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- 1 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 51 c$=chr$(147)
- 55 print c$:print"type in something"
- 58 print"notice the action of clr/home and cursor keys":print
- 59 def "34=0"
- 60 input a$
- 65 :
- 70 rem predefined strings for def key command
- 72 nokey$="1-255=0"
- 76 crsr$="13=_,17=_,29=_,145=_,157=_,20=20,19=19,147=_,148=_"
- 78 n$="u='4,i='5,o='6,j='1,k='2,l='3,32='0,.=.,+=+,-=-,'0-'9=_"
- 80 numkey$=nokey$+","+n$+","+crsr$+",34=0"
- 82 f$="133='1,134='3,135='5,136='7,137='2,138='4,139='6,140='8"
- 84 fkey$=nokey$+","+f$
- 86 box$=nokey$+",a-z=_,13=_,19=_,147=_,157=_,20=2,29=_"
- 90 :
- 100 print c$:print"just try to get out of the box"
- 101 print"notice how the delete key works"
- 102 print"use shift-clr/home to clear box"
- 105 def box$
- 110 (NULL) 12,10:print"[176][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][174]"
- 120 (NULL) 12,11:print"[194] [194]"
- 130 (NULL) 12,12:print"[173][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][189]"
- 150 (NULL) 13,11:input\11,x$
- 180 print c$:print"fill in the blank"
- 186 (NULL) 5,10:print"there are eight in a byte"
- 190 (NULL) 21,10:input\4,a$
- 191 print:print
- 194 if a$="bits" then print"right on!"
- 195 if a$<>"bits" then print"sorry, the answer is bits"
- 196 (NULL) 14,18:input\1,"press return ";x$
- 199 :
- 200 print c$
- 201 print"notice that only numbers can be typed"
- 210 (NULL) 5,5:print"67+84="
- 220 def nokey$+",'0-'9=_,"+crsr$
- 230 (NULL) 12,5:input\3,n
- 300 :
- 400 def numkey$
- 405 (NULL) 1,1:print c$;"notice numerical keypad"
- 406 print"uio jkl space bar"
- 410 (NULL) 5,5:input\19,"enter a number ";n
- 411 print c$
- 415 :
- 450 def nokey$+",y=y,n=n"
- 455 (NULL) 10,10:print"answer y or n"
- 460 get k$:if k$="" then 460
- 490 :
- 500 def fkey$ :rem define function keys
- 505 print c$:print"press function keys"
- 506 print"f8 to quit"
- 510 get k:if k=0 then 510
- 511 def:print:print
- 515 on k gosub 610,620,630,640,650,660,670,680
- 516 def "1-255=0,13=13"
- 520 input"press return";g$
- 530 goto 500
- 610 print"f1 routine":return
- 620 print"f2 routine":return
- 630 print"f3 routine":return
- 640 print"f4 routine":return
- 650 print"f5 routine":return
- 660 print"f6 routine":return
- 670 print"f7 routine":return
- 680 print"f8 routine"
- 790 :
- 800 printc$;"press f7 at any time for help"
- 805 def:def"136=1":rem def f7 as hot key
- 810 print:print
- 820 input 850,"enter something: ";x$
- 830 goto 820
- 850 print:print:print"you called for help?"
- 851 print"notice how f7 caused basic to jump out of the input statement"
- 855 print"this is the end of the demo"
- 860 print:print"good bye"
- 999 def