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- 10 clr : print chr$(147)
- 20 print"hi! i am your user-friendly commodore 64"
- 22 print : gosub 950 : print
- 30 print"but first,"
- 32 print"let me do some additional programming."
- 40 print : print"sit back, relax, and wait..."
- 42 for t=1 to 10000 : next t
- 50 b=2000 : w=60 : goto 1000
- 60 b=2300 : w=64 : goto 1000
- 64 goto 2000
- 70 print chr$(147)
- 74 print"i am finished. now the"
- 76 gosub 950 : print
- 80 print"a n d n o w :"
- 92 print" let's explore a few of the more"
- 94 print tab(8) "exotic peeks and pokes!"
- 98 print"for example:" : print
- 140 print"a commodore 64"
- 150 print"(p=34 would mean a vic-20)"
- 240 if p=21 then print"normal 'upper case/graphics' mode."
- 250 if p=21 then print"(if you want to switch: poke 53272, 23)"
- 260 if p=23 then print"so-called 'upper case/lower case' mode."
- 270 if p=23 then print"(if you want to switch: poke 53272, 21)"
- 332 print"the normal blinking rate of the cursor."
- 334 ::poke 56325,10 : print
- 340 print"have you noticed? i just speeded it up!" : print"(p is now 10)"
- 350 print"just for fun:"
- 352 print"press the 'cursor right' key"
- 354 print : u$=chr$(145)
- 370 ::poke 56325,58
- 382 print"(to change it yourself, poke 56325,n"
- 384 print"where n is any number between 1 and 255)"
- 416 print"with this line, i have just made all the standard keys -";
- 418 print"'repeating keys'"
- 450 print"go ahead and try"
- 452 print" - hold a key down!" : print
- 470 ::poke 650,0
- 510 print : print"with this line, i have just stopped"
- 520 print chr$(18) tab(11) "everything"
- 530 print"until the 'commodore' key is depressed!" : print
- 540 print"try! no other key will do..." : print
- 570 print "well done; let's go on."
- 610 print : print"this line turns the screen off:"
- 614 print"(don't touch anything. just wait) _ _"
- 680 print"this speeds up the running of a program."
- 684 print : print"p.s.: i turned the screen back on with:"
- 720 print"let me show you a new character:"
- 730 print"give a line number (between 10 and 13)"
- 732 input"li ="; li:ifli<10orli>13thenprint"[145]";:goto732
- 740 print"now a column number (between 0 and 39)"
- 742 input"co ="; co:ifco<0orco>39thenprint"[145]";:goto742
- 760 print"you probably did not know that i can"
- 762 print"provide a checkmark, and that you can"
- 764 print"place it anywhere on the screen!"
- 766 print"w a i t . . ."
- 782 ::print chr$(142) : print
- 784 print "(unfortunately, only in lower case.)"
- 820 print"just to show you that you can use tab"
- 830 print"values up to 255."
- 840 print tab(10) "end"
- 850 goto63000
- 900 print : for x=1 to 40:print "-" ; :next x
- 910 input"hit 'return' to continue _ _"; k$
- 920 print chr$(147) : print : return
- 950 print"current program length is:";
- 960 print 38909-(fre(1)-(fre(1)<0)*65536) "bytes" : return
- 1000 q$=chr$(34):print chr$(147) chr$(17) chr$(17)
- 1010 for l=b to b+200 step 100
- 1020 print l":q$=chr$(34):print chr$(147) chr$(17) chr$(17)"
- 1040 print l+40":next l"
- 1050 print l+80":print"q$"goto"l+100" w a i t !"
- 1051 rem ^ 1050 print l+80":print"q$"goto"l+100"[space6]w a i t[space2]!"
- 1060 print l+90":goto 1500
- 1070 [130] l
- 1080 [153]"goto"w" w a i t !"
- 1081 [143] ^ 1080 print"goto"w"[space10]w a i t[space2]!"
- 1090 [137] 1500
- 1500 ::[129] x[178]1 [164] 15:[151] 630[170]x,13:[130] x
- 1510 ::[151] 198,15:[153] [199](19):[128]
- 2010 [129] l[178]112 [164] 812 [169] 100
- 2020 [153] l":print"
- 2022 [139] l[177]600 [167] 2040
- 2030 [153] l[170]10":print"
- 2050 [153] 25":goto 92:rem program completed by computer"
- 2110 [129] l[178]90 [164] 790 [169] 100
- 2120 [153] l":gosub 900"
- 2210 [129] l[178]560 [164] 630 [169] 70
- 2212 [139] l[178]560 [167] 2230
- 2220 [153] l[171]10":for t=1 to 2000:next t"
- 2230 [153] l":get junk$:ifjunk$ <>" q$ q$ "then" l
- 2232 [139] l[178]72 [167] 2280
- 2234 [139] l[178]780 [167] 2260
- 2250 [129] l[178]660 [164] 780 [169] 120 : [137] 2220
- 2260 l[178] 72 :[137] 2230
- 2320 p$(1)[178]"peek(65532)":p$(2)[178]"peek(53272)":p$(3)[178]"peek(56325)"
- 2330 [129] l[178]100 [164] 300 [169] 100
- 2332 [153] l"::p=" p$(l[173]100)
- 2334 [153] l[170]10":print" l[170]10 q$ "p=" p$(l[173]100) " : print p"
- 2336 [153] l[170]30":print" q$ "line" l[170]10 "tells me you are using"
- 2350 [129] l[178] 120 [164] 220 [169] 100
- 2360 [153] l":print" q$ "that gives p =" q$ "p"
- 2362 [153] l[170]260":print:print:print" q$ "back to normal."
- 2370 [130] l
- 2410 [129] l[178]360 [164] 460 [169] 100
- 2420 [153] l":print chr$(18)" q$ "but then hit 'return'"
- 2430 [153] l[170]2":print tab(30) u$ u$ u$;:input k$"
- 2450 p1$[178]"poke 650, 128":p2$[178]"wait 653,2"
- 2452 [153] 400"::" p1$
- 2454 [153] 410":print" 410 q$ p1$
- 2456 [153] 500"::print" 500 q$ p2$
- 2458 [153] 550":" p2$
- 2460 p3$[178]"poke 53265, peek(53265)":p4$[178]"and 239":p5$[178]"or 16"
- 2462 [153] 600":print" 600 q$ p3$ p4$
- 2464 [153] 640"::" p3$ p4$
- 2466 [153] 670"::" p3$ p5$
- 2468 [153] 686":print" 670 q$ p3$ p5$
- 2510 [129] l[178]342 [164] 642 [169] 300
- 2520 [153] l":print:print"
- 2530 [139] l[178]672 [167] 2550
- 2542 [129] l[178]96 [164] 672 [169] 576 : [137] 2520
- 2550 p1$[178]"poke 214, li : print : poke 211, co"
- 2552 p2$[178]"chr$(186) chr$(14)"
- 2554 [153] 700":print" 700; : [153] q$ p1$
- 2556 [153] 702":print" 702 q$ "print"; : [153] p2$
- 2558 [153] 750"::" p1$
- 2560 [153] 752"::print" p2$
- 2570 p1$[178]"that's enough, folks."
- 2572 [153] 800":print" 800 q$ "print tab(250)" q$ "chr$(34)" q$ p1$
- 2574 [153] 810"::print tab(250)" q$ p1$
- 2600 [137] 70
- 63000 [129]dl[178]1[164]4000:[130]
- 63005 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"payload"[199](34)",8":[153]"run"
- 63010 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]