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- 10 poke53248+29,0:poke53248+21,0:poke53250,0:goto850
- 20 :
- 30 sys 49152:rem game loop
- 40 :
- 50 rem ***** sound effects
- 60 ms=peek(53287)-241:vp=peek(s+1):ifpeek(835)=85then110
- 70 gosub820:poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,21:t=255
- 80 forz=1to50:poke54287,t
- 90 fori=155to50step-25:poke54273,i:t=t-1:nexti,z:poke54278,15:poke54296,0
- 100 lo=lo+1:goto160
- 110 gosub820:poke54277,8:poke54278,255:poke54276,21:t=0
- 120 forz=10to140step20:fori=0to250step6:pokes+39,i:poke54287,z:poke54273,i
- 130 nexti,z:poke54296,0:poke54278,15:wo=wo+1
- 140 :
- 150 rem ***** score & replay
- 160 print"[147]":poke53272,21:pokes+1,0
- 170 ifpeek(835)=85then250
- 180 in=in+1:ifin=6thenin=1
- 190 ifin=1thenprint"[147]sorry, you jog like a young radical whippersnapper!"
- 200 ifin=2thenprint"[147]you jog like an elderly woman with high heel shoes!"
- 210 ifin=3thenprint"[147]you jog like old man with a white red tipped cane!"
- 220 ifin=4thenprint"[147]you have to learn to walk, before you can jog!"
- 230 ifin=5thenprint"[147]perhaps a lower level of difficulty, if there is one..."
- 240 goto320
- 250 print"[147]congratulations, you survived the jog "
- 260 print"with only ";
- 270 ifms=0thenprint"with zero mis-steps!"
- 280 ifms=1thenprint"one mis-step! "
- 290 ifms>1andms<5thenprintms;" mis-steps!"
- 300 ifms>4thenprint"with a total of";ms;" mis-steps!"
- 310 ifvp<50thenprint"[147]cheaters never prosper!":wo=wo-1:lo=lo+100
- 320 print"---------------------------------------"
- 330 print"total games won:";wo
- 340 print"total games lost:";lo
- 350 print"current o.p.s: ";:ifops=1thenprint"high"
- 360 ifops=2thenprint"medium"
- 370 ifops=3thenprint"low"
- 380 print"vertical status: ";
- 390 ifvp>49andvp<100thenprint"beginner"
- 400 ifvp>99andvp<150thenprint"intermediate"
- 410 ifvp>149thenprint"professional"
- 420 ifvp<50thenprint"no answer"
- 430 print"length of game: ";:iflg=1thenprint"short"
- 440 iflg=2thenprint"medium"
- 450 iflg=3thenprint"long"
- 460 iflg=255thenprint"eternal"
- 470 fori=0to9:geta$:next
- 480 print"press f1[146] to change o.p.s."
- 490 print"press f3[146] to change vertical status"
- 500 print"press f5[146] to change length of game"
- 510 print"press f7[146] to end the game"
- 520 print"press any other key to play again[146]"
- 530 gosub820:pokev+5,8:pokev+6,255:pokev+4,21:pokev+24,5
- 540 ifvp<50thenvp=50
- 550 geta$:a=int(rnd(ti)*255):pokev,a:pokev+1,a:pokev+4,33:pokev+4,32
- 560 ifa$=""then550
- 570 gosub820:ifa$<>"[133]"then620
- 580 print"[145]do you want a l[146]ow m[146]edium or h[146]igh objectper step rating?"
- 590 getb$:ifb$<>"l"andb$<>"m"andb$<>"h"then590
- 600 ops=1:spo=3:ifb$="m"thenops=2:spo=2
- 610 ifb$="l"thenops=3:spo=1
- 620 ifa$<>"[134]"then680
- 630 print"[145]do you want b[146]eginning i[146]ntermediate orp[146]rofessional status?"
- 640 getb$:ifb$<>"b"andb$<>"i"andb$<>"p"then640
- 650 vp=50:ifb$="i"thenvp=vp+50
- 660 ifb$="p"thenvp=vp+100
- 670 sm=vp
- 680 ifa$<>"[135]"then740
- 690 print"[145]do you want a s[146]hort m[146]edium l[146]ong or e[146]ternal game?"
- 700 getb$:ifb$<>"s"andb$<>"m"andb$<>"l"andb$<>"e"then700
- 710 lg=1:ifb$="m"thenlg=2
- 720 ifb$="l"thenlg=3
- 730 ifb$="e"thenlg=255
- 740 ifa$="[136]"thenpoke52,160:poke56,160:poke928,0:load"hello connect",8
- 750 fori=1to40:print:next:vp=sm:gosub780:poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)+12
- 755 goto30
- 760 :
- 770 rem ***** reset ops & vertical
- 780 poke835,lg:poke832,ops:poke833,0:poke834,0:poke53287,241:pokes+1,vp
- 790 poke830,0:pokes+16,0:poke836,spo:poke53248,150:return
- 800 :
- 810 rem ***** sound chip clear
- 820 fori=54272to54295:pokei,0:next:poke54296,15:return
- 830 :
- 840 rem ***** game set up
- 850 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147]"chr$(142);tab(15)"joggers![146][205]"
- 860 printtab(15)"[223] [223][146][165][158]"
- 870 printtab(10)"by. steven proper"
- 880 printtab(10)"hold f[146] to go left"
- 890 printtab(10)"hold j[146] to go right"
- 900 printtab(10)"press k[146] to jump"
- 904 printtab(6)"loadstar is not public domain."
