home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 gosub60000
- 10 fordi=49152to49415:readda:pokedi,da:next
- 20 me=0
- 30 print"[147]":f=53280:pokef,0:pokef+1,0
- 40 rem poke808,234
- 50 poke53265,11:printchr$(142)
- 60 close1:close2:close15:print"[147][159] ";
- 70 pokef,4:pokef+1,6:ifpeek(788)=76thensys820
- 80 print"***** household inventory program ******";
- 90 print" **** version 3.2 **** [154]"
- 100 rem r.w. kober wrote this program
- 110 rem version 3.2 march 24,1985
- 120 printtab(15)"[145][159] [146]"
- 130 printtab(15)"[159] *menu* [146] "
- 140 printtab(15)"[159] [146] "
- 150 print" [159]1[146][150] = read file data on screen."
- 160 print" [159]2[146][150] = create a new file."
- 170 print" [159]3[146][150] = edit or insert into a file."
- 180 print" [159]4[146][150] = print file data to printer."
- 190 print" [159]5[146][150] = list file directory."
- 200 print" [159]6[146][150] = help (information)."
- 210 print" [159]7[146][150] = scratch a file."
- 220 print" [159]e[146][150] = exit inventory program."
- 230 print"[158] '\' returns to menu at any prompt [146][154]":h=0:ds=0
- 240 ifme<1thenprinttab(26)"[155]by bob kober"
- 250 ifme<1thenprinttab(27)"apr 1,1985[154]":gosub2760
- 260 ifme<1thenformu=820to907:readno:pokemu,no:next:me=1:print"[145][145][145][159]":goto130
- 270 gosub1720:poke19,0:ifr$="e"then2800
- 280 ifr$="\"then60
- 290 ifr$="^"thenr$="5"
- 300 poke54296,0:r=val(r$):ifr<1orr>7then270
- 310 ifr>0andr<5thenclose15:open15,8,15
- 320 z=r:onrgoto460,330,460,460,2590,1780,2910
- 330 pokef,2:pokef+1,2:gosub1580
- 340 print:print" [158] warning!!! [146] any existing file with "
- 350 print" this name will be replaced!![154]"
- 360 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 370 print:print"[144] enter new filename ";
- 380 gosub2600:ifk$="^"thensys49152:goto330
- 390 po=1
- 400 ifkf=2then330
- 410 ifkf=1thenprint"[145][145]":goto370
- 420 close2:open2,8,5,"@0:"+f$+",s,w":gosub2150
- 430 ifz=3thenprint"[147]":goto880
- 440 gosub1210:ifcthengosub1460:goto440
- 450 goto810
- 460 ifz=1thenpokef,11:pokef+1,11
- 470 ifz=3thenpokef,6:pokef+1,6
- 480 ifz=4thenpokef,9:pokef+1,9
- 490 gosub1580
- 500 print:print"[158] enter filename ";
- 510 ifz=1thenprint:print" (wild cards may be used)"
- 520 ifz=3thenprint:print" [158] warning! [146] [159]the existing file with"
- 530 ifz=3thenprint" this name will be edited!!![145][145][158]"
- 540 ifz=1orz=3thenprinttab(18)"[145][145][145][145]";
- 550 gosub2600:ifk$="^"thensys49152:goto460
- 560 ifkf=2then460
- 570 ifkf=1thenprint"[145][145]":goto500
- 580 close1:open1,8,6,"0:"+f$+",s,r":gosub2150
- 590 x$=""
- 600 ifz=4then2190
- 610 ifz=2then340
- 620 ifz=3then420
- 630 gosub3120:ifms=1thenms=0:goto60
- 640 ifms=2thengosub1750:ifr$="\"then60
- 650 ifms=2then580
- 660 gosub1490:ifc>1then750
- 670 gosub1420:ifcthen760
- 680 gosub1490:ifc>1then760
- 690 gosub1430:ifcthen760
- 700 gosub1490:ifc>1then760
- 710 gosub1430:ifcthen760
- 720 gosub1650
- 730 gosub1750:ifr$<>"\"then660
- 740 goto810
- 750 print"[147] end of mode #1 [146] done reading data file":print
- 760 gosub1650
- 770 ifc=1thenprinttab(11)"[159] end of data file! [146][154]":goto800
- 780 ifc>1andst<>64thenprint"disk error ( status = ";st;")"
- 790 printtab(11)"[159] end of data file! [146][154]"
- 800 gosub1710
- 810 close1:close2:close15:i9$="":ifr$="^"thensys49152
- 820 goto60
- 830 gosub1490:ifc>1then1120
- 840 ifz=3andleft$(i$,len(i9$))=i9$thengosub1580:goto890
- 850 print" now copying : [158]"i$" [145][145][154]"
- 860 gosub1460:ifc=1then1120
- 870 ifi9$<>""then830
- 880 gosub1490:ifc>1then1120
- 890 gosub1580:gosub1430:gosub1650:print"[145] [158]desired action: (enter by number)"
- 900 print" [150]1[154][146] = copy this item with no changes."
