home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 ifpeek(51200)<>76orpeek(52016)<>32orpeek(52080)<>173then7
- 6 ifpeek(52176)=169then10
- 7 load"0:routines v4",8,1
- 10 ifpeek(832)<>24orpeek(960)<>63orpeek(1019)>.thenload"0:menu.sp1",8,1
- 20 ifpeek(704)<>3orpeek(732)<>252orpeek(760)thenload"0:menu.sp2",8,1
- 25 open15,8,15:sys52176
- 30 w=53265:u=128:v=53248:s=v+1024:li=52016:wi=51200:cl=51203:su=51206:sd=51209
- 40 poke1020,5:poke1021,19:poke1022,1:poke1023,38:rem set window boundaries
- 50 poke600,00:rem set article flag to zero
- 200 pp=peek(599)+1:rem menu pointer
- 210 sp$=" "
- 212 sl$=" "
- 220 af=1
- 222 poke53280,5
- 225 d$=chr$(96):forx=1to6:d$=d$+d$:next
- 226 forx=stos+24:pokex,0:next
- 227 poke54277,8:poke54278,8:poke54291,8:poke54292,8
- 230 poke v+33,.
- 270 poke v+29,2:pokev+27,12:pokev+23,.
- 275 :
- 276 :
- 280 dim pn$(50),rc$(50),ca$(50),sa(50),sy(50),t$(300)
- 285 rem menu name,prog name,category,secondary addr,sys addr,about text storage
- 286 :
- 287 gosub52000: rem read prgs file
- 288 poke v+21,11:rem 0,1,3 on
- 289 :
- 290 forco=.to2:poke2040+co,13+co:poke2043,11:next:remsprite pointers
- 300 pokev+39,15:pokev+40,7:pokev+41,7:pokev+42,7:pokev+27,255
- 305 pokev+16,.
- 310 pokev,49:pokev+1,218:rem crsrs
- 320 pokev+2,45:pokev+3,143:rem selector
- 330 pokev+4,56:pokev+5,54:rem rt hand
- 340 pokev+6,44:pokev+7,54:rem lt hand
- 350 pokev+16,4
- 360 pokes+24,15:rem loud sound
- 1000 gosub 50000:remheader
- 2000 :
- 3000 gosub 51000:remhome
- 3500 tp=pp:ifpp<>1thengosub53005:goto4100
- 4000 gosub 53000:remprint menu
- 4100 gosub49000
- 5000 gosub 54000:pokev+21,0:remkeywait
- 5005 print"[147][196]ocking with [212]able of [195]ontents"
- 5006 gosub63002:gosub63000
- 5007 forx=stos+23:pokex,0:next
- 5010 print"[144]load"chr$(34)"0:hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run";:poke631,13
- 5015 poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 39000 syswi:rem clear window
- 39010 x%=9:y%=8:gosub56000:print"[212]urn your printer on"
- 39015 x%=18:y%=10:gosub56000:print"&"
- 39016 x%=12:y%=12:gosub56000:print"[208]ress [[210][197][212][213][210][206]]."
- 39017 x%=15:y%=14:gosub56000:print"[216][146] to exit"
- 39020 getk$:if k$=""then39020
- 39025 ifk$<>chr$(13)andk$<>"x"andk$<>"[203]"then39020
- 39030 if k$="x"ork$="[216]"then syswi:return
- 39040 open4,4,7:cmd4
- 39045 printspc(40-len(mo$));mo$:print:printspc(40-len(pn$(pp+1)));pn$(pp)
- 39046 print
- 39050 for c8=1to lc
- 39055 ift$(c8)=""then39070
- 39060 print#4,t$(c8)
- 39070 next
- 39080 print#4:close4
- 39085 syswi
- 39090 return
- 40000 rem boing!
- 40003 gosub41000
- 40005 fori=27to31:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40010 fori=31to25step-1:waitw,u:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40015 fori=25to27:waitw,u:waitw,u:waitw,u:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40020 return
- 40100 r=v+17:c=128:rem other boing!
- 40103 gosub41000
- 40105 fori=27to24step-1:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40110 fori=24to29:waitw,u:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40115 fori=29to27step-1:waitw,u:waitw,u:waitw,u:waitw,u:pokew,i:next
- 40120 return
- 41000 pokes+4,20:pokes,rnd(.)*256:pokes+1,rnd(.)*256:pokes+14,rnd(.)*256
- 41005 pokes+15,rnd(.)*256:pokes+4,21:return
- 41010 rem :already returned ^
- 43000 pl=15:x%=.:y%=24:gosub56000:print" [159][[155][200][159]] for [200]ardcopy";:af=0
- 43001 x%=1:y%=12:gosub56000:print"[158][210]eading[146]":pokev+21,.
