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- Question and Answers part 1
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- From: McCarthy 19104
- Help! How do I make backup copies
- of your diskettes? I have tried
- everything I know to get usable
- copies. I have used the 1541 Backup
- program from the Bonus Pack and tried
- loading and saving each program.
- While I have been able to copy side 1
- of both the Best of Loadstar and #
- 12, I have not been able to make
- usable copies of side 2 of either
- disk. Is there some secret I don't
- know? I very much want to give my 8
- year old his own set to run the games
- etc, without worrying about him
- messing up my original copies. Any
- backup advice would be most helpful.
- As soon as I can make copies of the
- two disks I have, I want to subscribe
- to Loadstar because it is a terrific
- idea. I hope to hear from you soon.
- Thank you.
- >
- > Some of the programs use machine
- > language routines. Therefore LOADing
- > then SAVEing these programs will
- > not work. Try using EasyCopy on
- > LOADSTAR issue #16. Another
- > possibility is 4-minute copy from
- > LOADSTAR #3. Or, if you have a Fast
- > Load (tm) cartridge, use its
- > built-in copy program. The 1541
- > Backup program changes the
- > destination disk's ID, making it
- > impossible for Loadstar to run.
- >
- --------------------------------------
- From: The Stewart's 78550
- We have owned our C-64 for about
- 6 months, and just recently purchased
- a 1541 Disk Drive, and an 803
- printer. While shopping for the
- printer, we found a dealer who
- handles your Loadstar disks. Having
- read about them in the Commodore
- magazines, we bought two of them, #15
- and #16.
- Overall, we are very pleased.
- However, we do have a few minor
- difficulties. Please be kind enough
- to help us, and be patient with our
- novice status.
- First, our printer skips the
- bottom line of the first column when
- we print anything using the Loadstar
- word processor. Is this the printer,
- the software, or are we doing
- something wrong?
- >
- > We tested the word processor with
- > a MPS 803 and to our suprise it
- > behaved just as you said.
- > Starline works fine with the
- > VIC-1525, Gemini-10x, and Epson.
- > Sorry!! In the near future, we hope
- > to modify Starline to work with the
- > 803 also.
- >
- Also, do you still sell the COMAL
- language disks for $10.00?
- >
- > As of December 1985, yes, we still
- > sell the COMAL 0.14 Sampler for that
- > price.
- >
- > For more information on COMAL and
- > COMAL users groups, contact
- >
- > 5501 Groveland Ter.
- > Madison
- > WI 53716
- >
- --------------------------------------
- From: Moore 22101
- I want to first say that I am
- very new to the Commodore
- environment. I have had my Commodore
- for less than 6 months.
- I was exploring the program
- A MAZING GRACE on side one of LOADSTAR
- #15, and I ran into a problem which
- due to the fact that I don't have any
- programming experience as such, I
- could not solve.
- It seems that something happened
- when I tried to create a maze and
- print it out on my printer. It seems
- that there was an error message that
- appeared on the screen, but I didn't
- really understand enough to know how
- to get into the program and correct
- it. Perhaps a little insight or
- guideline in the right direction will
- help me towards solving this
- situation should it happen again. If
- I remember correctly when I received
- your disks, there was something I
- read that said if there was a problem
- with the disk that you would some way
- be able to correct or help me solve
- the dilemma. I'm not really sure
- what I should be doing at this point.
- Do I simply return the disk to you to
- correct or what?
- >
- > It always helps to specify exactly
- > what the error was; and what were
- > the chain of events that caused the
- > error. However in this case, we may
- > have the solution. Try changing
- > line 680 to:
- >
- > 680M$=M$+CHR$(PK)+CHR$(PK):EE=FRE(0)
- >
- > This was an unfortunate goof on our
- > part. We hope it solves your
- > problem. Sorry for the
- > inconvenience.
- >
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- End of Question and Answer part 1
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