,159,153,145
- 1063 data128,159,145,128,153,159,128,153,128,128,128,130,128,252,198
- 1064 data128,4,124,128,4,16,255,252,16
- 60000 print"[147]would you like to..."
- 60010 print" 1. run the 'ddisk' program"
- 60012 print" 2. return to loadstar"
- 60014 print" 3. quit to basic"
- 60020 print" which?[160]";
- 60030 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"anda$<>"3"then60030
- 60035 :
- 60037 printa$
- 60040 ifa$="1"thenf$="ddisk":goto63000
- 60050 ifa$="2"thenf$="hello connect":goto63000
- 60060 print"are you sure?":poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"then60000
- 60062 end
- 60070 :
- 63000 rem connect to program
- 63010 print"[147]"spc(10)"loading program..."
- 63020 print"[144]loadf$,8":print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end