home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 rem *************************
- 110 rem ** **
- 120 rem ** states of the union **
- 130 rem ** **
- 140 rem ** bruce jaeger **
- 150 rem ** **
- 160 rem ** st. paul, minn **
- 170 rem ** **
- 180 rem *************************
- 190 c=0:if peek(57344)=133 then c=1
- 200 rem 0=vic, 1=64
- 210 if c=1 then 250
- 220 poke 36879,8
- 230 poke 36878,0
- 240 goto 270
- 250 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
- 260 poke 54272+24,8
- 270 s6=54272:sv=36876
- 280 hc$=chr$(147)
- 290 uc$=chr$(142)+chr$(8)
- 300 rv$=chr$(18)
- 310 ro$=chr$(146)
- 320 wh$=chr$(5)
- 330 gr$=chr$(153)
- 340 if c=0 then gr$=chr$(30)
- 350 rd$=chr$(150)
- 360 if c=0 then rd$=chr$(28)
- 370 x=rnd(-ti)
- 380 gosub 1430: rem read data
- 390 print hc$ "press:"
- 400 print:print "q for quiz,"
- 410 print:print "t for tutor,"
- 420 print:print "e for end."
- 430 poke 198,0:wait 198,1:geta$
- 440 if a$<>"t"anda$<>"q"anda$<>"e"then 430
- 450 if a$="e" then printchr$(9):goto63000
- 460 if a$="q" then 650
- 470 rem *** tutorial section ***
- 480 print hc$
- 490 input "name of state";s$
- 500 gosub 1060 : rem check spelling
- 510 print hc$ rv$ s$(x) " (" pc$(x) ")" ro$ " touches:"
- 520 print
- 530 if len (t$(x))=0 then print "no other states!":goto 590
- 540 for y= 1 to len(t$(x))
- 550 z$=mid$(t$(x),y,1)
- 560 z=asc(z$)
- 570 print s$(z)
- 580 next y
- 590 print:print
- 600 print rv$ "another?" ro$ " (y/n)"
- 610 poke 198,0:wait 198,1:geta$
- 620 if a$<>"y" then 390
- 630 goto 480
- 640 rem *** quiz section ***
- 650 s=int(rnd(1)*51)+1
- 660 if s=2 or s=11 then 650
- 670 qs$=s$(s):qc$=pc$(s)
- 680 l=len(t$(s)):ng=0
- 690 print hc$ rv$ qs$ ro$
- 700 print:print "touches"len(t$(s))"states"
- 710 print:print "they are:"
- 720 qt$=left$("========",l)
- 730 if ng=l then 950:rem all states
- 740 print:s$=""
- 750 input "state:";s$:ifs$="end"then390
- 760 if s$=""then 650:rem new state
- 770 if s$=qs$ or s$=qc$ then printrv$ "silly!":goto 740
- 780 gosub 1060 :rem check spelling
- 790 sg=x:sg$=chr$(x)
- 800 for y= 1 to l
- 810 if mid$(qt$,y,1)<>sg$then next y
- 820 if y>l then 860
- 830 print "you already guessed"
- 840 print rv$ s$(asc(sg$)) "!"
- 850 goto 730
- 860 for y= 1 to l
- 870 if mid$(t$(s),y,1)<>sg$ then next y
- 880 if y>l then 920
- 890 print rv$ gr$ "correct!" wh$
- 900 qt$=left$(qt$,ng)+sg$+left$("========",l-ng-1)
- 910 ng=ng+1:goto 730
- 920 print rv$ rd$ "incorrect!" wh$
- 930 gosub 1210
- 940 goto 740
- 950 print
- 960 print rv$ gr$ "excellent!"
- 970 print "you've guessed all" l
- 980 print "states that touch"
- 990 print qs$ "!" wh$
- 1000 print:print
- 1010 print rv$ "another?" ro$ " (y/n)"
- 1020 poke 198,0:wait 198,1:geta$
- 1030 if a$<>"y" then 390
- 1040 goto 650
- 1050 rem check state name
- 1060 if len(s$)<>2 then 1110
- 1070 for x= 1 to 51
- 1080 if s$<>pc$(x) then next x
- 1090 if x<=51 then return
- 1100 goto 1140
- 1110 for x= 1 to 51
- 1120 if s$<>s$(x) then next x
- 1130 if x<=51 then return
- 1140 print
- 1150 print rd$ rv$ "no such state!" ro$
- 1160 print wh$"(check your spelling!)"
