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- PEEKs, POKEs, and SYSes -- Part 25
- Next we'll cover strings. Strings
- are relatively easy, but can get a bit
- confusing. Strings variables, just
- like the other types, each use seven
- bytes of variable space. The first
- two bytes represent the name. The
- high bit is set in only the second
- byte of a string variable's name. The
- third byte is the actual length of the
- string. The fourth and fifth bytes
- are the pointer to the string.
- (Remember our talk about envelopes?)
- This pointer contains the address of
- the actual contents of the string.
- The string pointer is stored in the
- usual format of low byte/high byte.
- By looking at the address pointed to
- to by the string pointer, you can get
- a look at the actual string.
- In the case of C$="TRY AGAIN.." it
- would all look something like this:
- The contents of the variable table:
- 067, 128, 011, 245, 159, 000, 000
- < name > <len> <pointer> <unused>
- So, CHR$(67) = "C", the name.
- "TRY AGAIN.." is 11 characters long,
- and found in memory at 40949 (245 +
- 159*256 = 40949) like this:
- The contents of the string, itself:
- 40949,50, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- "T R Y A G A I N . ."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Last but not least are the REALS.
- They are the hardest to understand
- because of the way in which they are
- stored. Real variables also take up
- seven bytes of storage. Again, the
- first two represent the name. Neither
- byte has its high-bit set. After that
- is where the trouble starts. Since
- reals are floating-point numbers, they
- are stored in floating-point form.
- This means the 3rd byte is the
- exponent and the next four bytes
- represent the mantissa. Since
- floating-point notation is so darn
- confusing (WE sure don't understand
- it), we use a built-in ROM routine to
- convert them to usable numbers (thank
- goodness for ROM). You can't really
- use that routine at all as a BASIC
- SYS.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The locations 47 and 48 point to the
- beginning of array storage. The start
- of arrays "floats" on top of the
- simple variable table. This means
- that the simple variables start at the
- location pointed to by 45 and 46 and
- end at the location pointed to by 47
- and 48.
- Now that you're totally confused,
- I'll tell you the good news. To make
- some use out of all this gobbledygook,
- I have included a program on Side 2
- of this disk. It is a relatively
- small machine-language routine which
- prints the value(s) of all of your
- simple BASIC variables. (It doesn't
- print any of the array variables.) I
- have included the source file as well
- for those of you who want to see just
- how it is done. It was coded using
- BASM. The routine is saved under the
- name of 'VARPRINT'. The source file
- is saved under the name of
- To use the routine simply do the
- following before you start any
- programming:
- 2. Type NEW
- Then you can go about doing whatever
- you want, including writing and
- running a BASIC program. Whenever you
- want a list of all your variables,
- simply type:
- SYS 49664
- If you want the list sent to your
- printer, try this:
- OPEN4,4,7
- SYS 49664
- This will send a list of all your
- simple variables to the printer.
- I hope that this program will help
- you in your programming efforts.
- ----------<end of article>------------