- 910 print" [150]2[154][146] = [150] delete [146][154] this item."
- 920 print" [150]3[154][146] = insert items before this one."
- 930 print" [150]4[154][146] = search until item is found."
- 940 print" [150]\[154][146] = return to the main menu."
- 950 print" [158]action ? ";:poke204,0
- 960 gosub1720:ifr$="\"thenprint"[158]ok-please wait while all items are re-copied[154]"
- 970 ifr$="\"theni9$="qzqzqzqz":goto840
- 980 r=val(r$):ifr<1orr>4then960
- 990 printtab(10)" ";r$;" [146][154]":print" [145][158] okay [146][154]":ford=1to500:next
- 1000 i9$="":on r goto860,1010,1030,1060,810
- 1010 ifc=1then1120
- 1020 goto880
- 1030 i9$=i$:w9$=w$:m9$=m$:s9$=s$:d9$=d$:v9$=v$:c9=cc
- 1040 gosub1210:ifcthengosub1460:goto1040
- 1050 i$=i9$:w$=w9$:m$=m9$:s$=s9$:d$=d9$:v$=v9$:c=c9:goto890
- 1060 gosub1580:print" all entries will be copied until"
- 1070 print:print" desired item is found;"
- 1080 print:print:print" enter item to search for:"
- 1090 input" [158]end[157][157][157][157][157][154]";i9$
- 1100 ifleft$(i9$,1)="\"thenr$="\":print"search aborted! please wait":goto970
- 1110 print" wait!! searching for ";i9$:goto840
- 1120 ifi9$="qzqzqzqz"thenh=1:goto1140
- 1130 k=0
- 1140 gosub1580:ifc>1then780
- 1150 ifh<>1thenprint"[150] end of input file!"
- 1160 ifh<>1thenprint:print" do you want to add any entries to the"
- 1170 ifh<>1thenprint:print" end of this data file?";
- 1180 gosub1660:ifr$="n"thenprinttab(5)" [158] okay [146][154] returning to menu":goto810
- 1190 gosub1210:ifcthengosub1460:goto1190
- 1200 goto810
- 1210 c=0:print"[147][144] enter item information":print" d = done entering data"
- 1220 print" e = error, restart entire item"
- 1230 print:print" do not use ',' or ':' within the data"
- 1240 print:print" press return[146] after each entry"
- 1250 gosub1650:input"[144] item [146] ?[157][157][157]";i$:ifi$="e"then1210
- 1260 ifi$="d"then1400
- 1270 input " make [146] ?[157][157][157]";w$:if w$="e"then1210
- 1280 ifw$="d"then1400
- 1290 input" model [146] ?[157][157][157]";m$:if m$="e"then1210
- 1300 ifm$="d"then1400
- 1310 input" serial #/id [146] ?[157][157][157]";s$:ifs$="e"then1210
- 1320 ifs$="d"then1400
- 1330 input" date acq'd [146] (month/day/year) ?[157][157][157]";d$:if d$="e"then1210
- 1340 d$=left$(d$,8):ifd$="d"then1400
- 1350 input" $ value [146] ?[157][157][157]";v$:ifv$="e"then1210
- 1360 ifv$="d"then1400
- 1370 gosub1420:gosub1650
- 1380 print"[158] is this entry correct?";:gosub1660:ifr$="n"then1210
- 1390 c=1:po=0:return
- 1400 printtab(7)"[150]returning to the menu-----":ifpo=0thenreturn
- 1410 close15:open15,8,15:print#15,"s:"f$:return
- 1420 print"[147]";
- 1430 print"[153] item:[146] ";i$:print" make:[146] ";w$:print" model[146] ";m$
- 1440 print" serial #/id:[146] ";s$
- 1450 print" date acq'd:[146] "d$;tab(22);" value:[146] $";v$;"[154]":print:return
