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- From: Carswell 31024
- Peeks and Pokes Part 22 and 23 on
- Issue #10 of LOADSTAR outlines how to
- use a basic program to scroll left.
- Every time I tried to use this program
- with mine, the program crashes. I have
- been unable to figure out why. Any
- suggestions? I was successful in using
- the M/L program as you described and
- it worked fine as long as I loaded
- "SCROLL.L/R" from your disk. When
- saving "SCROLL.L/R" to my disk, it
- would not work. What instructions do
- I need to save "SCROLL.L/R" to my
- disk?
- >SCROLL.L/R is a machine-language
- routine. It is not as easy to save
- a ML file as it is to save a BASIC
- program. But, to help in the
- process, here is a small BASIC
- routine which should do the job. To
- use this routine, you need to know
- the starting and ending addresses (or
- a close approximation--it is better
- to guess too big than too small).
- First LOAD the ML file you want to
- save onto another disk. Do this with
- the common LOAD"name",8,1. After
- this, type NEW. Then LOAD and RUN
- this program with just the ',8'
- format. Then remove your disk and
- insert the disk you want the ML
- routine saved on to (make sure it is
- formatted). The program will ask
- you what to call your new ML file.
- You may call it anything you want.
- Here is the actual program. Make
- sure you type it in correctly.
- 10 INPUT"What file name ";N$
- 20 N$=N$+",p"
- 30 INPUT"Starting address";SA
- 40 INPUT"Ending address ";EA
- 45 OPEN2,8,2,N$
- 50 POKE254,INT(SA/256)
- 60 POKE253,SA-256*PEEK(254)
- 70 POKE780,253
- 80 POKE782,INT(EA/256)
- 90 POKE781,EA-256*PEEK(782)
- 100 SYS 65496:CLOSE2
- 120 END
- By the way, the starting address of
- SCROLL.L/R is 49152. The ending
- address is approximatly 49664.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- From: Carswell 31024
- Your up and down bounce at the end
- of each feature is fascinating. Do
- you care to tell how it's done?
- >Well, the secret is behind what is
- called the raster. Without getting
- into the messy details, let's say
- that the raster is the technical term
- for your video output. Now, here is
- how you do our little 'bounce'.
- 10 W=53265:U=128
- 20 FOR I = 27 to 31:WAIT W,U:POKE W,I:
- 30 FOR I = 31 to 27 STEP -1:WAIT W,U:
- ---------< end of article >-----------