- 43002 x%=22:y%=21:gosub 56000:print"[159][205][197][206][213]/[210][213][206] ";
- 43003 x%=14:y%=22:gosub 56000:print"[159][211]crolls [212]ext";
- 43004 ifpeek(600)=ppthensyswi:syscl:goto43050
- 43005 poke600,pp:x%=0:y%=5:lp=1:gosub56000:syswi:syscl
- 43006 open8,8,8,"t."+rc$(pp):gosub46000:ifer%=62thenrf=.:af=1:restore:goto290
- 43010 forc1=1to300:poke781,8:sys65478
- 43020 sysli,b$:t$(c1)=b$+""
- 43025 ifstthengosub46000:ifer%=0andst=64thenlc=c1:c1=300:goto43030
- 43030 ifc1<=15thenprint"";t$(c1)
- 43032 next:sys65484
- 43035 close8
- 43040 forc8=lc+1to300:t$(c8)="":next:syscl
- 43050 x%=.:y%=5:lp=1:gosub56000:forc1=1to15
- 43060 print"";t$(c1)
- 43070 next
- 43075 rf=1:x%=.:y%=3:gosub 56000:gosub48000:rem"'[193]bout' header"
- 43080 getk$:j=notpeek(56321)and31:ifk$=""andj=0then43080
- 43090 k1=asc(k$+chr$(.))
- 43100 ifk$="[157]"orj=4thenmf=1:rf=0:gosub48000:goto43080:remcrsr left
- 43110 ifk$=""orj=8thenmf=0:rf=1:gosub48000:goto43080:remcrsr right
- 43120 ifk$=""ork$="[135]"ork$="[139]"orj=2thengosub45000:goto43080:rem scroll forward
- 43122 ifk$="[133]"thengosub43300:rem big up
- 43130 ifk$="[145]"ork$="[134]"ork$="[138]"orj=1thengosub44000:goto43080:rem scroll backward
- 43132 ifk$="[136]"thengosub43400:rem b/down
- 43140 ifj=16thenifrfthen63900
- 43150 ifj=16thenmf=0:af=1:restore:k$="":j=.:goto290
- 43160 ifk1=72thengosub39000:goto43050:rem hardcopy
- 43170 goto43080
- 43230 stop
- 43300 forq3=1to7
- 43301 iflp<2thengosub40000:goto43306
- 43302 gosub44000
- 43304 next
- 43306 return
- 43308 :
- 43400 forq3=1to7
- 43401 iflp>lc-14thengosub40100:goto43406
- 43402 gosub45000
- 43404 next
- 43406 return
- 43408 :
- 44000 if lp<2thengosub40000:return:rem scroll backward
- 44010 lp=lp-1:sys51209
- 44020 x%=1:y%=5:gosub56000:printt$(lp)
- 44022 q9=notq9:ifq9<>0then44010
- 44090 return
- 45000 if lp>lc-14thengosub40100:return:rem scroll forward
- 45010 lp=lp+1:sys51206
- 45020 x%=1:y%=19:gosub56000:print""t$(lp+14)
- 45022 q9=notq9:ifq9<>0then45010
- 45090 return
- 46000 input#15,er%,er$,et%,eb%
- 46005 if(er%>19ander%<30)orer%=66orer%=67then46015
- 46010 return
- 46015 print"[147][152][217]ou just had a disk [201]/[207] error."
- 46020 print:print"[208]ress space to continue."
- 46025 getk$:ifk$=""then46025
- 46030 run
- 48000 ifrfthengosub59300:rem rewrite pgm name
- 48010 ifmfthengosub59200:rem rewrite pgm name
- 48020 y%=3:x%=20-len(pn$(pp))/2:gosub56000:print"";pn$(pp);"[153]";
- 48030 return
- 49000 ifrfthengosub58000:rem rewrite category
- 49010 ifafthengosub57000
- 49020 y%=3:x%=20-len(ca$(pp))/2:gosub56000
- 49025 print"[158]";ca$(pp);"[153]";
- 49030 return
- 50000 print"[147]"tab(6)"[176]";:printleft$(d$,27);"[174]":rem "header stuff"
- 50010 printtab(5)" [221][153]"ht$"";chr$(221)
- 50012 printtab(6)"[173]";:printleft$(d$,27);:print"[189][153]"
- 50013 gosub59000
- 50014 ifafthengosub57000
- 50015 ifrfthengosub58000
- 50019 print"[176]";left$(d$,38);"[174]";
- 50020 fori=1to15:print"[221] [221]";:next
- 50021 print"[173]";left$(d$,38);"[189]";
- 50030 print" [159][ [155] [195][210][211][210][159] ] [211]elects [193][194][207][213][212]/[210][213][206]"
- 50040 print" [159][ [155] [195][210][211][210][159] ] [211]crolls [205]enu"
- 50050 print" [159][ [155][211][208][193][195][197][159] ] [211]elects [158][200]ighlighted[159] [201]tems"
- 50060 print" [159][[155][216][159]] [197]xits";
- 50070 print"[129]";:sys51200:sys51203:x%=1:y%=12:gosub56000
- 50080 print"[158] ";
- 50090 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:return
- 51000 print"[153]":rem home
- 51010 print"";
- 51020 return
- 52000 rem read in from what file???
