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- 10 poke53280,11:poke53281,0
- 20 printtab(1)"[147]how do you go to the bathroom in space?"
- 25 fort=1to3950:nextt
- 30 printtab(1)"[147]as told by: william r. pogue: [154]astronaut"
- 40 print" [154] "
- 50 printtab(1)" on skylab, for the first time in "
- 60 printtab(1)"space, we had a separate room for a "
- 70 printtab(1)"toilet. it was called the waste manag-"
- 80 printtab(1)"ement compartment. a funnel-shaped de-"
- 90 printtab(1)"vice was used to collect the urine."
- 100 printtab(1)"air was drawn through the funnel to"
- 110 printtab(1)"make sure the urine was pulled into "
- 120 printtab(1)"the collection bag inside the device."
- 130 printtab(1)"this bag was changed daily. a commode,"
- 140 printtab(1)"or potty, was used for solid waste"
- 150 printtab(1)"collection. it was mounted on the wall"
- 160 printtab(1)"(remember, there is no up or down in"
- 170 printtab(1)"space) and was lined with a porous bag"
- 180 printtab(1)"that was replaced after each use. air"
- 190 printtab(1)"was drawn through the bag to settle "
- 200 printtab(1)"the waste."
- 202 printtab(11)" press c to continue"
- 204 get d$:ifd$<>"c"then204
- 205 ifd$="c"then207
- 207 print"[147]"
- 210 printtab(2)"the bag containing the solid waste "
- 220 printtab(1)"was removed after each use and dried"
- 230 printtab(1)"in a heat/vacuum chamber. all solid"
- 240 printtab(1)"waste was dried, stored, and returned"
- 250 printtab(1)"to earth for medical analysis. also,"
- 260 printtab(1)"each day a small sample of urine was"
- 270 printtab(1)"taken and frozen. it, too, was stored"
- 280 printtab(1)"and brought back for analysis.
- 290 [153][163]2)"the toilet seat was made of a plastic"
- 300 [153][163]1)"coated, stiff cushion material. a "
- 310 [153][163]1)"seat belt had to be used to keep the"
- 320 [153][163]1)"user's bottom from floating off the"
- 330 [153][163]1)"seat. proper use of the toilet was"
- 340 [153][163]1)"essential if one wanted to avoid los-"
- 350 [153][163]1)"ing friends."
- 360 [153][163]2)"because of their recessed plumbing,"
- 370 [153][163]1)"women have a special problem urinating"
- 380 [153][163]1)"hygienically in weightlessness. to"
- 390 [153][163]1)"solve this problem, nasa studied the "
- 392 [153][163]11)" press c to continue"
- 394 [161] d$:[139]d$[179][177]"c"[167]394
- 396 [139]d$[178]"c"[167]398
- 398 [153]"load"
- 400 [153][163]1)"issue in detail. this involved the "
- 410 [153][163]1)"photography of the urination function"
- 420 [153][163]1)"performed by a group of women volun-"
- 430 [153][163]1)"teers. based on their data, nasa de-"
- 440 [153][163]1)"veloped a unisex toilet which is used"
- 450 [153][163]1)"on the shuttle. the unisex toilet "
- 460 [153][163]1)"consists of a potty seat similar to"
- 470 [153][163]1)"the skylab commode, together with a"
- 480 [153][163]1)"urine collection device located near"
- 490 [153][163]1)"the front of the toilet seat."
- 500 [153][163]2)"in older spacecraft not furnished "
- 510 [153][163]1)"with a special toilet, the provisions"
- 520 [153][163]1)"were much cruder. liquid waste was"
- 530 [153][163]1)"collected by the same method used on"
- 540 [153][163]1)"space walks (see next question) the"
- 550 [153][163]1)"urine was stored in a collector."
- 560 [153][163]2)"solid waste collection was much more "
- 570 [153][163]1)"difficult. we used a fecal collection"
- 580 [153][163]1)"bag, about eight inches across, with"
- 590 [153][163]1)"an adhesive ring surface around the"
- 592 [153][163]11)" press c to continue"
- 594 [161] d$:[139]d$[179][177]"c"[167]594
- 596 [139]d$[178]"c"[167]598
- 598 [153]"load"
- 600 [153][163]1)"top. the user stuck this bag to his"
- 610 [153][163]1)"bottom. after use, the solid waste"
- 620 [153][163]1)"was treated with chemical tablets to"
- 630 [153][163]1)"kill bacteria, and the bag was placed"
- 640 [153][163]1)"in a waste container."
