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- 5 printchr$(142)"[147]":poke53280,5:poke53281,14:tr=54272:gosub5000
- 10 poke54277,145:poke54278,128:poke54273,81:poke54272,1
- 15 poke54290,16:poke54291,16:poke54292,64
- 20 goto30
- 25 gosub5055
- 30 gosub1000:poke54286,33:poke54287,135:poke54290,129:poke54296,5
- 35 p=int(10*rnd(0))
- 40 ifs>=500then50
- 45 goto55
- 50 ifn=0thengosub1500
- 55 ifp>6orp<1then35
- 60 ifj>=n+12orct>25+(n*2)-ithen10000
- 65 print"torpedos used "j
- 70 print"score"s
- 75 ct=ct+1:onpgoto100,200,300,400,500,600
- 100 x=30
- 105 x=x-1
- 110 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=15thenpoke54276,17
- 115 printtab(x)" [178][169][184] [146] "
- 120 printtab(x)"[169] ... [146] "
- 125 ifx=0then155
- 130 t=0
- 135 t=t+1
- 140 ift<>ithen135
- 145 goto900
- 155 print"[145] "
- 160 print"[145][145] "
- 165 goto35
- 200 x=1
- 205 x=x+1
- 210 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=10thenpoke54276,17
- 215 printtab(x)"[129] [206][163][205] "
- 220 printtab(x)"[144] [223][185][185][185][169] "
- 225 ifx=30then255
- 230 t=0
- 235 t=t+1
- 240 ift<>ithen235
- 245 goto900
- 255 printtab(30)"[145] "
- 260 printtab(30)"[145][145] "
- 265 goto35
- 300 x=1
- 305 x=x+1
- 310 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=20thenpoke54276,17
- 315 printtab(x)"[159] '[205][158][176][178][174]"
- 320 printtab(x)" [188] [146][169]"
- 325 ifx=30then355
- 330 t=0
- 335 t=t+1
- 340 ift<>ithen335
- 345 goto900
- 355 printtab(30)"[145] "
- 360 printtab(30)"[145][145] "
- 365 goto35
- 400 x=30
- 405 x=x-1
- 410 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=25thenpoke54276,17
- 415 printtab(x)"[150] [190][188][184][190][188][146] "
- 420 printtab(x)"[153][223]_::: [146] "
- 425 ifx=0then455
- 430 t=0
- 435 t=t+1
- 440 ift<>ithen435
- 445 goto900
- 455 printtab(x)"[145] "
- 460 printtab(x)"[145][145] "
- 465 goto35
- 500 x=30
- 505 x=x-1
- 510 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=17thenpoke54276,17
- 515 printtab(x)"'[205][206][149][182][181][206] "
- 520 printtab(x)"[159][223][166][166][166][166][166][161] "
- 520 ifx=0then555
- 530 t=0
- 535 t=t+1
- 540 ift<>ithen535
- 545 goto900
- 555 printtab(x)"[145] "
- 560 printtab(x)"[145][145] "
- 565 goto35
- 600 x=0
- 605 x=x+1
- 610 print"":poke54276,16:ifx=5thenpoke54276,17
- 615 printtab(x)" [205][255][255][255] "
- 620 printtab(x)"[155] + [146][185][185][185][169]"
- 625 ifx=30then655
- 645 goto900
- 655 printtab(x)"[145] "
- 660 printtab(x)"[145][145] "
- 665 goto35
- 900 ift1<>0then2005
- 905 ift2<>0then2505
- 910 ift3<>0then3005
- 915 ift4<>0then3505
- 920 ift5<>0then4005
- 925 ift6<>0then4505
- 930 getf$:f=val(f$):iff>6then940
- 935 onfgosub2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500
- 940 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 1000 print"[159]"
- 1005 print" [206][205]"
- 1010 print" [206] [205]"
- 1020 print" [213][206] [205][201]"
- 1030 print" [213][206] [205][201]"
- 1040 print" [213][206][155].[149] [172][187][155] .[159][205][201]"
- 1050 print" [206][155] [194][149] [182][181][155] [194][159] [205]"
- 1060 print" [165][155] .[149] [182][181][155] .[159] [167]"
- 1070 print" [165][155] [194][149] [169][146][169][223][223][146][155] [194][159] [167]"
