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- 1 gosub50000
- 3 q$="[205][194][206]-"
- 5 z=7440:y=41261
- 6 w=9:pau=4
- 10 print"[147]"
- 1000 print"[147]find the greatest common divisor."
- 1010 print:print"give me two numbers in the format a,b or hit return for";
- 1011 print" an example."
- 1015 input">";a$,b$:a=val(a$):b=val(b$)
- 1020 iflen(a$)>11 or len(b$)>11 then10000
- 1021 ifa=0orb=0thena=z:b=y
- 1022 a=abs(a):b=abs(b)
- 1023 z=a:y=b
- 1024 printtab(13);a","b
- 1025 print
- 1030 x=a
- 1040 ifb<xthenx=b:b=a:a=x
- 1050 x=int(b/a)
- 1060 r=b-x*a
- 1061 printspc(12-len(str$(b)))
- 1065 printb" ="x" * "a" + "r
- 1070 ifr=0thengcd=a:goto1200
- 1080 b=a:a=r
- 1090 goto1050
- 1200 print:print"the greatest divisor is:"gcd
- 1202 print:print"the least common multiple is:"z*y/gcd:print
- 1203 print"";
- 1205 printtab(w);"[ ] touch any key [ ] q-quits";
- 1206 fori=1tolen(q$)
- 1207 poke783,peek(783)and253:poke781,22:poke782,w+1:sys65520:printmid$(q$,i,1);
- 1208 printspc(17)mid$(q$,len(q$)+1-i,1);:fors=0topau:ifpeek(197)<>64 then1210
- 1209 next:next:goto1206
- 1210 geta$:ifa$<>"q"then1000
- 1300 print"[147]bye.":fordl=1to500:nextdl
- 1305 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"presenter"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 1310 poke54296,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke65535,23:poke198,2:end
- 1400 :
- 10000 rem error routine
- 10010 print"[147]we have encountered an error."
- 10020 print"please be sure you are entering valid"
- 10030 print"values for the numbers requested."
- 10040 print"press <space bar> to continue."
- 10050 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:poke198,0:run
- 50000 t$=" ":c=0:c$="":print"[147]"chr$(142):poke53281,0
- 50030 printspc(7)""t$:printspc(7)" gcd [146]"
- 50051 printspc(7)""t$:print:printtab(18)"by"
- 50060 print:printspc(12)"bryan vekovius"
- 50061 print" translated to the c-64 by alan gardner"
- 50070 print:printspc(12)"copyright 1985"
- 50080 print:print:print:print" loadstar is not public domain."
- 50090 print:print" please respect the author's rights."
- 50100 print:print" press space bar to continue."
- 50110 forcc=1to48:getk$:ifk$=" "then50130
- 50120 ifcc=1thenprintmid$(c$,c+2,1)"[145][145]";:c=not(c)
- 50125 next:goto50100
- 50130 printc$:return