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- ARCHETYPE for the C-128
- by
- Mark Jordan
- May/June, 1986
- p. 98
- **************************************
- NOTE: This program is written for the
- Commodore 128. Because of this, it
- cannot be run directly from LOADSTAR.
- To run the program, simply turn your
- 128 off, then back on again. This
- should put you into 128 mode. After
- this, all you need to do is type
- DLOAD"ARCHETYPE.128". When the
- READY prompt appears, type RUN and
- press RETURN.
- NOTE #2: ARCHETYPE was designed for
- use with an 80-column RGB monitor
- or a monochrome monitor with an
- adaptor. You cannot run the program
- with a 40-column composite monitor or
- T.V.
- *************************************
- ARCHETYPE is the first installment
- of a new word processor for the C-128.
- This installment has all of the
- features necessary for convenient
- word processing-- easy cursor
- manipulations, inserts and deletes,
- and word wrap. The second installment
- will add refinements like block
- deletes and moves, search and replace,
- and help screens.
- While some of the features, like the
- insert and delete keys, of ARCHETYPE
- work as you would expect, other
- features need a little explanation.
- For example, special cursor moves are
- possible by combining the CONTROL
- keys with any of the four cursor keys:
- cursor to the end of the line.
- cursor to the beginning of line.
- CONTROL + DOWN ARROW-- moves cursor
- to the bottom of the screen.
- CONTROL + UP ARROW-- moves cursor to
- the top of the screen.
- Also, pressing CLR/HOME returns the
- cursor to the top left hand corner of
- the screen. SHIFT CLR/HOME sends you
- to the beginning of the document.
- CTRL-B takes you to the end of the
- text.
- When you are typing in your
- document, you may find it necessary
- to move quickly through its pages.
- These commands allow you to manipulate
- screens of text easily.
- CTRL-E -- moves the cursor to the
- next screen.
- CTRL-W -- retrieves the previous
- screen.
- CTRL-G -- lets you choose which
- screen you want to go to.
- CTRL-F -- saves your place on the
- screen at any time. When you are
- ready to return, pressing the CTRL-G
- combination and typing in "F" instead
- of the screen number will take you
- back to that position.
- An alternative way of deleting,
- besides using the DELETE key, is to
- use CTRL-D. This command will delete
- every thing to the right of the
- cursor. If you make a mistake and wish
- to retrieve a deleted line, all one-
- line deletes are stored in a buffer.
- Typing SHIFT/RETURN will retrieve the
- line from the buffer.
- You may also delete an entire
- document by pressing the CONTROL and
- British pound combination. You must
- answer a prompt confirming this
- command before the program deletes
- the document.
- The TAB function works as you would
- expect it to-- pressing it moves the
- cursor five spaces to the right.
- Pressing the SHIFT/TAB combination
- will move the cursor five spaces to
- the left.
- This installment of ARCHETYPE has
- defined the first six function keys;
- the other two will be defined in the
- next installment.
- F1-- This key toggles the insert mode
- on and off. (The title bar will
- always tell you if this mode is
- activated or not.) When you turn it
- on with the F1 key, anything to the
- right of the cursor is split off and
- placed on the next line. When you
- continue typing to the next line,
- space will automatically open up for
- you. If the insert mode is
- deactivated, what you type will
- overtype what is on the screen.
- F2-- This key makes inserting a large
- amount of text easier by inserting
- five blank lines. The insert mode is
- turned off after you press this key.
- F3 and F4-- After you have finished
- inserting and deleting, F3 will
- re-format the lines of the screen.
- F4 will re-format the entire document.
- F5 and F6-- F5 loads a file you need.
- Because the file will load from
- wherever your cursor is, you may
- position your cursor at the end of
- the document to append a file to it.
- F6 will save the file you are working
- with.
- NOTE: ARCHETYPE prefixes all text
- files with "A".
- DISK DIRECTORY-- To see the files on
- your disk, press the Commodore key- D
- combination.
- CTRL-P will send your text to the
- printer in the form that appears on
- the screen. See the following notes
- on setting margins and printer codes.
- NOTES....
- This version of ARCHETYPE does not
- have provision for setting margins,
- so you will have to do so manually by
- changing the default values found in
- line 45 to whatever you like.
- This version DOES allow you to send
- special codes to the printer. You
- may do so by pressing the escape key
- and entering the ASCII value of the
- character you want sent to the
- printer. For example, press ESC 27
- to send CHR$(27).
- To learn more about the abilities
- of ARCHETYPE, consult Mark Jordan's
- article in the May/June COMMODORE
- looking for the next installment of
- -------------<end of text>-----------