- 1460 x$=i$:gosub1480:x$=w$:gosub1480:x$=m$:gosub1480
- 1470 x$=s$:gosub1480:x$=d$:gosub1480:x$=v$
- 1480 print#2,x$;chr$(13);:goto2150
- 1490 gosub1560:i$=x$:ifcthenreturn
- 1500 gosub1560:w$=x$:ifcthenreturn
- 1510 gosub1560:m$=x$:ifcthenreturn
- 1520 gosub1560:s$=x$:ifcthenreturn
- 1530 gosub1560:d$=x$:ifcthenreturn
- 1540 gosub1560:v$=x$:ifc=2thenc=1
- 1550 return
- 1560 c=0:input#1,x$:ifstthenc=3:ifst=64thenc=2
- 1570 goto2150
- 1580 ifz=1thenprint"[147] mode #1 [146] read file data on screen":ifds=1then1650
- 1590 ifz=2thenprint"[147][158] mode #2 [146] create a new file"
- 1600 ifz=3thenprint"[147][159] mode #3 [146] edit (or append) a file"
- 1610 ifz=4thenprint"[147] mode #4 [146] print data file to printer"
- 1620 print
- 1630 ifz<5thenprint" enter '\' to return to the menu"
- 1640 ifz<5andz<>3thenprint" enter '^' to list the file directory"
- 1650 print"---------------------------------------[154]":print:return
- 1660 ifh<>1thenprint" (y/n) ? ";
- 1670 gosub1720:ifr$<>"y"andr$<>"n"andr$<>"\"then1670
- 1680 ifh<>1thenprintr$
- 1690 ifr$="\"thenr$="n"
- 1700 return
- 1710 print:print"[150] hit any key when ready to continue [146][154]";:goto1760
- 1720 getr$:ifi9$="qzqzqzqz"thenr$="n"
- 1730 ifr$=""then1720
- 1740 poke204,1:return
- 1750 print:print" [150] hit any key to continue, \=menu [146][154]";
- 1760 gosub1720:ifz=6thenreturn
- 1770 print:printtab(15)"[158] okay [146][154]":ford=1to100:next:print"[147]":return
- 1780 pokef,11:pokef+1,11:print""
- 1790 print"[147][146]this program is designed to write, read,";
- 1800 print"print, edit, or append disk data files "
- 1810 print"containing information on your household";
- 1820 print"or personal possessions.":print"this information includes a field for"
- 1830 print"item description, the make, model, s/n"
- 1840 print"(or other marks), date acquired & value."
- 1850 print"this data should be of great value for"
- 1860 print"insurance in case of fire or theft."
- 1870 print:print"seq file handling on disk is included to";
- 1880 print"allow using separate file names for each";
- 1890 print"room, special collections, etc."
- 1900 print"easy maintenance is provided, and this"
- 1910 print"program and all data can be stored on "
- 1920 print"a single disk. an extra copy should be"
- 1930 print"kept in a safe remote location.
- 1940 [141]1710:[153]"load"
- 1950 [153]"this program is menu driven, and self"
- 1960 [153]"explanatory."
- 1970 [153]"entering a sys'\' at any prompt will "
- 1980 [153]"safely abort the present operation, and"
- 1990 [153]"return the program to the main menu."
- 2000 [153]"much effort has been exerted to assure"
- 2010 [153]"that this program is as user friendly as";
- 2020 [153]"possible. experiment with the various"
- 2030 [153]"modes, until you become familiar with"
- 2040 [153]"all of the features of this program."
