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/ Loadstar 19 / 019.d81 / star (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1986-01-01  |  2.0 KB  |  65 lines

  1. 2 ifs=1then5
  2. 3 poke49,255:poke50,47:clr:s=1:fl=0:load"romusic",8,1
  3. 4 rem star main disk
  4. 5 poke53269,.:ifs%>.then11
  5. 7 poke53281,.:poke53280,.:print"[147]         [208][204][197][193][211][197][160][212][213][210][206][160][214][207][204][213][205][197][160][207][206]"
  6. 8 print"        [201]f you have a [202]oystick,"
  7. 9 print"     plug it into [195]ontrol [208]ort [212]wo."
  8. 11 t$="[204]aunching [208]review [211]how":ifs%=0thens%=1:load"loadstar.spr",8,1
  9. 12 f$="picture show":ifs%=1thens%=2:load"music",8,1
  10. 13 ifs%=2thens%=3:load"ce3k.m",8,1
  11. 14 poke51200,.
  12. 15 poke53281,1:poke53280,10
  13. 16 forx=1024to1034:reada:pokex,a:next
  14. 17 data169,228,141,8,3,169,167,141,9,3,96
  15. 18 sys1024 :rem  __ wedge deactivator
  16. 20 fori=.to7:reads:poke2040+i,s:next
  17. 21 data192,193,194,195,196,197,194,198
  18. 30 v=53248:o=1:b=255:t=2:se=v+21:sc=v+39:yd=v+23
  19. 40 pokese,.:pokev+29,.:pokev+23,.:pokev+16,.:iffl=1thengosub62000
  20. 100 print"[147][142][144]           [169]              [223]
  21. 110 [153]"          step      toandandto      (NULL)
  22. 120 print"         [169]      [183][184][146][162][162][184][183]      [223]
  23. 130 [153]"        step         (NULL)right$         (NULL)
  24. 140 print"       [169]          [221][221]          [223]
  25. 150 [153]"      step           /exp           (NULL)
  26. 160 print"      [152][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]
  27. 170 [153]:[139]fl[178]1[167][141]62000
  28. 180 c[178]10
  29. 190 [151]49569,.:[151]49570,112:[158]49152:[129]i[178]1[164]500:[130]:[139]fl[178]1[167][141]62000
  30. 300 [129]s[178].[164]7:[151]sc[170]s,c:[151]v[170]s[170]s,165:[151]v[170]s[170]s[170]o,114:[151]se,[194](se)[176]t[174]s
  31. 305 [135]x,c:[129]i[178]114[164]65[169][171](t[170]t):[151]v[170]s[170]s[170]o,i
  32. 306 [130]
  33. 310 [129]i[178]165[164]x[169][180](x[171]165)[172]t:[151]v[170]s[170]s,i:[130]:[151]sc[170]s,c:[151]53280,c
  34. 312 [130]
  35. 315 [131]74,2,101,8,127,7,152,5,180,3,206,14,230,6,255,4
  36. 320 [153]"         press space bar to go"
  37. 330 [153]"         straight to loadstar."
  38. 340 [153]"press any other key for a quick preview."
  39. 400 [153]"          (NULL)tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanright$
  40. 410 print"          [221] copyright 1985 [221]
  41. 420 [153]"          mid$tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan(NULL)
  42. 425 ifpeek(788)<>49then425
  43. 440 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
  44. 445 ifk$=" "ork$="[160]"then62020
  45. 455 r=v+17:c=128:dimc(9):fori=.to9:readc(i):next:iffl=1thengosub62000
  46. 456 data15,12,11,0,0,11,12,15,1,1
  47. 460 pokev+32,0
  48. 465 iffl=1thengosub62000
  49. 600 pokev+21,.
  50. 1000 print"[147]";:pokev+33,.:pokev+31,.
  51. 1190 print"[147]"t$;
  52. 1200 s=54272:fori=0to24:pokes+i,0:next
  53. 1205 pokes+5,240:pokes+6,253:pokes,0:pokes+1,4:pokes+23,241:pokes+24,31
  54. 1210 pokes+4,129
  55. 1215 poke597,0:rem set hide flag to zero
  56. 1220 print"[144]load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)",8":print"run"
  57. 1230 poke 631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2
  58. 1240 end
  59. 62000 rem   check for keypress
  60. 62010 ifpeek(198)=0then62050
  61. 62020 t$="[204]aunching [212]able of [195]ontents"
  62. 62030 f$="presenter":fl=0
  63. 62040 goto456
  64. 62050 return