home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem***er***
- 20 rem***10/31/84***
- 30 rem***by dean robinson, md***
- 40 sc=53281:bc=53280:pokesc,1:pokebc,2:printchr$(147)chr$(142):print"[144]"
- 50 print"":printtab(14)"*** er[144]! ***[144]":print""
- 60 printtab(18)"by":print:printtab(11)"dean robinson, md"
- 70 print:printtab(17)"1984":print"":print"would you like instructions?"
- 80 print"( y/n )"
- 90 getan$:ifan$=""then90
- 100 ifan$="y"thengosub10000
- 110 pokesc,1:pokebc,2
- 200 rem***initialize***
- 210 printchr$(147):print"":printtab(11)"initializing data"
- 220 dimwt$(6,6,5)
- 250 forp=0to5:forr=0to6:forc=0to6:readwt$(r,c,p):nextc,r,p:r=0:c=0:p=0
- 300 ti$="020000":goto500
- 400 rem***end***
- 410 print"would you like to continue?":print"( y/n )"
- 420 getan$:ifan$=""then420
- 430 ifan$="y"then500
- 440 printchr$(147):pokebc,14:pokesc,6:print"[154]":goto63000
- 500 rem***patient selection***
- 510 print"":print"(press any key to continue,"
- 520 print"or 'q' to quit)"
- 530 getan$:ifan$=""then530
- 540 ifan$="q"then400
- 550 pt=p%:p%=int(rnd(1)*5)+1:ifp%=ptthen550
- 560 j=0:mn=0:k=0:tu=0:id=0:cpr=0:bic=0:lid=0:suc=0:dem=0:res=0:ct=0:ng=0:ex=0
- 570 epi=0:ipe=0:c=0:war=0:lav=0:glu=0
- 580 et=ti:rem***start elapsed time***
- 590 onp%gosub11000,12000,13000,14000,15000
- 1000 rem***main loop***
- 1010 printtab(25);"time is ";ti$
- 1020 ifmn<1then1050
- 1030 print"bp=";sbp;"/";dbp;"hr=";hr;"rr=";rr;"temp=";tp:print
- 1050 r=0:c=0:p=0
- 1060 inputi$
- 1070 ifi$="help"thengosub10500:goto1000
- 1075 ifi$="read pearls"thengosub9000:goto1000
- 1080 ifi$="quit"ori$="exit"then400
- 1090 ifi$="start iv"thenr=3:c=1:goto1220
- 1100 ifi$="take history"thenr=1:c=6:goto1220
- 1110 tfw$=left$(i$,4):tsw$=right$(i$,4)
- 1120 iftfw$="get "thenr=1:goto1160
- 1130 ifr>6thenprint"say what?":print"try again, or ask for 'help'!":goto1000
- 1140 iftfw$=wt$(r,c,p)then1160
- 1150 r=r+1:goto1130
- 1160 ifc>6andr=2thenr=4:c=1
- 1170 ifc>6thenprint"you can't do that!":print"try again, or ask for 'help'":goto1000
- 1180 iftsw$=wt$(r,c,p)then1220
- 1190 ifr=2andtsw$="rine"thenc=7:goto1220
- 1195 ifr=3andtsw$="ator"thenr=0:c=5:goto1220
- 1200 ifr=6andtsw$="rics"thenc=7:goto1220
- 1210 c=c+1:goto1160
- 1220 p=p%:rem***begin response conditions***
- 1230 ifsbp>=60andhr>50andhr<200andrr>=5thent1=ti:goto1270
- 1240 gosub4000
- 1250 ifsuc=1thensuc=0
- 1260 ifti-t1>10000thenbic=0
- 1270 ifr=0andc=6thenmn=1
- 1280 ifr=0andc<5thenj(c)=j(c)+1:ifj(c)=1thent(c)=ti
- 1290 ifr=0andc<5andj(c)>1thenprint"you have already ordered that!":goto1000
- 1300 ifr=1andc=2andmn=1then1400
- 1310 ifr=1andj(c)<1andc<5thenprint"you must order that first":goto1000
- 1320 ifp%=2andres<>2then1340
- 1330 ifr=1andc=5thengoto1030
- 1340 ifr=3andc=1andk=1thenprint"you already have one going!":goto1000
- 1350 ifr=3andc=1thenk=1
- 1360 ifk<1andr=2thenprint"you must place an iv first to give that":goto1000
- 1370 ifr<>1orc>4orti-t(c)>8000then1400
- 1380 print"sorry, that will take a few minutes to get back--- try again later!"
- 1390 goto1000
- 1400 ifr<>0orc<>5ortu<1then1430
- 1410 print"respirator hooked up and running at 15 respirations/min."
- 1420 rr=15:rp=1:goto1000
- 1430 ifr=3andc=4thengosub3000
- 1440 ifr<>6orc<>6then1520
- 1450 ifti-t1<1000then1500
- 1460 ifk=1andtu=1then1500
- 1470 print"code called---":print:print"you're in luck!":print
- 1480 print"another intern shows up and offers to"
- 1490 print"place an et tube and iv for you":k=1:tu=1:goto1000
- 1500 print"code called--":print"but no one responds quickly enough"
- 1510 print"to do you any good":goto1000
- 1520 ifr=4andc=1anddem<1thengosub6000:goto1000
- 1530 ifcpr>0thengosub6100
- 1540 ifcpr<15then1570
- 1550 print"it becomes obvious that further cpr":print"is useless-----"
- 1560 fort=1to2000:nextt:gosub4070
- 1570 ifr=1andc=2andhr=0thenprint"ekg shows ventricular fibrillation!":goto1000
- 1580 iftu>1thenprint"you have one in place already!":tu=1:goto1000
- 1590 ifct>1thenprint"you have one in place already!":ct=1:goto1000
- 1600 ifng>1thenprint"you have one in place already!":ng=1:goto1000
- 1610 ifsuc>0andr=4andc=3thenprint"zzzap!":print"no improvement at all!":goto1000
- 1620 ifr=2andc=7thensbp=sbp+10:dbp=dbp+5:ifhr<200thenhr=hr+20
- 1630 ifp%<>4andr=6andc=7thenprint"sorry, they are unavailable just now":goto1000
- 1640 ifr=1andc=6andtu>0thenprint"no way to talk with an et tube!":goto1000
- 1690 ifdem=1then400
- 1700 onp%gosub11300,12300,13300,14300,15300
- 1710 ifsuc=2thengosub8000:goto400
- 1720 ifp%=2anddem=1then400
- 1900 goto1000
- 2000 rem***initial vital signs***
- 2010 printchr$(147):print"bp=";sbp;"/";dbp;spc(1);"hr=";hr;spc(1);"rr=";rr;
- 2020 printspc(1);"temp=";tp:print
- 2030 print"your efficient triage nurse has"
- 2040 print"already obtained some vital signs.":print
- 2050 print"she turns to you for instructions---":print
- 2060 return
- 3000 rem***tube placement subroutine***
- 3010 print:print"please indicate the type of tube you are going to place"
- 3020 print"by entering the appropriate number[144]:":print
- 3030 print"1-nasogastric tube (to pump stomach)"
- 3040 print"2-chest tube (to relieve tension pneum0thorax)
- 3050 [153]"3-endotracheal tube (to use respirator)":[153]:[153]
- 3060 [133]an$
- 3070 an%[178][197](an$)
- 3080 [139]an%[179]1[176]an%[177]3[167][153]:[153]"not a valid choice--try again!":[137]3010
- 3090 c[178]c[170](an%[171]1):an%[178]0
- 3100 [139]c[178]6[167]tu[178]tu[170]1
- 3110 [139]c[178]5[167]ct[178]ct[170]1
- 3120 [139]c[178]4[167]ng[178]ng[170]1
- 3130 [142]
- 4000 [143]***check for demise***
- 4010 [139]ti[171]t1[179]4000[167][142]
- 4020 [139]p%[178]4[167][142]
- 4030 sbp[178]0:dbp[178]0:hr[178]0:[139]rp[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 4040 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 4050 [139]ti[171]t1[179]8000[167][153]"syscardiac arrest!!!stop":[153]"":[142]
- 4060 [139]ti[171]t1[179]14400[167][153]"your patient is knocking on death's doorstop":[142]
- 4070 [153][199](147)"":[153]"time has run out for this one.":[153]""
- 4080 [153]:[153]"it's on to the great beyond--":g%[178]g%[170]1:[153]""
- 4090 [153]"score: intern=";i%;[166]3);"grim reaper=";g%:dem[178]1:[153]"":[142]
- 5000 [143]***screen change***
- 5010 [153]"stop(press any key to continue)"
- 5020 [161]an$:[139]an$[178]""[167]5020
- 5030 [153][199](147):[142]
- 6000 [143]***cpr subroutine***
- 6010 [139]sbp[177][178]60[175]hr[177][178]50[175]rr[177][178]5[175]cpr[178]0[167]6060
- 6020 [139]cpr[177]0[167][153]"cpr already underway!":[142]
- 6030 [153]"cpr underway--- you've bought some time!"