- 1080 print"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 1085 return
- 1500 z=0:h=0
- 1505 print""
- 1510 z=z+1
- 1515 printtab(13)"bonus six more "
- 1520 printtab(16)"torpedos"
- 1525 h=h+1
- 1530 ifh<>5then1525
- 1535 print""
- 1540 printtab(13)" "
- 1545 printtab(16)" "
- 1550 ifz=10then1560
- 1555 h=0:goto1505
- 1560 z=0:h=0:n=6:return
- 2000 j=j+1:t1=1718
- 2005 poket1,32
- 2010 t1=t1-40:c1=t1+tr
- 2015 poket1,81:pokec1,6
- 2020 ifx=10then2050
- 2025 ifx=11then2050
- 2030 ifx=12then2050
- 2035 ifx=13then2050
- 2040 ifx=14then2050
- 2045 goto2055
- 2050 ift1=1118then6000
- 2055 ift1<1118thenpoket1,32:t1=0:return
- 2060 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 2500 j=j+1:t2=1678
- 2505 poket2,32
- 2510 t2=t2-40.5:c2=t2+tr
- 2515 poket2,81:pokec2,6
- 2520 ifx=2then2550
- 2525 ifx=3then2550
- 2530 ifx=4then2550
- 2535 ifx=5then2550
- 2540 ifx=6then2550
- 2545 goto2555
- 2550 ift2=1111then6000
- 2555 ift2<1111thenpoket2,32:t2=0:return
- 2560 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 3000 j=j+1:t3=1640
- 3005 poket3,32
- 3010 t3=t3-40:c3=t3+tr
- 3015 poket3,81:pokec3,6
- 3020 ifx=12then3050
- 3025 ifx=13then3050
- 3030 ifx=14then3050
- 3035 ifx=15then3050
- 3040 ifx=16then3050
- 3045 goto3055
- 3050 ift3=1120then6000
- 3055 ift3<1120thenpoket3,32:t3=0:return
- 3060 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 3500 j=j+1:t4=1647
- 3505 poket4,32
- 3510 t4=t4-40:c4=t4+tr
- 3515 poket4,81:pokec4,6
- 3520 ifx=19then3550
- 3525 ifx=20then3550
- 3530 ifx=21then3550
- 3535 ifx=22then3550
- 3540 ifx=23then3550
- 3545 goto3555
- 3550 ift4=1127then6000
- 3555 ift4<1127thenpoket4,32:t4=0:return
- 3560 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 4000 j=j+1:t5=1688
- 4005 poket5,32
- 4010 t5=t5-39.5:c5=t5+tr
- 4015 poket5,81:pokec5,6
- 4020 ifx=25then4050
- 4025 ifx=26then4050
- 4030 ifx=27then4050
- 4035 ifx=28then4050
- 4040 ifx=29then4050
- 4045 goto4055
- 4050 ift5=1135then6000
- 4055 ift5<1135thenpoket5,32:t5=0:return
- 4060 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 4500 j=j+1:t6=1729
- 4505 poket6,32
- 4510 t6=t6-40:c6=t6+tr
- 4515 poket6,81:pokec6,6
- 4520 ifx=20then4550
- 4525 ifx=21then4550
- 4530 ifx=22then4550
- 4535 ifx=23then4550
- 4540 ifx=24then4550
- 4545 goto4555
- 4550 ift6=1129then6000
- 4555 ift6<1129thenpoket6,32:t6=0:return
- 4560 onpgoto105,205,305,405,505,605
- 5000 z=0:print""
- 5005 print"periscope",
- 5010 z=z+1
- 5015 ifz<>40then5005
- 5020 z=0:print""
- 5025 print"periscope",
- 5030 z=z+1
- 5035 ifz<>40then5025
- 5040 v=v+1
- 5045 ifv<>4then5000
- 5050 z=0:v=0
- 5055 print"[147]":print"do you need instructions? (y/n)"
- 5060 getc$:ifc$=""then5060
- 5065 ifc$="y"then5500
- 5070 print"just how fast are you? 1 to 9"
- 5075 print"1 is fast 9 is slow"
- 5080 geti$:ifi$=""then5080
- 5085 i=val(i$):ifi<1ori>9then5080
- 5090 print"[147]":return
- 5500 print"[147]"
- 5505 print" the object of this game is to sink"
- 5510 printtab(13)"as many boats"
- 5515 print" as you can with your 12 torpedos."
- 5520 printtab(16)"to do it"
- 5525 printtab(6)"you fire them from your sub"
- 5530 print" by using one of the six tubes"
- 5535 printtab(14)"marked below."
- 5540 print" tubes 2 and 5 fire on a 30' angle."
- 5545 printtab(5)"all others fire straight ahead."