- 906 printtab(6)"please respect the authors rights."
- 910 printtab(6)"please wait, loading data..."
- 920 fort=12288to12414:readda:poket,da:next:i=0
- 930 reada:ifa=2040then950
- 940 poke49152+i,a:i=i+1:goto930
- 950 poke56334,peek(56334)and254:poke1,peek(1)and251
- 960 fori=0to7:pokei+12544,0:next
- 970 fori=0to55:reada:print:pokei+12416,a:next
- 980 poke1,peek(1)or4:poke56334,peek(56334)or1
- 985 poke53272,(peek(53272)and240)+12
- 990 poke52,48:poke56,48:clr:ops=2:vp=50:sm=50:s=53248:pokes+21,3
- 1000 v=54272:lg=1:spo=2:gosub780:gosub820:goto30
- 1010 :
- 1020 rem ***** sprite data
- 1030 data 62,0,0,127,0,0,255,0,0
- 1040 data 254,0,0,252,0,0,252,0,0
- 1050 data 252,0,0,254,0,124,255,0,254
- 1060 data 127,0,255,62,0,127,128,64,63
- 1070 data 42,192,63,10,192,63,0,0,127
- 1080 data 0,0,255,0,0,254,0,0,124
- 1090 data 0,2,1,0,3,84,0,3,80,0
- 1100 data 0,0,124,0,0,254,0,0,255
- 1110 data 0,0,127,0,0,63,0,0,63
- 1120 data 62,0,63,127,0,127,255,0,255
- 1130 data 254,0,254,252,0,124,252,2,1
- 1140 data 252,3,84,254,3,80,255,0,0
- 1150 data 255,0,0,126,0,0,60,0,0
- 1160 data 128,64,0,42,192,0,10,192,0
- 1170 :
- 1180 rem ***** machine language
- 1190 data 169, 0, 141, 24, 212, 169, 1, 141, 0
- 1200 data 212, 141, 1, 212, 169, 33, 141, 4, 212
- 1210 data 169, 32, 141, 4, 212, 169, 15, 141, 24
- 1220 data 212, 238, 65, 3, 173, 65, 3, 201, 255
- 1230 data 208, 8, 169, 0, 141, 65, 3, 238, 66
- 1240 data 3, 173, 66, 3, 205, 67, 3, 208, 6
- 1250 data 169, 85, 141, 67, 3, 96, 173, 248, 7
- 1260 data 201, 192, 208, 5, 169, 193, 76, 74, 192
- 1270 data 169, 192, 141, 248, 7, 165, 203, 201, 34
- 1280 data 208, 35, 174, 0, 208, 224, 62, 208, 10
- 1290 data 174, 16, 208, 224, 1, 208, 3, 76, 118
- 1300 data 192, 173, 0, 208, 24, 105, 8, 141, 0
- 1310 data 208, 201, 20, 176, 5, 169, 1, 141, 16
- 1320 data 208, 201, 21, 208, 45, 174, 0, 208, 224
- 1330 data 30, 208, 10, 174, 16, 208, 224, 1, 240
- 1340 data 3, 76, 167, 192, 173, 0, 208, 56, 233
- 1350 data 8, 141, 0, 208, 173, 16, 208, 201, 1
- 1360 data 208, 12, 173, 0, 208, 201, 100, 144, 5
- 1370 data 169, 0, 141, 16, 208, 201, 37, 208, 17
- 1380 data 174, 1, 208, 224, 50, 144, 10, 162, 0
- 1390 data 232, 238, 1, 208, 224, 32, 208, 248, 201
- 1400 data 4, 240, 3, 76, 204, 192, 164, 203, 192
- 1410 data 1, 208, 250, 76, 204, 192, 162, 0, 232
- 1420 data 169, 17, 32, 210, 255, 236, 64, 3, 208
- 1430 data 245, 32, 158, 224, 165, 98, 201, 135, 176
- 1440 data 247, 56, 233, 112, 141, 63, 3, 32, 158
- 1450 data 224, 165, 98, 56, 233, 128, 201, 40, 176
- 1460 data 244, 168, 173, 63, 3, 153, 191, 7, 56
- 1470 data 233, 15, 153, 191, 219, 173, 31, 208, 201
- 1480 data 1, 240, 3, 76, 0, 192, 238, 62, 3
- 1490 data 173, 68, 3, 205, 62, 3, 208, 15, 169
- 1500 data 0, 141, 62, 3, 238, 39, 208, 173, 39
- 1510 data 208, 201, 250, 240, 3, 76, 0, 192, 96,0,0,2040
- 1520 :
- 1530 rem ***** custom characters
- 1540 data 0,60,126,255,24,24,24,24
- 1550 data 24,16,16,108,254,254,124,56
- 1560 data 192,3,0,48,0,6,0,48
- 1570 data 126,129,165,129,153,165,129,126
- 1580 data 0,0,0,97,243,223,12,0
- 1590 data 60,126,255,255,255,255,126,60
- 1600 data 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,62