- 2050 [153][163]40)"by bob kober, buffalo, tx. 214/322-4192"
- 2060 [153]" sys press \ for the main menu "
- 2070 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]2070
- 2080 [139]k$[178]"\"[167]60
- 2090 [139]kc$[178]""[167][139]k$[178]"3"[167]kc$[178]"3":k$[178]"":[137]2070
- 2100 [139]k$[178]"4"[167][139]kc$[178]"3"[167]kc$[178]"34"
- 2110 [139]kc$[178]"34"[167][151]808,237:[151]774,26:[151]775,167:[160]1:[160]2:[160]15
- 2120 [139]kc$[178]"34"[167][158]65126
- 2130 k$[178]"":kc$[178]"":[137]2070
- 2140 [151]53281,6:[151]53280,14:[153]"cont":[137]60
- 2150 [132]15,en,em$,et,es:[139]en[178]0[167][142]
- 2160 [153]"load disk error wait":[153]
- 2170 [153]" "en;em$;et;es
- 2180 [141]1620:[137]800
- 2190 [153]"load"[163]248)"1. print item names only."
- 2200 [153][163]48)"2. print all information."
- 2210 [153][163]132)"enter 1 or 2"
- 2220 [161]ps$:[139]ps$[178]""[167]2220
- 2230 ps[178][197](ps$):[139]ps[179]1[176]ps[177]2[167]2220
- 2240 [139]ps[178]2[167]ps[178]0
- 2250 [153]"load set printer head to 'top of page'"
- 2260 [153][163]86)" press any key to continue ":[153][163]171)"press '\' for menu
- 2270 geta$:ifa$=""then2270
- 2280 ifa$="\"thenclose4:goto60
- 2290 gosub2710:ifxx=1then60
- 2300 open4,4:p=1:gosub2540
- 2310 print"[147] printing data..."
- 2320 print" press 'shift' to pause printing at the":print" end of any item"
- 2330 printtab(48)"(shift lock may be used)"
- 2340 gosub1490:ifc>1then2530
- 2350 print#4," item: ";i$:ifpsthen2430
- 2360 print#4," make: ";w$
- 2370 print#4," model: ";m$
- 2380 print#4," serial #/id: ";s$
- 2390 print#4," date acq'd: ";d$
- 2400 print#4," value:";v$
- 2410 print#4:print#4
- 2420 l=l+1:ifl=7thengosub2540
- 2430 ifpsthenl=l+1:ifl=54thenprint:print:gosub2540
- 2440 ifpeek(653)<>1then2340
- 2450 print"[147] printing paused..."
- 2460 print" press 'c' to continue":print" press '\' to return to menu"
- 2470 getr$:ifr$="c"then2310
- 2480 ifr$="[169]"orr$="[195]"thenprint" * * * check shift lock key!! * * * "
- 2490 ifr$<>"\"then2470
- 2500 print"********** listing terminated **********"
- 2510 print" returning to menu------------"
- 2520 print#4:print#4," ***** listing terminated ******"
- 2530 print#4,chr$(12):close4:goto810
- 2540 ifp>1thenfori=1to4:print#4:next
- 2550 fori=1to2:print#4:next
- 2560 print#4,chr$(12);"inventory listing of file: ";f$
- 2570 print#4," **** page: ";p
- 2580 print#4:print#4:l=0:p=p+1:return
- 2590 sys49152:goto60
- 2600 f$="":kf=0:poke198,0
- 2610 poke207,0:poke204,0:getk$:ifk$=""then2610
- 2620 iff$<>""thenifk$=chr$(20)thenprint" [157][157] [157]";:f$=left$(f$,len(f$)-1):goto2610
- 2630 iff$=""thenifk$=chr$(13)thenkf=1
- 2640 ifk$=chr$(13)thenpoke204,1:return
- 2650 ifk$="\"thenpoke204,1:f$="":goto60
- 2660 ifr<>3thenifk$="^"thenpoke204,1:f$="":return
- 2670 f$=f$+k$:printk$;
- 2680 iflen(f$)>16thenprint:print" ******* filename too long *******"
- 2690 iflen(f$)>16thenpoke204,1:fori=1to2000:next:kf=2:return
- 2700 goto2610
