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- 10 rem **********************
- 11 rem * program gauss, version i, by shlomo ginsburg, may 1984
- 12 rem * this solves a system of n linear equations with n unknowns
- 13 rem * it notifies the user when there is no solution
- 14 rem * variables:
- 15 rem * n = number of equations
- 16 rem * a(i,j) = elements of the coefficient matrix i,j=1,2,...,n
- 17 rem * b(i) = elements of the right hand side (constants)
- 18 rem * k = step indicator (a total of n-1 steps is rtrequired)
- 19 rem * r = diagonal element by which equations are divided
- 20 rem * t = temporary storage for row interchange
- 21 rem **********************
- 22 rem *
- 23 rem *
- 24 poke 53280,11:poke 53281,0
- 25 print"[147] a system of n linear equations ";
- 26 print" gauss elimination [146]"
- 30 rem * beginning of program - input
- 40 input " [158]number of equations (n[158])";n
- 45 ifn<1orn>80thenprint"try a better number!":fordl=1to500:next:goto40
- 46 print" "
- 50 dim a(n,n),b(n)
- 60 print" input the coefficients of a[158]"
- 70 for i=1 to n
- 80 for j=1 to n
- 90 print " a("i","j")";
- 100 input "";a(i,j)
- 110 next j:next i
- 120 print" input the coefficients of [150]b[158]"
- 130 for i=1 to n
- 140 print " b("i")";
- 150 input b(i)
- 160 next i
- 170 if n=1 then 540: rem single equation
- 180 for k=1 to n-1: rem step counter
- 190 r=a(k,k)
- 200 rem * check for zero diagonal. instead of zero we use 1/1000000
- 210 if abs(r)>.000001 then 390: rem no need for interchange
- 220 rem * interchange rows
- 230 for j=(k+1) to n
- 240 if abs(a(j,k))>.000001 then 260: rem found the row for interchange
- 250 goto 350: rem keep looking for row
- 260 for l=k to n: rem interchange row j with row k - a's
- 270 t=a(k,l)
- 280 a(k,l)=a(j,l)
- 290 a(j,l)=t
- 300 next l
- 310 t=b(k): rem interchange b's
- 320 b(k)=b(j)
- 330 b(j)=t
- 340 goto 390
- 350 next j
- 360 print " no solution ! "
- 370 goto 700
- 380 rem * dividing row by diagonal element a(k,k)
- 390 r=a(k,k)
- 400 for j=(k+1) to n
- 410 a(k,j)=a(k,j)/r
- 420 next j
- 430 b(k)=b(k)/r
- 440 rem * elimination of x(k) from rows k+1, k+2, ... , n
- 450 for i=(k+1) to n
- 460 r=a(i,k)
- 470 for j=(k+1) to n
- 480 a(i,j)=a(i,j)-r*a(k,j)
- 490 next j
- 500 b(i)=b(i)-r*b(k)
- 510 next i
- 520 next k: rem end of steps
- 530 rem * last equation for a(n,n)
- 540 if abs(a(n,n))>.000001 then 570
- 550 print " no solution ! "
- 560 goto 700
- 570 b(n)=b(n)/a(n,n)
- 580 rem * backsubstitution
- 590 for i=1 to (n-1)
- 600 k=n-i
- 610 for j=(k+1) to n
- 620 b(k)=b(k)-a(k,j)*b(j)
- 630 next j:next i
- 640 print"[147] results "
- 650 for i=1 to n
- 660 print" touch any key to continue"
- 670 print" x("i") =";b(i)
- 680 get a$:if a$="" then 680
- 690 next i
- 700 goto60000
- 800 :
- 60000 fordl=1to500:nextdl
- 60001 print"[147]would you like to try another?";
- 60002 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"thenpoke53280,rnd(1)*15:goto60002
- 60004 ifa$="y"thenclr:restore:goto21
- 60006 goto63000
- 60010 :
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end