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- a small piece of cloth
- handkerchief
- hankerchief
- handkercheif
- a
- to commit or entrust
- recommend
- recomend
- reccommend
- a
- a system of keeping track of time
- calender
- callendar
- calendar
- c
- a specific being or entity
- existance
- existence
- existense
- b
- condemnation or censure
- criticism
- critisism
- critticism
- a
- remarkable
- extrordinary
- extraordinery
- extraordinary
- c
- barely friends
- acquaintance
- aquaintence
- acquaintaince
- a
- to break into or between
- interupt
- interrupt
- interuppt
- b
- preserved writings of a language
- literature
- litterture
- literatere
- a
- spellbinding
- facsinating
- fascanating
- fascinating
- c
- sense of moral goodness in one's self
- consience
- conscience
- consceince
- b
- ignorant of letters or books
- illiterate
- illiterete
- iliterate
- a
- a necessity
- requirment
- recquirement
- requirement
- c
- capable or worthy
- acceptable
- exceptable
- aceptable
- a
- to isolate
- quarantine
- quarentine
- quarantene
- a
- limits of holding
- capasity
- capacity
- cappacity
- b
- an apparatus for mixing air and gas
- carburetor
- carbarator
- carbarater
- a
- freedom from control by others
- independance
- independence
- inddependence
- b
- essential
- necessary
- neccesary
- necessery
- a
- not in question
- undoubtadely
- undoubtedley
- undoubtedly
- c