- 52001 nu=usr(65535)
- 52002 ifnu=11thennu$="mag.prgs"
- 52004 ifnu=12thennu$="pay.prgs"
- 52006 i=0:open2,8,2,nu$
- 52007 input#2,ht$ :rem header for top
- 52008 i=i+1
- 52010 input#2,pn$(i)
- 52012 input#2,rc$(i)
- 52014 input#2,ca$(i)
- 52016 input#2,sa(i)
- 52018 input#2,sy(i)
- 52020 if pn$(i)<>"!"then 52008
- 52022 close2
- 52025 pc=i-1
- 52030 pn$(pc+1)="":ifpp>pcthenpp=pc
- 52040 return
- 53000 sys51200:print"[129]";:ifpp<4then53020
- 53005 print"[129]";:fori=pp-3topp+3:qq=i:ifqq<0thenqq=0
- 53010 ifi=ppthenprint"[158]";
- 53015 printtab(10)pn$(qq)"[129]":next:return
- 53020 fori=ppto3:print"";:next:fori=1topp+3:ifi=ppthenprint"[158]";
- 53025 printtab(10)pn$(i)"[129]":next:return
- 54000 rem main menu keypress selection
- 54010 getk$:ifk$=""thenj=notpeek(56321)and31:ifk$=""andj=.then54010
- 54020 k=asc(k$+chr$(.))
- 54025 ifk$="[157]"orj=4thenaf=1:rf=.:gosub49000:goto54000:remleft
- 54026 ifk$=""orj=8thenaf=.:rf=1:gosub49000:goto54000:remright
- 54040 ifk$=""ork$="[135]"ork$="[139]"orj=2thengosub54100:gosub49000:goto 54000:remdown
- 54045 ifk$="[136]"thenforop=pptopc:gosub54100:next:gosub49000:goto54000:rembig down
- 54050 ifk$="[145]"ork$="[134]"ork$="[138]"orj=1thengosub54200:gosub49000:goto54000:rem up
- 54055 ifk$="[133]"thenforop=ppto1step-1:gosub54200:next:gosub49000:goto54000:remb/up
- 54060 ifk$="x"ork$="[216]"then return
- 54070 ifj=16thenifrfthenprint:gosub51000:goto63800
- 54075 ifj=16thenifafthen 43000
- 54080 j=.:goto 54000
- 54100 ifpp>pc-1thengosub40100:return
- 54110 pp=pp+1:sys51206:sys51206:x%=10:y%=18:gosub56000
- 54120 ifpp<pc-2thenprint"[129]"pn$(pp+3):return
- 54130 print"[129] ":return
- 54200 ifpp<2thengosub40000:return
- 54210 pp=pp-1:sys51209:sys51209:x%=10:y%=6:gosub56000
- 54220 ifpp>2thenprint"[129]"pn$(pp-3):return
- 54230 print"[129] ":return
- 56000 poke783,peek(783)and254:poke781,y%:poke782,x%:sys65520:return
- 56010 poke783,peek(783)or1:sys65520:y%=peek(781):x%=peek(782):return
- 57000 x%=0:y%=3:gosub56000:gosub59000
- 57005 x%=1:y%=3:gosub56000:print"[158][193][194][207][213][212][146]"
- 57010 poke v+21,11
- 57020 return
- 58000 x%=0:y%=3:gosub56000:gosub59000
- 58005 x%=36:y%=3:gosub56000:print"[158][210][213][206][146]"
- 58010 poke v+21,7
- 58020 return
- 59000 print" [153][193][194][207][213][212] [210][213][206]":return
- 59100 print" [153][205][197][206][213] [210][213][206]":return
- 59200 x%=0:y%=3:gosub56000:gosub59100
- 59205 x%=1:y%=3:gosub56000:print"[158][205][197][206][213][146]"
- 59210 poke v+21,9
- 59220 return
- 59300 x%=0:y%=3:gosub56000:gosub59100
- 59305 x%=36:y%=3:gosub56000:print"[158][210][213][206][146]"
- 59310 poke v+21,5
- 59320 return
- 60050 :
- 63000 fori=.to24:pokes+i,.:next:pokes+1,100:pokes+2,100:pokes+5,10:pokes+6,2
- 63001 pokes+24,15:pokes+4,33:fordl=1to600:next:poke2+4,32:return
- 63002 fori=0to24:pokes+i,0:next:pokes+1,40:pokes+2,40:pokes+5,10:pokes+6,2
- 63003 pokes+24,15:pokes+4,33:fordl=1to600:next:pokes+4,32:return
- 63800 rem execute program
- 63900 rem execute program
- 63903 sys65412:sys65409:print"[147]load"chr$(34);rc$(pp);chr$(34)",8,"sa(pp)"
- 63904 [151]599,pp[171]1:[143] menu pointer
- 63905 [139]sa(pp)[178].[167][153]"run":[137]63910
- 63907 [153]"sys"sy(pp)""
- 63910 [151] 631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2
- 63920 [151]v[170]21,0
- 63999 [131]!,!,!,,:[143]need these for eof markers.