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- The Computer Zeigeist
- The other day I woke up very early.
- The days are very hot here in Japan
- during August. So I left my wife
- quietly sleeping in bed and stole off
- to my computer-study room.
- I closed the sliding door, switched
- on the air-conditioner and sat down in
- front of my computer.
- I didn't turn on the computer.
- I looked over at the flip file of
- computer software, lifted the top and
- flipped through past my WordWorks
- disk, avoiding doing work on my novel,
- abandoning working on my financial
- status, grade book and compact disk
- collection data files; I browsed past
- my arcade games, bypassing an attempt
- to master a new level of Lode Runner,
- eschewing an opportunity to meet
- Zaxxon once again; I pushed by my role
- playing disks, refusing another nice
- game of chess, shirking my duty as a
- WWII submarine captain, missing an
- opportunity to win the 1975 World
- Series for the Red Sox and saving my-
- self from being melted by a tower of
- flame directed at me by a fifth
- level priest residing in the Proving
- Grounds of the Mad Overlord; and I
- shut the box before skimming through
- my graphics and printing programs,
- putting off making a greeting card
- for my mother's birthday and
- deferring to another time the
- completion of a drawing of Himeji
- Castle.
- I sat for a moment then looked up
- at the the books on the shelf behind
- the computer desk: There sat books of
- computer programs, a programmer's
- guide, a software catalog and several
- computer language manuals, all well
- thumbed. I didn't open any of them.
- Instead, I found myself staring
- for a long time at the small, silent
- monitor, its green light on, but its
- screen dark because the computer
- itself was not yet on.
- And after a while I realized why I
- had come here to this room to sit
- before the computer.
- It was not to get some of my
- important work done, nor was it to
- while away the time gaming, nor was it
- to improve my chess, nor my Japanese
- vocabulary, nor to finish a hobby
- project.
- Instead, I come here, as I came here
- just a few minutes ago, to partake in
- the sense of possibility yet fully
- untapped that this tool adds to our
- homes, to our work, to our play, to
- our lives themselves; not a threat to
- our education, our privacy, our
- independence, our jobs, but a tool
- akin to the printed word, to written
- language, to language itself --
- lending us opportunities to extend
- ourselves beyond our present selves
- even in the early hours of August
- days when the heat and the humidity
- keep us from our sleep.
- Ron St. Pierre
- Kobe, Japan
- "Dedicated to elegant computing."
- --------< end of article >------------