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- Written by: Mark Zimmerman
- Random Thoughts: Programming,
- Philosphy, and Crystals
- Commodore Microcomputers, October 1985
- Page 110
- A crystal has a regular arrangement
- of atoms or molecules, yet it forms
- from a chaotic melt or solution,
- where the atoms move around randomly
- relative to each other. Perfect
- crystals form slowly. If you try to
- grow a crystal too fast, defects or
- dislocations develop. Annealing, a
- process of slow heating and cooling,
- can get rid of some defects without
- having to melt the crystal and start
- over.
- To experiment with this little
- phenomena, you can use the CRYSTALS
- program on this issue.
- The program CRYSTALS is a short
- BASIC program that simulates the
- motion of atoms in a two-dimensional
- world. The atoms move in a limited
- area, surrounded by a solid wall of
- "frozen" atoms to keep them confined.
- Atoms tend to stick to each other.
- They have lower energy if they have
- neighbors. This stickiness accounts
- for crystallization. The chance of
- an atom moving depends on the
- temperature and the difference of
- energy before and after the move.
- Specifically, atoms obey the
- Boltzmann Law, which says that the
- chance of an atom moving is
- proportional to:
- -(change in energy)/temperature
- e
- This means that things tend to move
- "downhill", toward lower energy, with
- random fluctuations from time to
- time.
- CRYSTALS defines the area as a
- 10x10 grid. The energy of an atom is
- defined to be -1 for each neighbor it
- has. An atom with no neighbors has
- zero energy. One with four neighbors
- has energy of -4. The user supplies
- the temperature and the number of
- atoms (1-99). Once the model is
- running, an atom is represented by a
- small dot in the grid. The program
- will then find a random atom and
- check its energy for movement. The
- program will then update the display
- and continue. If you want to exit to
- try again or to return to LOADSTAR,
- simply press a key.
- *** NOTE ***
- The screen display is not the same
- as that in the magazine. It was
- enhanced by Alan Gardner.
- This program is copyrighted by
- Commodore magazine. All rights to it
- are reserved. LOADSTAR has relieved
- you from the burden of keying in this
- program. For more complete
- information about this program, refer
- to the October 1985 issue of
- Commodore Microcomputers magazine.
- >Files used: CRYSTALS
- ----------< end of article >----------