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- Review of Solo Flight Update
- Reviewed by: Franusich 10629
- MicroProse is offering an update
- for it's SOLO FLIGHT simulator
- program for $12.50 plus your old SOLO
- FLIGHT disk. I'm sorry to say it is
- not really an improvement. The
- instrumentation was changed and the
- instrument dials have so few numbers
- that it's confusing which is which or
- how fast or high one is flying, etc.
- For example, the altimeter has
- one 0 on top and a few graduation
- lines, similar to a modern looking
- timepiece without any numerals. The
- other instruments are as bad. The
- compass is now marked N,S,E and W.
- Any bearing such as 190 degrees is an
- "estimated guess".
- Some voice instructions are in
- the program, but there is no longer
- the thump or squeal of the tires when
- landing. The sound alarm, signaling
- a drop in air speed and/or a stall is
- also eliminated.
- There are other bad points, but
- enough has been mentioned. Since the
- advertising promotion is tied in with
- a MicroProse/Cessna "Learn To Fly A
- Real Airplane" contest, it seems that
- this simulation should be more
- accurate.
- ---------< end of article >-----------