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- 25
- in the midst of
- among
- amung
- emong
- a
- deeply concerned
- anksous
- ankshous
- anxious
- c
- to make certain
- ascertain
- asertain
- asertane
- a
- a feast or festival
- banquit
- banequit
- banquet
- c
- a flat cake of unraised bread
- biscut
- biscuit
- bisqit
- b
- to respire
- breath
- breathe
- breth
- b
- to quit
- cancil
- cansil
- cancel
- c
- an occupation
- carear
- career
- caraer
- b
- captured
- caught
- caut
- kaut
- a
- to pick; select
- choose
- chose
- chews
- a
- to ascend
- clime
- climb
- klime
- b
- wearing apparel
- close
- clothes
- cloths
- b
- a university
- college
- collage
- colage
- a
- a support for a building
- colum
- collum
- column
- c
- capable of doing
- competent
- competant
- competint
- a
- to blame; to accuse
- comdim
- condemn
- condem
- b
- aware of one's own thoughts
- konshus
- conscious
- conscous
- b
- never ending
- contenually
- contenuly
- continually
- c
- to expel air violently
- koff
- cough
- coufe
- b
- last course of a meal
- desert
- dessert
- deshert
- b
- very dry land
- dessert
- desert
- deshert
- b
- a very precious stone
- dimond
- diamond
- diamend
- b
- to omit; leave out
- except
- accept
- acept
- a
- to arouse
- xcite
- exsight
- excite
- c
- well acquainted with
- familar
- familiar
- familier
- b