- 1170 print
- 1180 input "name of state";s$
- 1190 goto 1060
- 1200 rem misses
- 1210 if c=0 then 1330 :rem vic
- 1220 for q= 0 to 24:poke s6+q,0:next
- 1230 poke s6+24,8
- 1240 poke s6+5,192:poke s6+6,250
- 1250 for q= 120 to 80 step-3
- 1260 poke s6+1,q:poke s6+4,17
- 1270 for de= 1 to 4:next de,q
- 1280 poke s6+24,15:poke s6+1,15
- 1290 poke s6+4,128
- 1300 for vo= 15 to 0 step-1
- 1310 for de= 1 to 10:next de
- 1320 poke s6+24,vo:next:return
- 1330 poke sv+2,10
- 1340 for vo= 250 to 220 step-1
- 1350 poke sv,vo
- 1360 for de= 1 to 4:next de,vo
- 1370 poke sv,0:poke sv+1,200
- 1380 for vo= 15 to 0 step-.05
- 1390 poke sv+2,vo:next
- 1400 poke sv+1,0:return
- 1410 return
- 1420 rem *** read state data ***
- 1430 print hc$ uc$ rv$ wh$ "states"
- 1440 print:print"reading data..."
- 1450 dim s$(51),t$(51),pc$(51)
- 1460 for x= 1 to 51
- 1470 read pc$(x),s$(x)
- 1480 read n : if n=0 then 1530
- 1490 for y= 1 to n
- 1500 read z
- 1510 t$(x)=t$(x)+chr$(z)
- 1520 next y
- 1530 next x
- 1540 return
- 1550 rem *** state data ***
- 1560 data al,alabama,4,24,42,10,9
- 1570 data ak,alaska,0
- 1580 data az,arizona,5,5,28,44,6,31
- 1590 data ar,arkansas,6,43,36,25,42,24,18
- 1600 data ca,california,3,37,28,3
- 1610 data co,colorado,7,3,44,50,27,16,36,31
- 1620 data ct,connecticut,3,32,21,39
- 1630 data de,delaware,3,20,38,30
- 1640 data fl,florida,2,1,10
- 1650 data ga,georgia,5,1,42,33,40,9
- 1660 data hi,hawaii,0
- 1670 data id,idaho,6,37,47,26,50,44,28
- 1680 data il,illinois,5,25,15,49,14,17
- 1690 data in,indiana,4,13,22,35,17
- 1700 data ia,iowa,6,27,41,23,49,13,25
- 1710 dataks,kansas,4,6,27,25,36
- 1720 dataky,kentucky,7,25,13,14,35,48,46,42
- 1730 datala,louisiana,3,43,4,24
- 1740 datame,maine,1,29
- 1750 datamd,maryland,5,48,38,8,46,51
- 1760 datama,massachusetts,5,32,45,29,7,39
- 1770 datami,michigan,3,49,14,35
- 1780 datamn,minnesota,4,41,34,49,15
- 1790 datams,mississippi,4,18,4,42,1
- 1800 datamo,missouri,8,36,16,27,15,13,17,42,4
- 1810 datamt,montana,4,12,34,41,50
- 1820 datane,nebraska,6,6,50,41,15,25,16
- 1830 datanv,nevada,5,5,37,12,44,3
- 1840 datanh,new hampshire,3,45,19,21
- 1850 datanj,new jersey,3,38,32,8
- 1860 datanm,new mexico,5,3,44,6,36,43
- 1870 datany,new york,5,45,21,7,30,38
- 1880 datanc,north carolina,4,42,46,40,10
- 1890 datand,north dakota,3,26,23,41
- 1900 dataoh,ohio,5,14,22,38,48,17
- 1910 dataok,oklahoma,6,31,6,16,25,4,43
- 1920 dataor,oregon,4,5,47,12,28
- 1930 datapa,pennsylvania,6,35,32,30,8,20,48
- 1940 datari,rhode island,2,7,21
- 1950 datasc,south carolina,2,10,33
- 1960 datasd,south dakota,6,50,26,23,34,15,27
- 1970 datatn,tennessee,8,4,25,17,46,33,10,1,24
- 1980 datatx,texas,4,31,36,4,18
- 1990 dataut,utah,6,28,12,50,6,31,3
- 2000 datavt,vermont,3,29,21,32
- 2010 datava,virginia,6,17,48,20,33,42,51
- 2020 datawa,washington,2,37,12
- 2030 data wv,west virginia,5,35,17,38,20,46
- 2040 datawi,wisconsin,4,23,15,22,13
- 2050 datawy,wyoming,6,12,26,41,27,6,44
- 2060 datadc,district of columbia,2,20,46
- 63000 rem return to l.s.
- 63010 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63020 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end