- 650 [153][163]2)"this technique wasn't foolproof."
- 660 [153][163]1)"occasionally, fecal matter inadver-"
- 670 [153][163]1)"tently floated free,unobserved by the"
- 680 [153][163]1)"user, and later drifted in view. usu-"
- 690 [153][163]1)"ally, no one would admit responsibil-"
- 700 [153][163]1)"ity, and the event was cause for a "
- 710 [153][163]1)"lot of ribald comments. i can person-"
- 720 [153][163]1)"ally attest that fecal and urine "
- 730 [153][163]1)"spills can break the monotony on even"
- 740 [153][163]1)"the dullest days in space."
- 750 [153][163]11)" press c to continue":[151]198,0
- 760 [161] d$:[139]d$[179][177]"c"[167]760
- 770 [139]d$[178]"c"[167]780
- 780 [153]"load"
- 790 [153][163]1)" how did you go to the bathroom on a "
- 800 [153][163]14)"space walk?"
- 810 [129]t[178]1[164]2150:[130]t
- 820 [153][163]2)"load we had two devices to wear under our"
- 830 [153][163]1)"space suits. one was for collecting"
- 840 [153][163]1)"urine, and one was for containing"
- 850 [153][163]1)"solid waste. the urine bag was attac-"
- 860 [153][163]1)"hed to an under garment with velcro"
- 870 [153][163]1)"and connected to the penis by a rubber"
- 880 [153][163]1)"sleeve containing a check valve to "
- 890 [153][163]1)"prevent urine from leaking back out of"
- 900 [153][163]1)"the bag."
- 910 [153][163]2)"for solid waste, we wore a thick pair"
- 920 [153][163]1)"of tight-fitting, thigh-length trou-"
- 930 [153][163]1)"sers called the fecal containment "
- 940 [153][163]1)"system. if required, the astronaut"
- 950 [153][163]1)"would go to the bathroom directly "
- 960 [153][163]1)"into this garment. i know no one who"
- 970 [153][163]1)"ever used this system, but it was "
- 980 [153][163]1)"good that we had it available because"
- 990 [153][163]1)"we spent several hours out on space"
- 1000 [153][163]1)"walks during skylab. when we returned"
- 1010 [153][163]1)"from space walks, we removed the"
- 1011 [153][163]11)" press c to continue":[151]198,0
- 1013 [161] d$:[139]d$[179][177]"c"[167]1013
- 1015 [139]d$[178]"c"[167]1017
- 1017 [153]"load"
- 1020 [153][163]1)"waste collection devices and trans-"
- 1030 [153][163]1)"ferred the contents to the appropriate"
- 1040 [153][163]1)"containers."
- 1050 [153][163]2)"male astronauts still use the system"
- 1060 [153][163]1)"described above. female astronauts use"
- 1070 [153][163]1)"a garment similar to normal feminine"
- 1080 [153][163]1)"underwear called a disposable absorb-"
- 1090 [153][163]1)"ent containment trunk (dact). the dact"
- 1100 [153][163]1)"is lined with a one way transmission"
- 1110 [153][163]1)"layer that conducts liquid waste to a"
- 1120 [153][163]1)"superabsorbent material that is capa-"
- 1130 [153][163]1)"ble of holding over a quart of liquid."
- 1140 [153][163]1)"the dact is also worn during ascent"
- 1150 [153][163]1)"(boost) and reentry by female crew"
- 1160 [153][163]1)"members."
- 1170 [153][163]11)" press c to continue"
- 1175 [151]198,0
- 1180 [161] d$:[139]d$[179][177]"c"[167]1180
- 1200 [153]"stoploadload"[199](34)"main menu"[199](34)",8"
- 1210 [153]"run"
- 1215 [153][163]11)"working real hard...stop"
- 1220 [151]198,10
- 1230 [131] 19,13,13
- 1240 [129]i[178]1[164]3 :[135]x:[151]630[170]i,x:[130]