- 6040 t1[178]ti:cpr[178]1:[142]
- 6060 [153]"your nurse wisely talks you out of this"
- 6070 [153]"since it really isn't necessary yet":[142]
- 6100 [139]sbp[177][178]60[175]hr[177][178]50[175]rr[177][178]5[167]6130
- 6110 cpr[178]cpr[170]1:t1[178]ti:[142]
- 6130 [153]"congratulations!":[153]"vital signs have improved to the point"
- 6140 [153]"that cpr can be stopped."
- 6150 [153]:[153]"you and your hardworking nurse"
- 6160 [153]"take a breather---":[153]:[129]t[178]1[164]800:[130]t
- 6170 cpr[178]0:[142]
- 7000 [143]***cardiac arrest subroutine***
- 7010 [139]k[179]1[167][142]
- 7020 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]2[167]bic[178]1
- 7030 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]3[167]lid[178]1
- 7040 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167]epi[178]1
- 7050 [139]r[179][177]4[176]c[179][177]3[167][142]
- 7060 [139]bic[178]1[167]7100
- 7070 [153]"zzzapp!":[153]"":[153]"tough luck--":[153]"the patient is just too"
- 7080 [153]"acidotic to benefit from your attempt"
- 7090 [153]"to defibrillate.":[142]
- 7100 [139]lid[178]1[176]p%[178]5[167]7150
- 7110 [153]"zzzapp!":[153]"":[153]"heart rhythm returns to normal briefly,"
- 7120 [129]t[178]1[164]1800:[130]t
- 7130 [153]"but soon disappears again.":[142]
- 7150 [139]epi[178]1[176]ti[171]t1[179]10000[167]7200
- 7160 [153]"zzzapp!":[153]"":[153]"no dice---":[153]
- 7170 [153]"the old ticker just isn't cooperating!"
- 7180 [153]"your nurse suggests repeating the shock"
- 7190 [153]"after giving some epinephrine.":[142]
- 7200 sbp[178]100:dbp[178]70:hr[178]70:rr[178]15:[153]"":[153]"zzzapp!!!"
- 7210 [153]"":[153]"stopliving better electrically!"
- 7220 [139]p%[178]3[167]rr[178]35:hr[178]120:[139]rp[177]0[167]rr[178]15
- 7230 [153]"":suc[178]1:[142]
- 8000 [143]***successful conclusion subroutine***
- 8010 [153]"":[153]"you have snatched another from the"
- 8020 [153]"clutches of the grim reaper!"
- 8030 [153]"":[153]"give yourself a pat on the back----":[153]""
- 8040 i%[178]i%[170]1
- 8050 [153]"score: intern=";i%;[166]3);"grim reaper=";g%:[153]:[153]:[142]
- 9000 [143]***clinical pearls***
- 9010 [153][199](147):[151]bc,11:[151]sc,1
- 9020 [153]:[153][163]12)"defclinical pearls":[153]
- 9030 [153]"clr---a handy pocket reference manual for"
- 9040 [153]"the busy intern facing the rigours and mysteries of the er---":[153]
- 9050 [153]"stopchapter 1 physical diagnosis":[153]
- 9060 [153]"vital signs consist of blood pressure"
- 9070 [153]"(bp), heart rate or pulse (hr),"
- 9080 [153]"respiratory rate (rr), and temperature":[153]"(temp).":[153]
- 9090 [153]"normal ranges are as follows:":[153]"bp--90/50 to 140/90"
- 9100 [153]"hr--55 to 100/min.":[153]"rr--10 to 20/min.":[153]"temp--97 to 100"
- 9110 [153]:[153]"significant deviations from these"
- 9115 [153]"limits usually mean trouble.":[153]:[141]5000
- 9120 [153]"examination of the head should include checking the eyes.":[153]
- 9130 [153]"small or pinpoint pupils can occur with narcotic intoxication."
- 9140 [153]"enlarged pupils can be due to hypoxia (low blood oxygen), or from"
- 9150 [153]"intoxication with pcp (a common street drug of abuse)."
- 9160 [153]"jerky eye movements can also occur with pcp intoxication.":[153]
- 9170 [153]"normally, lungs are clear when you listen to the chest."
- 9180 [153]"no breath sounds are a bad sign.":[153]
- 9190 [153]"reflexes are reduced or hypoactive with severe hypoxia or narcotics."
- 9200 [153]"they can be hyperactive with pcp.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 9210 [153]"hypoxia produces a dusky skin color. clammy skin often comes from"
- 9220 [153]"shock or low blood glucose (as in insulin reactions).":[153]
- 9230 [153]"abdominal sounds may be hypoactive with"
- 9240 [153]"pcp intoxication.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 9250 [153]"chapter 2 lab tests":[153]:[153]"acidosis can result from prolonged"
- 9260 [153]"hypoxia or metabolic derangements.":[153]
- 9270 [153]"low glucose may be due to an insulin reaction.":[153]
- 9280 [153]"a common cause of anemia is blood loss.":[153]
- 9290 [153]"the electrocardiogram (ekg) can show a number of things:":[153]
- 9300 [153]"*normal sinus rhythm is the healthy finding.":[153]
- 9310 [153]"*sinus tachycardia is an abnormally"
- 9320 [153]" fast rate, often due to drugs, anxiety or trauma."
