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- A Utility for the C-128
- Written by: Louis F. Sander
- Datastater is full-featured program
- for converting machine language,
- sprites, or other sections of memory,
- to BASIC data statements. The program
- takes advantage of several features of
- the machine: the built-in machine-
- language monitor, the escape sequences
- used in screen editing, and the
- hexidecimal-to-decimal conversion
- function. For ease of typing and
- improved understanding, the data
- statements produced are in hexidecimal
- notation.
- Running Datastater is simple, and
- the program even includes brief
- instructions. However, you should be
- familiar with using the MONITOR
- command to call up your machine-
- language monitor, and with using that
- monitor's 'M' command to dump memory
- to the screen.
- Your first step is to decide what
- area in memory you want to convert to
- data statements. Get into the monitor
- by typing MONITOR<RETURN>, then use
- the "M" command to display the
- desired memory range. Since
- Datastater manipulates the screen
- display, it will convert a maximum of
- 16 monitor lines at a time, which is
- equivalent to 128 bytes of ML ($80
- bytes in hex). If you need to convert
- more, just break the project into
- manageable parts.
- When the desired memory range is
- displayed on the screen, use the
- monitor's "X" command to exit back
- to BASIC. The memory dump display, of
- course, will remain on the screen.
- Using your cursor-down key, scroll
- that display upward until its first
- line is on the top line of the
- screen.
- Then move your cursor until it's on
- the line just below the last monitor
- line you want to convert to data, in
- the leftmost screen position. It
- doesn't matter if that line is blank
- or not, as long as the cursor is at
- the left margin.
- To initiate a conversion, just type
- the word RUN, plus a colon, and then
- press RETURN. (The colon is there in
- case the cursor is not on a blank
- line). By the way, when you run
- Datastater, it checks to see that a
- monitor dump is actually on the top
- screen line; if it isn't, you're
- shown a series of instructions.
- In a normal run, you'll be
- prompted for a First Line#, and you
- should respond with the number you
- want to assign to your first data
- line. If you respond by pressing
- RETURN without entering a number,
- Datastater will choose a line number
- equal to the decimal value of the
- ML's starting address, since that's
- the most logical number to use.
- After choosing a starting line
- number, you'll be prompted for a line
- number interval. If you enter
- nothing and hit RETURN, the interval
- defaults to eight, which retains the
- correspondence between the line
- number and the address of the first
- data item in the line.
- As soon as you choose an interval,
- you'll see the monitor lines turn
- into BASIC lines. After a short wait,
- some other BASIC lines will appear
- on the screen.
- The first one is a loop that
- computes the checksum of the bytes
- you have converted. (A checksum is
- simply the numerical total of all the
- bytes.) If your data statements are
- ever typed from a listing, the typist
- will appreciate having this line,
- since it can be used to eliminate
- errors.
- The next line is a FOR-NEXT loop
- that will poke your ML into memory.
- Datastater determines the start and
- end of the loop, which saves effort
- on your part, and reduces the chance
- of error. Notice that while your ML
- data is in hex, the loop is in
- decimal. Smart people, these
- computers.
- Finally, there are two REM lines
- showing the number of data items, the
- checksum, and the memory range of the
- ML, in decimal as well as hex. This
- information can be useful to you
- later, so Datastater gives it to you
- now, in a form that easily preserved.
- After all the lines have been
- printed, Datastater terminates with
- the cursor flashing in the "home"
- position. Your BASIC lines have been
- printed on the screen, but have not
- yet been added to the program in
- memory. You do that yourself, by
- pressing the RETURN key over each
- program line. If you don't want the
- extra lines, use your cursor keys to
- skip over them. When you're finished
- with the RETURN key, your data lines,
- plus the checksum, poker, and REM
- lines, are in memory along with
- Datastater. You can use the DELETE
- command to get rid of Datastater
- itself, which will leave you with
- the lines from Datastater's output.
- You can save them to disk or printer,
- where they can readily be added to
- the balance of your BASIC program.
- ------
- This program is copyrighted by
- Commodore Microcomputers magazine.
- All rights to it are reserved.
- LOADSTAR has relieved you from the
- burden of keying in this program.
- For more complete information about
- this program, refer to the February
- 1986 issue of Commodore
- Microcomputers.
- >Files used: DATASTATER.128
- --------< end of article >------------