- 2710 print"[147]":open4,4:xx=0
- 2720 print#4:ifnotpeek(144)and128thenclose4:print"[147]":return
- 2730 printtab(245)"the printer is not turned on!":printtab(254)"'\' = menu"
- 2740 ifpeek(197)<>48thenprint"":goto2720
- 2750 close4:xx=1:poke198,0:return
- 2760 forl=54272to54296:pokel,0:next
- 2770 poke54296,15:poke54277,128:poke54278,250:poke54272,255:poke54276,17
- 2780 poke54273,255:fori=255to30step-1.5:poke54273,i:next:poke53265,27
- 2790 poke54276,129:fori=1to15step.5:poke54273,15:next:poke54276,128:return
- 2800 poke850,62:poke871,234:poke872,234:poke906,112:print"[147]":ti$="000000"
- 2810 ifpeek(820)<>169then2830
- 2820 sys820
- 2830 se$=str$(10-val(right$(ti$,2)))
- 2840 print""tab(242)"to re-enter the inventory program,"
- 2850 printspc(44)"press the <return> key within "
- 2860 printtab(49)"the next[158]"se$"[154] seconds. "
- 2870 getk$:ifk$=chr$(13)thengoto60
- 2880 ifse$<>" 0"then2830
- 2890 print"[147]"tab(250)"time's up bye-bye":printtab(215)"r.w. kober"
- 2900 sys820:fori=1to2000:next:goto63000
- 2910 print"[147]":pokef,9:pokef+1,15
- 2920 printtab(40)" ";
- 2930 print" this routine will scratch a file ";
- 2940 print" "
- 2950 printtab(42)"enter '\' to return to the menu."
- 2960 printtab(42)"enter '^' to list the file directory."
- 2970 print"----------------------------------------";
- 2980 print" enter filename ";
- 2990 gosub2600:ifkf=1thenprint"":goto2920
- 3000 ifkf=2then2910
- 3010 ifk$="^"thensys49152:goto2910
- 3020 print:print" are you sure?? (y/n) "
- 3030 getk$:ifk$=""then3030
- 3040 ifk$<>"y"thenf$="":goto2910
- 3050 print" okay, scratching "f$" [146] now."
- 3060 close15:open15,8,15
- 3070 print#15,"s:"f$
- 3080 input#15,e,e$,t,s:g$=left$(e$,4)+right$(e$,10):ef$=" "+f$+" [146] "+g$
- 3090 ift=0thenprinttab(88)"**** file not found ****":fori=1to1500:next:goto2910
- 3100 print"":printtab(20-len(ef$)/2);ef$:fori=1to2000:next
- 3110 close15:sys49152:goto60
- 3120 ns=0:zs=0:ds=1:gosub1580
- 3130 nf$="[144]reading file named[158] "
- 3140 nf=len(nf$)+len(f$)-2
- 3150 printtab(20-nf/2)nf$+f$
- 3160 printtab(126)"[150]1. list items by name only."
- 3170 printtab(46)"2. list all data in file."
- 3180 printtab(46)"3. search for specific item."
- 3190 printtab(46)"\. return to main menu."
- 3200 gosub1720:zs=val(r$)
- 3210 ifr$="\"then3240
- 3220 ifzs<1orzs>3then3200
- 3230 onzsgoto3280,3250,3260
- 3240 ms=1:return
- 3250 ms=0:return
- 3260 input" enter search item";se$
- 3270 print:js=0:ifse$="\"then3240
- 3280 print"[147]":gosub1580:ifzs=1thense$="noname"
- 3290 ns=ns+1:xs=0:fori=1to6:input#1,ss$(i):next
- 3300 print"[159] item #"ns" "ss$(1):gosub3400:ifr$="\"thenclose1:ds=0:ms=1:return
- 3310 ifleft$(ss$(1),len(se$))=se$thengosub3430:print:gosub3360:js=1
- 3320 ifxs<>1thenifnotst and64then3290
- 3330 ifjs=0orfl<>1thenifzs<>1thenprint" search item [158]"se$"[159] not found"
- 3340 ifxs<>1thenprinttab(50)"[158]e n d o f f i l e"
- 3350 close1:ds=0:ms=2:return
- 3360 printtab(49)"continue search (y/n)?"