- 9325 [153]:[141]5000
- 9330 [153]"*ventricular rhythm is bad news, since it produces a profound drop"
- 9340 [153]" in blood pressure.":[153]
- 9345 [153]"*the worst is ventricular fibrillation"
- 9350 [153]" which results in no blood pressure whatsoever!":[153]""
- 9360 [141]5000:[153]"chapter 3 pharmacology":[153]
- 9370 [153]"glocose is a sugar solution useful in"
- 9380 [153]"providing calories or reversing insulin coma.":[153]
- 9390 [153]"bicarbonate (bicarb) helps reverse acidosis.":[153]
- 9400 [153]"lidocaine treats an irregular heart"
- 9410 [153]"rhythm, such as ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation.":[153]
- 9420 [153]"narcan reverses narcotic intoxication.":[153]
- 9430 [153]"haldol is a powerful sedative, useful"
- 9435 [153]"to calm agitated patients.":[153]
- 9440 [153]"epinephrine (adrenalin) is a cardiac stimulant.":[153]:[141]5000
- 9450 [153]"chapter 4 other treatment modalities":[153]
- 9460 [153]"the respirator breathes for patients"
- 9470 [153]"who have lost their respiratory drive.":[153]
- 9480 [153]"giving fluids can compensate for blood loss or low bp.":[153]
- 9490 [153]"placing a tube can allow you to use the respirator, pump the stomach"
- 9500 [153]"or relieve a collapsed lung (tension pneumothorax).":[153]
- 9510 [153]"cardiopulmonary resucitation (cpr)"
- 9520 [153]"keeps the patient alive while you try to revive him.":[153]""
- 9530 [141]5000:[153]"giving shock or defibrillation can stop"
- 9540 [153]"abnormal ventricular rhythms.":[153]
- 9550 [153]"suction clears the breathing passages of foreign material."
- 9560 [153]"":[141]5000:[142]
- 10000 [143]***instructions***
- 10010 [153][199](147):[151]bc,11:[151]sc,4
- 10020 [153][163]12)"instructions":[153]:[153]
- 10030 [153]"the following is a medical simulation"
- 10040 [153]"game, based on real situations seen"
- 10050 [153]"almost daily in the emergency room"
- 10060 [153]"of any major medical center.":[153]:[153]
- 10070 [153]"in this scenario you are an intern,"
- 10080 [153]"really wet behind the ears, but"
- 10090 [153]"nevertheless obligated to treat"
- 10100 [153]"whomever lands upon your doorstep"
- 10110 [153]"in the wee hours of the morning."
- 10120 [153]"":[141]5000
- 10130 [153]"you do this by typing in instructions"
- 10140 [153]"similar in many respects to the"
- 10150 [153]"standard adventure game format.":[153]
- 10160 [153]"for example, you may want to 'check"
- 10170 [153]"history', 'examine chest', 'give"
- 10180 [153]"glucose', etc. ":[153]
- 10190 [153]"for a list of available commands,"
- 10200 [153]"type 'help' at any prompt.":[153]
- 10210 [153]"to exit, just type 'exit' or 'quit'.":[153]
- 10220 [153]"you can then stop entirely by entering 'n' ----or choose"
- 10230 [153]"another patient by entering 'y' at the continue prompt."
- 10240 [153]"":[141]5000
- 10250 [153]"just as in real life medicine, time"
- 10260 [153]"is of the essence in certain situations."
- 10270 [153]"if you wait too long, unfortunate"
- 10280 [153]"things might happen to your patients!":[153]
- 10290 [153]"your goal is not necessarily to"
- 10300 [153]"cure --- just stabilize the patient"
- 10310 [153]"enough to get him or her out of the"
- 10320 [153]"er and onto another service.":[153]
- 10330 [153]"you do this by 'call'ing in another"
- 10340 [153]"specialist to take over (if one is"
- 10350 [153]"available).":[153]""
- 10360 [153]"good luck!":[153]""
- 10370 [141]5000
- 10380 [142]
- 10500 [143]***help menu***
- 10510 [153][199](147):[151]bc,4:[151]sc,12:t3[178]ti
- 10520 [153][163]15)"help menustop":[153]""
- 10530 [153]"commands usually consist of two words"
- 10540 [153]"(although you can use more or less if"
- 10550 [153]"you really want to), entered in upper"
- 10560 [153]"case only.":[153]:[153]"the available actions include:":[153]
- 10570 [153]"1)order":[153][163]3)"stopexamples of things you can order:"
- 10575 [153][163]3)"lab, x-rays, ekg, respirator,"
- 10577 [153][163]3)"old chart, monitoring":[153]
- 10580 [153]"stop2)check":[153][163]3)"stopexamples of things you can check:"
- 10590 [153][163]3)"vital signs, history, lab, ekg,"
- 10600 [153][163]3)"x-rays, old chart":[153]:[141]5000
- 10610 [153]"stop3)give":[153][163]3)"stopexamples of things you can give:"
- 10620 [153][163]3)"glucose, bicarb, lidocaine, narcan,"
- 10630 [153][163]3)"fluids, haldol, epinephrine":[153]
- 10640 [153]"stop4)administerstop":[153][163]3)"examples of things you administer:"
- 10650 [153][163]3)"cpr, ipecac, shock (defibrillation),"
- 10660 [153][163]3)"oxygen, suction, reassurance":[153]
- 10670 [153]"stop5)placestop":[153][163]3)"examples of things you can place:"
- 10680 [153][163]3)"iv, sutures, chest tube, respirator,"
- 10690 [153][163]3)"nasogastric tube, endotracheal tube,"
- 10695 [153][163]3)"restraints":[153]"":[141]5000
- 10700 [153]"stop6)examinestop":[153][163]3)"examples of things you can examine:"
- 10705 [153][163]3)"head, chest, skin, abdomen,"
- 10710 [153][163]3)"reflexes, belongings":[153]
- 10715 [153]"stop7)callstop":[153][163]3)"examples of things you can call:"
- 10720 [153][163]3)"code 99, medicine, surgery,security,"
- 10725 [153][163]3)"psychiatry, pediatrics, relatives":[153]"":[141]5000
- 10730 [153]"clrsome procedural tips:":[153]
- 10735 [153]"stop1)-when you ask for 'help', the"
- 10740 [153][163]3)"clock stops temporarily":[153][163]3)"---so ask away!":[153]
- 10741 [153][163]3)"however, you read the clinical"
- 10742 [153][163]3)"pearls on your own time, so watch it!"
- 10745 [153]"stop2)-certain of the things you can"
- 10750 [153][163]3)"'order' (like 'lab','ekg','x-rays',"
- 10752 [153][163]3)"'chart') take several minutes to"
- 10755 [153][163]3)"perform before you can get results.":[153]
- 10758 [153][163]3)"so go on about your business and"
- 10760 [153][163]3)"'check' the results later.":[153]
- 10765 [153]"stop3)-ordering 'monitoring' will give you"
- 10770 [153][163]3)"a running tally of vital signs.":[153]:[141]5000
- 10775 [153]"":[153]"stop4)-if your patient's vital functions"
- 10780 [153][163]3)"deteriorate too far, he or she will"
- 10790 [153][163]3)"have a syscardiac arrest! you then"
- 10800 [153][163]3)"have less than 3 minutes to revive"
- 10810 [153][163]3)"them before it's grim reaper time.":[153]
- 10820 [153]"stop5)-you have a pocket manual that"
- 10830 [153][163]3)"can give you some clinical tips":[153][163]3)"or 'pearls'."
- 10840 [153][163]3)"you can read it by entering"
- 10850 [153][163]3)"'read pearls' at any prompt.":[153]
- 10860 [153]"stop6)-when all else fails, try 'call'ing a"
- 10870 [153][163]3)"code 99 ---who knows?":[153][163]3)"you might get some help!"
