home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 ifl=0thenl=1:load"bload.o",8,1
- 2 sys828,32768,"q&d player 32768"
- 10 sg$(1)="scarborough fair"
- 15 sg$(2)="sonatina #2"
- 20 sg$(3)="ease on down the road"
- 25 sg$(4)="prelude and fugue":ns=4
- 27 print"[147]"chr$(142)chr$(8):poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 30 print"[147][158]loadstar jukebox"
- 35 fort=1 to ns:print"[154]("t") " sg$(t):next
- 40 print"enter your selection (1-4) "
- 41 print"or x to exit: ";
- 42 get t$:ift$="" then42
- 43 if t$="x" then print"[147]see you, bye!":goto190
- 44 if t$<"1" or t$>"4" then 42
- 45 sn=val(t$)
- 50 sg$="d."+left$(sg$(sn),14)
- 55 print t$
- 60 print"[145] loading... "
- 90 sys828,8192,sg$
- 95 sys828,32771,"v."+sg$
- 97 print"[145] space bar to stop. "
- 100 poke253,0:poke254,32:sys32768
- 150 if peek(198)=0then27
- 160 if peek(198)<>0thengetk$
- 170 print"[147]more(y/n)???";
- 175 get mr$: if mr$="" then 175
- 180 if mr$="y" then 27
- 185 if mr$<>"n" then 170
- 190 poke928,0:load"hello connect",8