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- More Questions & Answers
- From: Garth 40228
- I have a C-128, a 1541 disk drive,
- and a MPS-802 printer. I have had no
- success at all loading 'Paperless
- Pages.' Each time I loaded the
- programs, I would receive (CLR/HOME)
- with the READY prompt, and if I tried
- to run the program again, I'd receive
- the same thing.
- I finally decided to load the
- "Presenter" from Issue 7, which starts
- with line 5, rather than line 1,
- modified line 7 to read
- inserted Issue 17, and the program
- worked well.
- Why were lines 1-4 added and line 6
- modified, and what could be the
- reason the newer versions don't work
- while the older ones do? Also, have
- other subscribers had this problem?
- I find it an inconvenience to insert
- another issue, modify lines,
- re-insert the issue I want, and then
- continue. Please help me out, and in
- case you're wondering, yes I'm using
- the 64-mode of my C-128. The same
- thing happened when I had the C-64.
- Any help you have or suggestions
- will be greatly appreciated.
- > We're flabbergasted by this turn
- > of events because we actually
- > build Loadstar on a C-128 in C-64
- > mode and do our preliminary testing
- > in that mode.
- >
- > We're anxious to get to the bottom
- > of this. If you have a problem with
- > this issue, please get back to us.
- --------------------------------------
- From: Geffen 75251
- This is my first Loadstar disk and
- I am having a great deal of difficulty
- in extracting, to a duplicate disk,
- working copies of the Mr.Mailman
- program and the ABC.Sort program.
- I can get copies of Mailman to a
- duplicate disk and seem to be able to
- create the data file. However, when
- instructing the program to do
- anything with the data file such as
- sort, print, etc. the disk drive
- (MSD-2) will run continuously without
- producing any results. Further, I am
- only able to put one name in the data
- file.
- In the ABC.SORT program, my copy
- doesn't work at all.
- I would appreciate any help you
- could give me in curing these
- problems.
- > We assume the versions worked
- > properly while on the Loadstar
- > disk, right? The problems are with
- > the copies.
- >
- > First, understand that you'll
- > never get Mr.Mailman to run unless
- > you COPY (i.e. using a copy
- > program) four files. The files
- > are Case Converter, Mr.Mailman.Boot,
- > Mr.Mailman.Bas, and Instring. You
- > cannot LOAD, then SAVE Instring or
- > Case Converter; you must use a copy
- > program to move them to your new
- > disk. (We recommend EasyCopy from
- > Loadstar #16, or the built-in copy
- > functions of your MSD SD-2).
- >
- > The only insight we may have into
- > your problem with ABC.SORT is that
- > you cannot RUN the program before
- > you SAVE it (assuming that you
- > didn't use a copy program). We
- > successfully LOADed ABC.Sort, then
- > SAVEd it to a backup disk, and it
- > ran fine from the backup. Make
- > sure you load 'ABC.SORT' and not
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- On the last several issues of
- LOADSTAR I have not been able to hear
- any music in the paperless pages
- section. Why is this?
- >There are several possibilities.
- >
- >1. The music is stored in a file
- >called ROMUSIC, which is loaded when
- >you LOAD"STAR",8 and RUN. If you
- >start with HELLO, the music never
- >gets loaded into the system.
- >
- >2. Try pressing the Q and M keys
- >while using the Paperless Pages.
- >They turn the music on and off.
- >
- >3. Go direct from the main menu to
- >the Paperless Pages. Something you
- >are running before the Paperless
- >Pages may be erasing the music in
- >memory.
- >
- >4. Maybe your SID (sound) chip is
- >blown up. If you can still play the
- >music on the old issues, this is not
- >the case.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- I purchased the Steiman Spreadsheet
- and am having some difficulty with the
- report generator. When I print out a
- report, I get a "?H" before each line.
- Why is that?
- >Looks like your printer or interface
- >may be intercepting and printing the
- >code that is supposed to compress the
- >characters.
- --------------------------------------
- Hello!!!
- My name is Bill James, and I
- enjoy your publication very much.
- I was wondering if you had to write
- under separate cover for guidelines
- for your software writers?
- >Yes, Bill. It would be best to
- >send a paper note to the programming
- >department or editor. We're always
- >eager to see new people submitting
- >new programs and we'll send our
- >guidelines to anyone who wants them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- On disk #15 there was program called
- "LITTLE BLACK DISK". There were two
- files that where supposed to go with
- it called "ADDRESS RECS" and "ADDRESS
- BOOK". These two files where not on
- that disk. I didn't see them
- mentioned in BUGS & STUFF on the next
- LOADSTAR disks. Are these files
- created by the program; or did you
- forget to include them?
- >You guessed right. When you run
- >Little Black Disk, it creates those
- >two files. I guess you just didn't
- >run it to find out.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- It seems I can only use a feedback
- disk about four times before the disk
- is utterly destroyed. Why??
- Thank You
- Emma Larson
- 98371
- > The fact that it worked once for
- >you means that there's nothing wrong
- >with the feedback disk. I suggest
- >your disk drive may have problems
- >writing. Most commercial disks never
- >get written to, just read from, and
- >so they never get "blown up". Our
- >feedback disk writes to itself every
- >time you use it. If your 1541 drive
- >has severe heat problems, we
- >guarantee it will eventually blast
- >the feedback disk. Our suggestion:
- >legs or a fan for your disk drive.
- --------------------------------------
- I started my subscription with the
- number 17 edition of Loadstar. I
- perfectly understand the usefulness
- of the Steinman Spreadsheet, but the
- program given in this edition is
- strictly to calculate loans or
- mortgages. I am a travel agent and I
- would like to use the spreadsheet in
- a way that I can keep on disk the
- names of my clients, billing number,
- date of departure/return, commission
- on each billing and the cumulative of
- all commissions for one month. As you
- can see, I need 6 or 7 columns to work
- such a system. Is it possible to adapt
- the spreadsheet to do so and how do I
- go about it?
- Thanks for your help,
- Claude R.Talbot
- P.O.Box 33
- St-Lambert,Que.
- Canada
- J4P 3N4
- >The template we supplied with the
- >abridged Steinman we put on Loadstar
- >is, indeed, limited in just the
- >manner you described. But the
- >complete Steinman Spreadsheet,
- >published on its own disk is not so
- >limited. You can use plenty of
- >columns for most small applications.
- >
- >However, the application you describe
- >sounds more suited to data basing. I
- >think you need a sophisticated filing
- >program, not a spreadsheet.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Two questions; first, can anything
- be done to the Commodore 1526 printer
- to make it compatible with "PRINT
- SHOP"?
- If the answer to my first question
- is what I think it is, I'd like to
- know if your "SIGN PAINTER" program
- is compatible with the Commodore
- 1526 printer?
- > The answer to the second question
- >is no. Sign Painter has never been
- >tried on a 1526.
- I lied. Three questions. If neither
- of these programs work with the 1526
- and it can't be modified, then does
- anybody have any information on a
- similar program that IS compatible
- with the 1526??
- ----------<end of article>------------