- 10880 [153]"":[141]5000
- 10890 [151]bc,2:[151]sc,1:t1[178]t1[170](ti[171]t3)
- 10900 [142]
- 11000 [143]***patient #1***
- 11010 [153][199](147):[153]"":[153]"you hear an ambulance screech to"
- 11020 [153]"a halt outside the main entrance doors":[153]"to the er.":[153]
- 11030 [153]"a few seconds later two paramedics"
- 11040 [153]"burst in, wheeling a stretcher.":[153]
- 11050 [153]"on the stretcher is a middle-aged"
- 11060 [153]"white male dressed in a jogging suit.":[153]
- 11070 [153]"he doesn't look at all well.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 11080 [153]"":[153]"one of the paramedics tells you that"
- 11090 [153]"they were called by someone who"
- 11100 [153]"found him collapsed on the side of"
- 11110 [153]"a path in a nearby park minutes ago.":[153]
- 11120 [153]"when they arrived, he was semi-"
- 11130 [153]"conscious and unable to tell them"
- 11140 [153]"what had happened.":[153]:[153]"however, he did respond a little"
- 11150 [153]"during transfer to the ambulance.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 11160 [153]"":[153]"he was breathing and had a fairly"
- 11170 [153]"rapid pulse at the scene.":[153]"his blood pressure at the start"
- 11180 [153]"of the short trip to the hospital":[153]"was 90/50.":[153]
- 11190 [153]"seconds before arrival, he started"
- 11200 [153]"looking a lot worse.":[153]"":[153]"now it's in your ball park--"
- 11210 [153]"":[141]5000
- 11220 sbp[178]60:dbp[178]0:hr[178]140:rr[178]5:tp[178]98.0
- 11230 [141]2000:[142]
- 11300 [143]**subroutine for pt#1***
- 11310 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]4[167]id[178]1
- 11320 [139]r[178]0[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no name available to order chart":[142]
- 11330 [139]r[178]6[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no number available to call relatives":[142]
- 11340 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[178]1[167][153]"given":[142]
- 11350 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[175]tu[178]1[167][153]"given":[142]
- 11360 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 11370 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[175]tu[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 11380 [139]sbp[177]10[167]sbp[178]sbp[171]5
- 11390 [139]dbp[177]10[167]dbp[178]dbp[171]5
- 11400 [139]hr[177]10[167]hr[178]hr[171]10
- 11410 [141]7000
- 11420 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]5[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]10:dbp[178]dbp[170]5
- 11430 [139]bic[178]1[175]r[178]1[175]c[178]1[175]j[178]1[167][153]"normal, except for elevated cpk":[142]
- 11440 [139]suc[178]1[176]hr[177]100[167]11450
- 11445 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]2[167][153]"ekg shows an abnormal ventricular rhythm":[142]
- 11450 [139]suc[179][177]1[176]r[179][177]1[176]c[179][177]2[167]11460
- 11455 [153]"normal rhythm, with signs of an acute heart attack":[142]
- 11460 [139]suc[178]1[175]r[178]6[175]c[178]2[167][141]11900:[142]
- 11470 [139]r[179][177]4[176]c[179][177]3[167]11520
- 11480 [139]k[177]0[176]bic[178]1[176]lid[178]1[176]suc[178]1[176]epi[178]1[167][142]
- 11520 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167][153]"done":[142]
- 11800 [153]wt$(r,c,p)
- 11890 [142]
- 11900 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 11910 [153]"the medicine resident arrives and"
- 11920 [153]"congratulates you on a job well done,":[129]t[178]1[164]800:[130]t:[153]
- 11930 [153]"agreeing with your diagnosis"
- 11940 [153]"of probable acute myocardial infarction.":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:[153]
- 11950 [153]"your patient is wheeled out of the er"
- 11960 [153]"up to the intensive care unit in"
- 11970 [153]"fairly good shape!":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:suc[178]2
- 11990 [142]
- 12000 [143]***patient #2***
- 12010 [153][199](147):[153]"":[153]"you hear a big ruckus outside"
- 12020 [153]"the main entrance doors of the er.":[153]
- 12030 [153]"a few seconds later twelve policemen"
- 12040 [153]"burst in, carrying a wildly gyrating"
- 12050 [153]"young black male.":[153]:[153]"it takes three of them to hold each"
- 12060 [153]"limb ---and even then they have trouble.":[153]
- 12070 [153]"he does not look like he appreciates"
- 12080 [153]"their efforts at all.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 12090 [153]"":[153]"one of the policemen tells you that"
- 12100 [153]"they were called by airport personnel"
- 12110 [153]"who found him trying to direct traffic"
- 12120 [153]"on one of the runways.":[153]
- 12130 [153]"when they arrived, he was singing"
- 12140 [153]"some strange ditty at the top of"
- 12150 [153]"his lungs and running around in little"
- 12160 [153]"circles. his song had something to do"
- 12170 [153]"do with angels dusting out his"
- 12180 [153]"cranial cobwebs---":[153]"":[141]5000
- 12190 [153]"":[153]"he was not eager to come to the"
- 12200 [153]"hospital, but was persuaded by numbers.":[153]
- 12210 [153]"the policemen helpfully suggest that"
- 12220 [153]"you try to bring him back down to earth,"
- 12230 [153]:[153]"and then they all split---"
- 12240 [153]"":[141]5000
- 12250 sbp[178]160:dbp[178]100:hr[178]130:rr[178]25:tp[178]101
- 12260 [153]"your prudent nurse has already run"
- 12270 [153]"for cover---":[153]:[153]"no initial vital signs are available."
- 12280 [142]
- 12300 [143]**subroutine for pt#2***
- 12305 [139]res[178]1[175]r[178]3[175]c[178]3[167]res[178]2
- 12315 [139]res[177]1[167]12500
- 12330 [139]r[179][177]0[176]c[177][178]4[167]12340
- 12335 [153]"he promptly chases the technician out"
- 12338 [153]"of the room before it can be obtained":[142]
- 12340 [139]r[179][177]0[176]c[179][177]6[167]12350
- 12345 [153]"he will have none of that, and destroys the equipment":mn[178]0:[142]
- 12350 [139]r[179][177]1[176]c[179][177]5[167]12370
- 12360 [153]"no one is foolhardy enough to get near him to do this":[142]
- 12370 [139]r[179][177]3[176]c[179][177]1[167]12380
- 12375 [153]"he tries to strangle you with the iv tubing!"
- 12378 [153]"but you manage to evade him---":k[178]0:[142]
- 12380 [139]r[178]3[175]c[178]2[167][153]"where?--- no lacerations are visible":[142]
- 12390 [139]r[179][177]3[176]c[179][177]3[167]12420
- 12400 [153]"you try to place restraints, but he restrains you instead!"
