home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 l=6000:goto600:poke251,0
- 200 print:print""spc(10)" quit for sure?"
- 210 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"thenreturn
- 300 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 400 ifer<>63thenend
- 500 load"sprite menu",8
- 600 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,6:poke829,0
- 700 fort=830to1000:poket,154:next
- 800 print"[158] now loading disk menu"
- 900 open1,8,0,"$:[191]*":u=0:a=49152
- 1000 get#1,x$,x$
- 1100 get#1,x$,x$,x$,x$
- 1200 ifstthenclose1:print"[147]":goto1700
- 1300 get#1,x$:ifx$=""thenpokea,0:a=a+1:u=0:goto1100
- 1400 ifx$=chr$(191)thenu=u+1:goto1600
- 1500 ifu=1thenpokea,asc(x$):a=a+1
- 1600 goto1300
- 1700 ifj$=""thendima$(200)
- 1800 print">>>> ddisk menu <<<<":fort=0to500:next:as=l:lk=a
- 1900 a$(0)=" nothing":j$=a$(0):p=1:ifa=49154thengoto5200
- 2000 w=1:fort=49153toa:ifp=1thenp=0:a$(w)=""
- 2100 ifpeek(t)<>0thena$(w)=a$(w)+chr$(peek(t))
- 2200 ifpeek(t)=0thenw=w+1:p=1
- 2300 next:t=1:l=1
- 2400 print"[159]last choice was : "a$(peek(829)):print:print
- 2500 printchr$(peek(829+t))"<"chr$(64+t)"> : "a$(t)
- 2600 t=t+1:l=l+1
- 2700 ift=w-1orl>15thengoto2900
- 2800 goto2500
- 2900 print"choose [f1] : end session!"
- 3000 print"choose [f3] : continue listing!"
- 3100 print"choose [f5] : insert new disk!"
- 3200 print" enter choice: "
- 3220 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:a=asc(a$+chr$(0))-64
- 3300 ifa$="[133]"then5700
- 3400 ifa$="[134]"andt=w-1thenl=1:t=1:goto2400
- 3500 ifa$="[134]"thenl=1:goto2400
- 3600 ifa$="[135]"thengoto5300
- 3605 ifa<1ora>t-1then3220
- 3700 poke829,a:poke829+a,156
- 3710 poke251,1
- 3800 i=0:open2,8,2,"0:"+chr$(191)+a$(a)+chr$(191)+",s,r":q=1:l=as
- 3900 input#2,d:ifd=-1thenclose2:goto4100
- 4000 poke35000+i,d:i=i+1:goto3900
- 4100 print"[147][158]":print:print
- 4200 ifq=1thenprintl"rem sprite "a$(a)" data":h=1:t=0:l=l+2
- 4300 h=h+1:ifh=9thengoto4900
- 4400 printl"data";:y=0
- 4500 printpeek(35000+t)"[157],";:t=t+1
- 4600 ift=ithenprint"[157] ":p=1:goto4900
- 4700 y=y+1:ify=12thenl=l+2:print"[157] ":goto4300
- 4800 goto4500
- 4900 ifp=1thenp=0:print"l="l+2":a="lk":goto1700":print"":h=h+1:goto5100
- 5000 print"l="l":t="t":i="i":lk="lk":goto4100":print""
- 5100 fort=631to631+(h-1):poket,13:next:poke198,h:end
- 5200 print:print:print:print
- 5202 print" no files were found. please insert another disk."
- 5300 print" press any key when the new disk is in place.":l=as
- 5400 print" press 'q' to quit"
- 5500 poke198,0:wait198,1:getd$:ifd$="q"thengosub200:print"[147]":goto5200
- 5600 goto600
- 5700 ifpeek(251)=0thengosub200:run600
- 5800 print"[147]enter filename to save sprites":printspc(10)"<'quit' to quit>"
- 5810 inputff$:ifff$="quit"thengosub200:run600
- 5820 gg$="sprite menu"
- 5830 print"[147]"spc(10)"now saving sprite..."
- 5840 print"[144]poke43,162:poke44,16:saveff$,8"
- 5842 print"poke43,1:poke44,8:loadgg$,8":print"run"
- 5845 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:end