- 3370 getk$:ifk$="y"thenfl=0:gosub1580:return
- 3380 ifk$<>"n"then3370
- 3390 fl=1:xs=1:return
- 3400 ifpeek(214)<20thenreturn
- 3410 gosub1750:ifr$="\"thenreturn
- 3420 gosub1580:return
- 3430 print" [150] item [192][146][192] "ss$(1)
- 3440 print" [150] make [192][146][192] "ss$(2)
- 3450 print" [150] model [146][192] "ss$(3)
- 3460 print" [150] s/n [192][146][192] "ss$(4)
- 3470 print" [150] date [192][146][192] "ss$(5)
- 3480 print" [150] cost [192][146][192] $"ss$(6)
- 3490 return
- 3500 data32,204,255,32,68,229,169,9,141,33,208,169,11,141,32,208,169
- 3510 data7,141,134,2,24,162,3,160,11,32,240,255,160,0,185,203,192
- 3520 data240,7,32,210,255,200,76,31,192,169,1,162,8,160,0,32,186
- 3530 data255,169,1,162,201,160,192,32,189,255,32,192,255,162,1,32,198
- 3540 data255,160,31,32,207,255,136,208,250,169,0,141,19,3,160,13,169
- 3550 data32,32,210,255,136,208,250,32,207,255,72,165,144,201,64,240,45
- 3560 data104,201,34,208,241,32,207,255,201,255,240,249,201,34,240,11,32
- 3570 data210,255,169,1,141,19,3,76,107,192,173,19,3,208,5,169,145
- 3580 data32,210,255,169,13,32,210,255,76,82,192,104,169,1,32,195,255
- 3590 data32,204,255,160,0,185,223,192,240,7,32,210,255,200,76,158,192
- 3600 data169,0,133,198,165,198,240,252,169,6,141,33,208,169,4,141,32
- 3610 data208,169,14,141,134,2,169,0,133,198,32,68,229,96,36,0,18
- 3620 data32,70,73,76,69,32,68,73,82,69,67,84,79,82,89,32,13
- 3630 data13,0,13,13,32,32,32,18,32,80,82,69,83,83,32,65,78
- 3640 data89,32,75,69,89,32,84,79,32,82,69,84,85,82,78,32,84
- 3650 data79,32,77,69,78,85,32,13,0
- 3660 data169,10,141,137,3,120,173,20,3,73,125,141,20,3,173,21,3
- 3670 data73,233,141,21,3,88,96,206,137,3,208,53,169,100,141,137,3
- 3680 data160,0,152,153,0,212,192,23,240,4,200,76,89,3,173,138,3
- 3690 data69,8,141,138,3,141,1,212,169,12,141,5,212,169,15,141,6
- 3700 data212,141,24,212,169,30,141,15,212,169,21,141,4,212,76,49,234
- 3710 data10,82,0
- 60000 t$=" ":c=0:c$="":print"[147]":poke53281,0
- 60030 printspc(7)""t$:printspc(7)" [200]ouse [201]nventory [146]"
- 60051 printspc(7)""t$:print:printtab(18)"by"
- 60060 print:printspc(14)"[210].[215]. [203]ober"
- 60070 print:printspc(12)"[195]opyright 1985"
- 60080 print:print:print:print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is not public domain."
- 60090 print:print" [208]lease respect the author's rights."
- 60100 print:print" [208]ress space bar to continue."
- 60110 forcc=1to48:getk$:ifk$=" "then60130
- 60120 ifcc=1thenprintmid$(c$,c+2,1)"[145][145]";:c=not(c)
- 60125 next:goto60100
- 60130 printc$:return
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:poke204,1:poke207,0:end