- 12410 [153]:[141]12800:[142]
- 12420 [139]r[179][177]3[176]c[179][178]3[167]12440
- 12430 [153]"he is too busy turning over all of the stretchers":[142]
- 12440 [139]r[179][177]4[176]c[177][178]4[167]12460
- 12450 [153]"he is too busy running around in little circles---":[142]
- 12460 [139]r[179][177]5[167]12480
- 12470 [153]"you think the better of this after he tries to bite you!":[142]
- 12480 [139]res[178]0[175]r[178]6[175]c[178]1[167]res[178]1
- 12500 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]4[167]id[178]1
- 12510 [139]r[178]0[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no name available to order chart":[142]
- 12520 [139]r[178]6[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no number available to call relatives":[142]
- 12530 [139]sbp[177]10[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]5
- 12540 [139]dbp[177]10[167]dbp[178]dbp[170]2
- 12550 [139]hr[177]10[167]hr[178]hr[170]3
- 12560 [139]res[178]2[175]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[167]res[178]3
- 12565 [139]res[178]3[175]r[178]1[175]c[178]6[167][153]"he just snores loudly at you---":[142]
- 12570 [139]res[178]3[175]r[178]6[175]c[178]3[167][141]12900:[142]
- 12580 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167][153]"done":[142]
- 12600 [139]dbp[179]125[167]12700
- 12610 [153]"uh oh---":[153]:[153]"suddenly he grabs his head"
- 12620 [153]"and collapses----":[153]:[153]
- 12630 [153]:[153]"despite your attempts to revive him,"
- 12640 [153]"it's all over---":[153]""
- 12650 [153]"his blood pressure got so high that"
- 12660 [153]"he suffered a massive intracerebral"
- 12670 [153]"hemorrhage, and that was that---"
- 12680 [129]t[178]1[164]5000:[130]t:[141]4070:[142]
- 12700 [153]wt$(r,c,p)
- 12710 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]4[175]res[179]2[167][141]12800:[142]
- 12790 [142]
- 12800 [143]**amok subroutine***
- 12810 [153]"he then runs completely amok,"
- 12820 [153]"wreacking havoc upon the er,":[153]"until he eventually"
- 12830 [139]res[177]0[167]12870
- 12840 [153]"runs out of the place back into the city"
- 12850 [153]"where he is shot dead by a policeman.":[129]t[178]1[164]3600:[130]t
- 12860 [141]4070:[142]
- 12870 [153]"is shot dead by a security guard.":[129]t[178]1[164]3600:[130]t
- 12880 [141]4070:[142]
- 12900 [143]***pt%2 success subroutine***
- 12910 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 12920 [153]"the psychiatry resident arrives and"
- 12930 [153]"congratulates you on a job well done,"
- 12935 [153]"agreeing with your diagnosis of"
- 12938 [153]"pcp intoxication.":[129]t[178]1[164]3600:[130]t:[153]
- 12940 [153]"your patient is wheeled out of the er"
- 12950 [153]"up to the psychiatry unit"
- 12960 [153]"snoring happily-----":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:suc[178]2
- 12990 [142]
- 13000 [143]***patient #3***
- 13010 [153][199](147):[153]"":[153]"the er doors abruptly burst open,"
- 13020 [153]"admitting several rather large and"
- 13030 [153]"seedy-looking characters bearing a"
- 13040 [153]"stricken comrade on their shoulders.":[153]
- 13050 [153]"they dump him on a nearby stretcher,"
- 13060 [153]"give him a drink from a large bottle"
- 13070 [153]"of whiskey, and then mill around"
- 13080 [153]"making crude comments to the nurse.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 13090 [153]"":[153]"one of them tells you that they are"
- 13100 [153]"members of the local knife and gun club,"
- 13110 [153]"forced to interrupt their evening"
- 13120 [153]"social by the unfortunate illness of"
- 13130 [153]"one of their members.":[153]
- 13140 [153]"he seemed to have developed some"
- 13150 [153]"shortness of breath, following"
- 13160 [153]"a difference of opinion with another"
- 13170 [153]"member, and was therefore brought"
- 13180 [153]"for medical attention.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 13190 [153]"":[153]"the patient is a young white male"
- 13200 [153]"who appears to be having considerable"
- 13210 [153]"respiratory distress.":[153]
- 13220 [153]"his comrades suggest you do something"
- 13230 [153]"quickly, before they have to persuade"
- 13240 [153]"you more forcefully----"
- 13250 [153]"":[141]5000
- 13260 sbp[178]110:dbp[178]60:hr[178]120:rr[178]45:tp[178]99:[141]2000:[142]
- 13300 [143]**subroutine for pt#3***
- 13310 [139]sbp[177]10[167]sbp[178]sbp[171]5
- 13320 [139]dbp[177]10[167]dbp[178]dbp[171]5
- 13330 [139]ct[179]1[175]hr[177]50[167]hr[178]hr[170]5
- 13340 [139]ct[179]1[175]rr[177]15[167]rr[178]rr[170]3
- 13350 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]5[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]10:dbp[178]dbp[170]5
- 13360 [139]rr[177]60[167]rr[178]0
- 13370 [139]sbp[177]50[175]rr[177]0[167]13500
- 13380 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]6[167][153]"tough luck! he's now unconscious--":[142]
- 13390 [139]r[178]3[175]c[178]5[167][153]"done-- but he's still not breathing!":ct[178]1:[142]
- 13400 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[167][153]"he is unable to swallow it---":[142]
- 13405 [139]ti[171]t1[177]10000[167][141]7000
- 13410 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]3[175]sbp[179]50[175]ti[171]t1[179][178]10000[167][141]7150
- 13420 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]4[167][153]"he's not breathing, so it doesn't help!":[142]
- 13430 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]6[167][153]"reassure whom, yourself?":[153]"he's out cold":[142]
- 13440 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]1[167][153]"pupils are fixed and slightly dialated":[142]
- 13450 [139]r[179][177]5[176]c[179][177]2[167]13500
- 13460 [153]"no heart or breath sounds heard---"
- 13470 [153]"stab wound present in left chest!":[142]
- 13500 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 13520 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[178]1[167][153]"given":[142]
- 13530 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]3[175]tu[177]0[175]suc[179]1[167][153]"zzzapp! ---no improvement!":[142]
- 13540 [139]ct[177]0[175]r[178]6[175]c[178]5[175]sbp[177]80[175]dbp[177]40[175]rr[177]0[175]hr[177]50[167][141]13900:[142]
- 13550 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]3[175]rr[178]0[175]ti[171]t1[179]4000[167][153]"zzzapp! --no improvement!":[142]
- 13560 [139]r[179][177]4[176]c[179][177]3[167]13590
- 13570 [139]lid[178]1[176]suc[178]1[176]epi[178]1[167][142]
- 13590 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]6[175]tu[177]0[167][153]"he can't speak with an et tube in him!":[142]
- 13600 [139]ct[178]0[167]13650
- 13610 [139]rr[177]18[167]rr[178]rr[171]3
- 13620 [139]hr[177]100[167]hr[178]hr[171]3
- 13630 [139]sbp[179]90[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]3
- 13640 [139]dbp[179]60[167]dbp[178]dbp[170]3
- 13650 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]2[167]ex[178]1
- 13660 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]5[167]ex[178]1
- 13670 [139]r[178]3[175]c[178]2[175]ex[178]1[167][153]"chest laceration sutured":[142]
- 13680 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167][153]"done":[142]
- 13800 [153]wt$(r,c,p)
- 13890 [142]
- 13900 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 13910 [153]"the surgery resident arrives and"
- 13920 [153]"congratulates you on a job well done,"
- 13930 [153]"agreeing with your diagnosis"
- 13940 [153]"of tension pneumothorax secondary"
- 13950 [153]"to chest stab wound.":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:[153]
- 13960 [153]"your patient is wheeled out of the er"
- 13970 [153]"up to the surgical intensive care unit"
- 13980 [153]"in fairly good shape!":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:suc[178]2
- 13990 [142]
- 14000 [143]***patient #4***
- 14010 [153][199](147):[153]"":[153]"just when it seems the coast"
- 14020 [153]"might be clearing for a while,"
- 14030 [153]"the er phone rings.":[153]:[153]"you pick it up, but have trouble"
- 14040 [153]"making out what's being said due to"
- 14050 [153]"the poor connection.":[153]
- 14055 [153]"the caller is a very dismayed woman"
- 14060 [153]"who is eventually able to tell you"
- 14070 [153]"that she just found her two year old"
- 14080 [153]"in the bathroom, happily eating the"
- 14085 [153]"last pill of a formerly full bottle.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 14090 [153]"":[153]"she has no idea what the medicine was,"
- 14100 [153]"since it belonged to her mother-- and"
- 14110 [153]"he also ate the label.":[153]:[153]"she says that he seems to be ok"
- 14120 [153]"though he is a little drowsy.":[153]
- 14130 [153]"she plans to rush him right over to"
- 14140 [153]"your nearby er, but wants to know"
- 14150 [153]"if there is anything she should"
- 14160 [153]"do for him first.":[153]
- 14165 [133]"any suggestions?";i$
- 14170 [139]i$[178]"give ipecac"[176]i$[178]"administer ipecac"[167]ipe[178]1:[153]"":[137]14200
- 14175 [139]c[178]1[167][153]"she didn't make out a word you said---":[153]"":[137]14250
- 14180 [153]"she didn't get that due to":[153]"lousy connection--- try again!"