- 5550 print:print" press any key to continue "
- 5550 gosub1000
- 5560 poke1716,178:poke1717,62:poke1677,179:poke1678,62
- 5565 poketr+1716,1:poketr+1717,1:poketr+1677,1:poketr+1678,1
- 5570 poke1756,62:poke1755,177:poke1689,60:poke1690,180
- 5575 poketr+1756,1:poketr+1755,1:poketr+1689,1:poketr+1690,1
- 5580 poke1731,181:poke1730,60:poke1772,182:poke1771,60
- 5585 poketr+1731,1:poketr+1730,1:poketr+1772,1:poketr+1771,1
- 5590 d=d+1
- 5595 ifd<>25then5590
- 5600 d=0
- 5605 poketr+1716,32:poketr+1717,32:poketr+1677,32:poketr+1678,32
- 5610 poketr+1756,32:poketr+1755,32:poketr+1689,32:poketr+1690,32
- 5615 poketr+1731,32:poketr+1730,32:poketr+1772,32:poketr+1771,32
- 5620 gete$:ife$=""then5560
- 5625 print"[147]":print
- 5630 printtab(7)"for each boat that you sink"
- 5635 print" you will receive points as shown below"
- 5640 print" [205][255][255][255] "
- 5645 print"[155] + [146][185][185][185][169] =100 points troop carrier"
- 5650 print
- 5655 print"[150] [190][188][184][190][188][146] "
- 5660 print"[153][223]_::: [146] =50 points ocean liner"
- 5665 print
- 5670 print"'[205][206][149][182][181][206] "
- 5675 print"[159][223][166][166][166][166][166][161] =40 points cargo ship"
- 5680 print
- 5685 print" [178][169][184] [146] "
- 5690 print"[169] ... [146] =30 points pt boat"
- 5695 print
- 5700 print"[159] '[205][158][176][178][174]"
- 5705 print" [188] [146][169] =20 points tug boat"
- 5710 print
- 5715 print"[129] [206][163][205] "
- 5720 print"[144] [223][185][185][185][169] =10 points sail boat"
- 5725 print:print" press any key to continue "
- 5730 getc$:ifc$=""then5730
- 5735 print"[147]"
- 5740 printtab(8)"there is a special bonus"
- 5745 printtab(6)"if you score over 500[146] points."
- 5750 printtab(7)"you get six more torpedos."
- 5755 printtab(8)"there will be a maximum"
- 5760 printtab(10)"of 24 boats to pass."
- 5765 print" the number in the convoy will be less"
- 5770 print" as you choose a lower number in speed."
- 5775 printtab(5)"example : a speed of 1=24 boats"
- 5780 printtab(9)"a speed of 9=16 boats"
- 5785 printtab(7)"note[146] : when in bonus time"
- 5790 print" you get another convoy of 12 boats"
- 5795 printtab(13)"so good luck!"
- 5800 print"and try to beat the top score of the day."
- 5805 print:print" press any key to continue "
- 5810 getc$:ifc$=""then5810
- 5815 print:print:goto5070
- 6000 ifp=1thens=s+30
- 6005 ifp=2thens=s+10
- 6010 ifp=3thens=s+20
- 6015 ifp=4thens=s+50
- 6020 ifp=5thens=s+40
- 6025 ifp=6thens=s+100
- 6030 e=16:poke54276,129
- 6035 e=e-1
- 6040 print""
- 6045 printtab(x)"[166][166][166][166][166][166][166]"
- 6050 printtab(x)"[166][166][166][166][166][166][166]"
- 6055 printtab(x)"[144][145] "
- 6060 printtab(x)"[144][145][145] "
- 6065 poke54296,e:ife<>5then6035
- 6070 poke54276,16:goto35
- 10000 print"[147]":poke54296,0
- 10005 ifs>hsthen10150
- 10010 printtab(5)"you have scored "s" points"
- 10015 print
- 10020 r=r+1
- 10025 printtab(3)"the top score of the day was"hs
- 10030 print:print" would you like to try again? (y/n)"
- 10035 getq$:ifq$=""then10035
- 10040 ifq$="y"then10075
- 10045 print:printtab(9)"is there any one else"
- 10050 printtab(5)"who would like to play? (y/n)"
- 10055 getq$:ifq$=""then10055
- 10060 j=0:n=0:s=0:r=0:ct=0
- 10065 ifq$="y"then5
- 10070 print:print"it's been fun good-bye!":poke198,0:load"hello connect",8
- 10075 j=0:n=0:ct=0:ifr>4then10085
- 10080 s=0:goto25
- 10085 print"[147]"
- 10090 printtab(6)"you already tried "r" times"
- 10095 print
- 10100 printtab(9)"last time you played"
- 10105 print
- 10110 printtab(7)"using a skill speed of "i
- 10115 print
- 10120 printtab(9)"please try a lower one"
- 10125 print
- 10130 print:print" press any key to continue "
- 10135 getq$:ifq$=""then10135
- 10140 s=0:j=0:n=0:print"[147]"
- 10145 goto25
- 10150 print"[147]"
- 10155 printtab(12)"congratulations!"
- 10160 print" you have beat the top score of the day"
- 10165 printtab(11)"with "s" points"
- 10170 print
- 10175 hs=s
- 10180 r=0:s=0:j=0:n=0:ct=0
- 10185 goto10030