- 14190 [153]:c[178]c[170]1:[137]14165
- 14200 [141]5000:[153]"":[153]"it just so happens that she has some.":[153]
- 14210 [153]"she says she will give him an ounce and"
- 14220 [153]"a big glass of water as you suggest,":[153]"and come right over."
- 14230 [153]"":[141]5000:[153]"":[153]"several minutes later the er doors"
- 14235 [153]"fly open, admitting a frantic mother":[153]"bearing her sleepy,"
- 14240 [153]"(but still caterwaulling) two year old.":[153]
- 14242 [153]"she says he vomited copiously,":[153]"---all over the car."
- 14245 [153]"":[141]5000:sbp[178]90:dbp[178]50:hr[178]120:rr[178]45:tp[178]99:[141]2000:[142]
- 14250 [141]5000:[153]"":[153]"she finally gives up and hangs up,"
- 14260 [153]"after saying they are on their way over."
- 14270 [153]"":[141]5000:[153]"":[153]"several minutes later the er doors"
- 14275 [153]"fly open, admitting a frantic mother"
- 14280 [153]"bearing her sleepy two year old.":[153]
- 14285 [153]"she says he has become increasingly"
- 14290 [153]"lethargic on the way over."
- 14295 [153]"":[141]5000:sbp[178]90:dbp[178]50:hr[178]120:rr[178]10:tp[178]99:[141]2000:[142]
- 14300 [143]**subroutine for pt#4***
- 14310 [139]ipe[178]1[175]rr[177]5[167]14500
- 14320 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]1[167][153]"lab shows mild hypoxia and acidosis":[142]
- 14330 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[167][153]"your nurse suggests giving narcan first":[142]
- 14340 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]4[175]rp[178]0[167][153]"he's not breathing enough to help much":[142]
- 14350 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]6[167][153]"she doesn't believe you a bit!":[142]
- 14360 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]1[167][153]"pupils are pinpoint and nonreactive":[142]
- 14370 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]2[175]rp[178]0[167][153]"breath sounds are very faint":[142]
- 14380 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]5[175]rp[178]0[167][153]"his color is slightly grey":[142]
- 14390 [139]r[179][177]2[176]c[179][177]4[167]14500
- 14400 [153]"he starts improve almost immediately,"
- 14410 [153]"becoming more alert, breathing faster"
- 14420 [153]"and deeper on his own ----":[153]
- 14430 [139]rp[179][177]1[167]14460
- 14440 [153]"he no longer needs the respirator, so"
- 14450 [153]"you disconnect it and pull the et tube.":rp[178]0:tu[178]0
- 14460 ipe[178]1:rr[178]15:hr[178]100:sbp[178]100:dbp[178]70:[142]
- 14500 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]5[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]10:dbp[178]dbp[170]5
- 14510 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[178]1[167][153]"done":[142]
- 14520 [139]r[179][177]3[176]c[179][177]6[176]rr[179]10[167]14530
- 14525 [153]"you reconsider and decide to hold off"
- 14528 [153]"on this, since he's breathing pretty well on his own":tu[178]0:[142]
- 14530 [139]r[179][177]3[176]c[179][177]4[167]14570
- 14540 [153]"you are able to place a nasogastric tube"
- 14545 [153]"( with considerable difficulty )":[153]
- 14550 [153]"you lavage, and obtain a few":[153]"pill fragments.":[153]
- 14555 [153]"you then give some charcoal and"
- 14560 [153]"magnesium citrate to get rid":[153]"of the rest.":[153]:lav[178]1:[142]
- 14570 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167][153]"done":[142]
- 14580 [139]ipe[178]0[175]rr[177]0[175]rp[179]1[167]rr[178]rr[171]1
- 14590 [139]war[177]0[176]rr[177]4[167]14650
- 14600 [153]"your patient is in the process of"
- 14610 [153]"having a respiratory arrest!":[153]
- 14620 [153]"better do something fast to get some":[153]"air moving!":[153]
- 14630 [153]"( your experienced nurse suggests"
- 14640 [153]"either cpr or a resrirator )":[153]:war[178]1
- 14650 [139]ipe[178]1[175]lav[178]1[175]r[178]6[175]c[178]7[167][141]14900:[142]
- 14660 [139]r[179][177]6[176]c[179][177]7[167]14730
- 14670 [153]"you page them, but no one can come to":[153]"your rescue just yet."
- 14680 [153]:[153]"the resident does suggest that you try"
- 14690 [153]"giving some narcan if he seems to be"
- 14700 [153]"having respiratory depression, then"
- 14710 [153]"pump his stomach to get rid of"
- 14720 [153]"as much of the poison as possible.":[142]
- 14730 [139]ti[171]t1[177]4000[176]cpr[177]14[167][141]14800:[142]
- 14740 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[167]rr[178]0
- 14750 [139]ipe[179]1[167]sbp[178]sbp[171]3:dbp[178]dbp[171]2:hr[178]hr[170]4
- 14790 [153]wt$(r,c,p):[142]
- 14800 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 14810 [153]"fortune smiles upon you":[153]"( in the nick of time at that ),"
- 14820 [153]"as a pediatric resident has wandered by!":[153]
- 14830 [153]"seeing your predicament, she lends"
- 14840 [153]"a hand--- and together you quickly"
- 14850 [153]"place the child on a respirator, reverse"
- 14860 [153]"the effects of the opiate he took with"
- 14870 [153]"some narcan (temporarily), and pump"
- 14880 [153]"his stomach to get out the unabsorbed":[153]"remainder.":[153]
- 14890 [129]t[178]1[164]4000:[130]t:[153]"he is then wheeled up to pediatrics"
- 14895 [153]"in good shape, fussing mightily---":[129]t[178]1[164]4000:[130]t:suc[178]2:[142]
- 14900 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 14910 [153]"the pediatric resident arrives and"
- 14920 [153]"congratulates you on a job well done,"
- 14930 [153]"agreeing with your diagnosis"
- 14940 [153]"of opiate overdose.":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:[153]
- 14950 [153]"your patient is wheeled out of the er"
- 14960 [153]"up to the pediatric ward, protesting"
- 14970 [153]"loudly, but in very good shape!":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:suc[178]2:[142]
- 15000 [143]***patient #5***
- 15010 [153][199](147):[153]"":[153]"your nurse taps you on the shoulder"
- 15020 [153]"and directs your attention to a curious"
- 15030 [153]"crew coming down the corridor.":[153]
- 15040 [153]"a policewoman and a jail trustee are"
- 15050 [153]"escorting one profoundly unstable"
- 15060 [153]"female prisoner into the er,"
- 15070 [153]"one under each arm.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 15080 [153]"":[153]"the trustee tells you she was deposited"
- 15090 [153]"in the jail about an hour ago for dwi"
- 15100 [153]"after flunking a field sobriety test"
- 15110 [153]"administered by the arresting officer"
- 15120 [153]"whose patrol car she broadsided.":[153]
- 15130 [153]"since her arrival at city lockup, she"
- 15140 [153]"has remained lethargic and mostly incoherent -----":[153]
- 15150 [153]"they decided to bring her to you after"
- 15160 [153]"she had a couple of brief convulsions.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 15170 [153]"":[153]"despite her appearing drunk as a skunk,"
- 15180 [153]"there were no signs of alcohol in"
- 15190 [153]"her car, or on her breath.":[153]""
- 15200 [153]"she is a well-dressed young black woman"
- 15210 [153]"with a glazed expression, who is unable"
- 15220 [153]"to walk and is indeed incoherent.":[153]
- 15230 [153]"they deposit her limply on a stretcher"
- 15240 [153]"and look at you expectantly.":[153]"":[141]5000
- 15250 sbp[178]100:dbp[178]60:hr[178]60:rr[178]10:tp[178]97
- 15260 [141]2000:[142]
- 15300 [143]***subroutine for pt#5***
- 15310 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]4[167]id[178]1
- 15320 [139]r[178]0[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no name available to order chart":[142]
- 15330 [139]r[178]6[175]c[178]4[175]id[179]1[167][153]"no name available to call relatives":[142]
- 15340 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]rp[178]1[167][153]"given":[142]
- 15350 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[175]tu[178]1[167][153]"given":[142]
- 15360 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[175]glu[179]1[175]rp[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 15370 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[175]tu[179]1[175]glu[179]1[167]rr[178]0
- 15380 [139]sbp[177]10[167]sbp[178]sbp[171]3
- 15390 [139]dbp[177]10[167]dbp[178]dbp[171]2
- 15400 [139]hr[177]10[167]hr[178]hr[171]2
- 15410 [141]7000
- 15420 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]5[167]sbp[178]sbp[170]10:dbp[178]dbp[170]5
- 15430 [139]bic[178]1[175]r[178]1[175]c[178]1[175]j[178]1[167][153]"normal, except for low glucose":[142]
- 15450 [139]r[179][177]4[176]c[179][177]3[167]15500
- 15460 [139]k[177]0[176]bic[178]1[176]lid[178]1[176]suc[178]1[176]epi[178]1[167][142]
- 15500 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]7[167][153]"done":[142]
- 15510 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]6[175]tu[177]0[167][153]"she can't speak with an et tube placed":[142]
- 15520 [139]r[179][177]2[176]c[179][177]1[176]ti[171]t1[177]4000[176]glu[178]1[167]15600
- 15530 [153]"she responds dramatically, with"
- 15540 [153]"improvements in breathing, color and":[153]"alertness.":[153]
- 15550 [139]tu[177]0[167]15590
- 15560 [153]"she tells you she feels terribly"
- 15570 [153]"hungry and anxious. she also confirms"
- 15580 [153]"that she is a diabetic on insulin ---and forgot to eat dinner"
- 15590 glu[178]1:sbp[178]120:dbp[178]70:hr[178]100:rr[178]20:tp[178]98:[142]
- 15600 [139]r[178]6[175]c[178]2[175]glu[178]1[175]ti[171]t1[179]4000[167][141]15900:[142]
- 15610 [139]glu[179]1[167]15700
- 15620 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]1[167][153]"glucose is slightly low, otherwise ok":[142]
- 15630 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]2[167][153]"ekg shows sinus tachycardia":[142]
- 15640 [139]r[178]1[175]c[178]6[167][153]"she tells you she has diabetes":[142]
- 15650 [139]r[178]4[175]c[178]2[167][153]"done--- and she throws it up promptly":[142]
- 15660 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]1[167][153]"normal":[142]
- 15670 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]2[167][153]"heart rate is rapid, lungs are clear":[142]
- 15680 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]3[167][153]"normal":[142]
- 15690 [139]r[178]5[175]c[178]5[167][153]"clammy, but normal color":[142]
- 15695 [139]r[178]2[175]c[178]6[167][153]"given":[142]
- 15700 [153]wt$(r,c,p):[142]
- 15900 [153][199](147):[153]""
- 15910 [153]"the medicine resident arrives and"
- 15920 [153]"congratulates you on a job well done,":[129]t[178]1[164]800:[130]t:[153]
- 15930 [153]"agreeing with your diagnosis"
- 15940 [153]"of insulin induced hypoglycemia.":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:[153]
- 15950 [153]"your patient is wheeled out of the er"
- 15960 [153]"up to the medicine ward, stunned but in"
- 15970 [153]"fairly good shape!":[129]t[178]1[164]2400:[130]t:suc[178]2
- 15990 [142]
- 20000 [143]***data***
- 20010 [131]orde," lab"," ekg",rays,hart,ator,ring
- 20020 [131]chec," lab"," ekg",rays,hart,igns,tory
- 20030 [131]give,cose,carb,aine,rcan,uids,ldol
- 20040 [131]plac,e iv,ures,ints,tube,o,o
- 20050 [131]admi," cpr",ecac,hock,ygen,tion,ance
- 20060 [131]exam,head,hest,exes,ings,skin,omen
- 20070 [131]call,rity,cine,atry,ives,gery,"e 99"
- 20100 [131]0,lab ordered,ekg ordered,x-rays ordered
- 20105 [131]old chart ordered
- 20110 [131]respirator won't do you a bit of good without an endotracheal tube
- 20115 [131]monitoring ordered
- 20120 [131]0,patient is acidotic and has an elevated cpk
- 20130 [131]ekg shows ventricular tachycardia,x-rays of chest are normal
- 20140 [131]old chart reveals previous treatment for angina,0
- 20150 [131]patient is out of it and is unable to provide history
- 20155 [131]0,done,done,done,done,done
- 20160 [131]patient has stopped breathing entirely
- 20170 [131]0,done,where? -there are no visible lacerations,done
- 20180 [131]done--but it doesn't help,done--but it doesn't help,done
- 20190 [131]0,0,patient is unable to swallow-- he aspirates ipecac
- 20200 [131]zzzap!!! he doesn't look a bit better
- 20205 [131]his color improves a little
- 20210 [131]done,done,0,normal except for slightly large pupils
- 20220 [131]his heart sounds are rapid and faint no breath sounds are heard
- 20225 [131]normal,he has on a medic-alert bracelet that lists name and number
- 20230 [131]he is clammy and grey,normal,0
- 20235 [131]several security guards arrive and stand around looking bored
- 20240 [131]they are busy right now-- try again later!
- 20245 [131]psych resident tells you you're crazy-- patient needs medicine consult
- 20250 [131] shocked relatives tell you about his heart condition
- 20260 [131]surgeons are all tied up just now,0
- 20300 [131]0,lab ordered,ekg ordered,x-rays ordered
- 20310 [131]old chart ordered
- 20320 [131]respirator won't do you a bit of good without an endotracheal tube
- 20330 [131]monitoring ordered
- 20340 [131]0,lab normal except for a slightly elevated white cell count
- 20350 [131]ekg shows sinus tachycardia,x-rays of chest are normal
- 20360 [131]old chart reveals previous treatment for drug abuse,0
- 20380 [131]patient laughs uproariously and recites the pledge of allegiance
- 20390 [131]0,done,done,done,done,done
- 20400 [131]he smiles broadly and goes to sleep
- 20410 [131]0,you are able to start an iv after considerable struggle
- 20415 [131]where? there are no visible lacerations
- 20420 [131]"it takes you, the nurse and seven security guards do it"
- 20430 [131]done--but only after a protracted struggle
- 20440 [131]done-- but all it does is make him twice as agitated
- 20450 [131]no way-- he bites the et tube into little pieces
- 20460 [131]0,0,he pretends to swallow the ipecac then spits it on your coat
- 20470 [131]he screams bloody murder-- injuring your eardrums
- 20480 [131]he manages to get out a pocket lighter and tries to blow up the er
- 20490 [131]he simply bites the suction tube into little pieces
- 20500 [131]he threatens to blow up your house when he gets out of here
- 20510 [131]0,his eye movements are jerky and his pupils are enlarged
- 20520 [131]his heart sounds are rapid and strong breath sounds are normal
- 20530 [131]reflexes are hyperactive
- 20540 [131]"you find a lighter, wallet with id, a joint and a vial of powder"
- 20550 [131]he is flushed but otherwise normal
- 20560 [131]bowel sounds are hyperactive otherwise normal abdomen,0
- 20570 [131]"a security guard arrives, looks shocked and sends for reinforcements"
- 20580 [131]they are busy right now-- try again later!
- 20590 [131]psych resident is busy right now--- he suggests a sedative
- 20600 [131] his relatives tell you about his addiction to pcp
- 20610 [131]surgeons are all tied up just now,0
- 20700 [131]0,lab ordered,ekg ordered,x-rays ordered
- 20710 [131]old chart ordered
- 20720 [131]respirator won't do you a bit of good without an endotracheal tube
- 20730 [131]monitoring ordered
- 20740 [131]0,"he is slightly anemic, acidotic and hypoxic"
- 20750 [131]ekg shows sinus tachycardia
- 20755 [131]x-rays of his chest show tension pneumothorax!
- 20760 [131]old chart reveals previous treatment various injuries from fights,0
- 20780 [131]he says he was on his way to church whensomeone hit him in the chest
- 20790 [131]0,done,done,done,done,done
- 20800 [131]patient has stopped breathing entirely
- 20810 [131]0,done,where? -you haven't found any lacerations,done
- 20820 [131]done--but it doesn't help,done--and he breathes a lot easier!,done
- 20830 [131]0,0,patient merely throws it back up all over you---
- 20840 [131]zzzappp! he just curses you out!
- 20850 [131]his color improves a little
- 20860 [131]done,done,0,normal
- 20870 [131]heart sounds rapid- small stab wound andno breath sounds in left chest
- 20890 [131]normal,he has nothing except for a knife and some brass knuckles
- 20900 [131]"he is clammy and grey, and has a small laceration on his left chest"
- 20910 [131]normal,0
- 20920 [131]several security guards arrive and quickly depart again
- 20930 [131]they are busy right now-- try again later!
- 20940 [131]psych resident tells you you're crazy-- patient needs surgery consult
- 20950 [131]his relatives are all at the same fight he came from
- 20960 [131]surgeons are all tied up just now,0
- 21000 [131]0,lab ordered,ekg ordered,x-rays ordered
- 21010 [131]old chart ordered
- 21020 [131]respirator won't do you a bit of good without an endotracheal tube
- 21030 [131]monitoring ordered
- 21040 [131]0,lab is normal
- 21050 [131]ekg shows sinus tachycardia
- 21055 [131]x-rays are completely normal
- 21060 [131]old chart shows nothing other than routine checkups,0
- 21080 [131]mother just repeats what she told you over the phone
- 21090 [131]0,done,done,done,done,done
- 21100 [131]he stops breathing entirely!
- 21110 [131]0,done,where? -you haven't found any lacerations,done
- 21120 [131]0,your nurse wisely talks you out of this since it's not indicated
- 21125 [131]done--after considerable effort
- 21130 [131]0,0,patient merely throws it back up all over you---
- 21140 [131]your nurse wisely suggests you scrap that idea
- 21150 [131]his color improves a little
- 21160 [131]done,done,0,his pupils are somewhat small --otherwise normal
- 21170 [131]"heart sounds are rapid, breathing is nice and deep"
- 21190 [131]reflexes are hypoactive,mother brought the empty unmarked pill bottle
- 21200 [131]"his color is fairly good, no bruises or lacerations are present"
- 21210 [131]"no bowel sounds, otherwise normal",0
- 21220 [131]several security guards arrive and laugh at you obnoxiously
- 21230 [131]they are busy right now-- try again later!
- 21240 [131]psych resident tells you you're crazy--
- 21250 [131]"you reach the grandmother, who tells youpills were morphine sulfate"
- 21260 [131]surgeons are all tied up just now,0
- 21300 [131]0,lab ordered,ekg ordered,x-rays ordered
- 21310 [131]old chart ordered
- 21320 [131]respirator won't do you a bit of good without an endotracheal tube
- 21330 [131]monitoring ordered
- 21340 [131]0,lab is normal except for mild acidosis and a very low glucose of 20
- 21350 [131]ekg shows sinus bradycardia,x-rays of chest and skull are normal
- 21360 [131]old chart reveals previous treatment for poorly controlled diabetes
- 21380 [131]0,"patient mumbles something about being hungry, but little else"
- 21400 [131]0,done,done,done,done,done,she stops breathing entirely!
- 21410 [131]0,done,where? there are no lacerations worth suturing
- 21420 [131]done,done--but it doesn't help,done--but it doesn't help,done
- 21430 [131]0,0,patient is unable to swallow-- she aspirates ipecac
- 21440 [131]zzzap!!! she doesn't look a bit better
- 21450 [131]her color improves a little
- 21460 [131]done,done,0,normal except for slightly large pupils
- 21470 [131]her heart sounds are slow and faint breathing is slow and shallow
- 21480 [131]reflexes are slightly hypoactive
- 21485 [131]she has a medic-alert bracelet listing name and diagnosis of diabetes
- 21490 [131]she is clammy and pale,normal,0
- 21500 [131]several security guards arrive and stand around cracking jokes
- 21510 [131]they are busy right now-- try again later!
- 21520 [131]psych resident suggests you check for insulin coma and call medicine
- 21530 [131] shocked relatives tell you about her diabetes
- 21540 [131]surgeons are all tied up just now,0
- 63000 [153]"loadload"[199](34)"hello"[199](34)",8":[153]"run"
- 63010 [151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]