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- 100 rem what is r & f
- 200 d$=""
- 300 poke53281,5:poke53280,2:print"[144][147]";
- 400 printchr$(14)"[147][144] [202]ust what is a [210][201][195][200][160]&[160][198][193][205][207][213][211][160][196][201][211][203]?":print
- 500 print"[215]ell, it's a double-sided unprotected":print
- 600 print"disk full of programs written by one of":print
- 700 print"our [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] subscribers.":print:print
- 800 print" [212]he disks may deal with some theme or":print
- 900 print"they may be a collection of assorted ":print
- 1000 print"programs which have nothing in common ":print
- 1100 print"(except for the author)."
- 1200 printd$;:print"<press a key>":poke198,0:wait198,1
- 1300 print"[147] [197]ach disk in the [210] & [198] series ":print
- 1400 print"sells for $16.95. [217]ou may order as many"
- 1500 print"as you like. [201]f you have a printer, ":print
- 1600 print"you can print out the order form and ":print
- 1700 print"just check off what you want to order.":print
- 1800 print"[201]f you don't have a printer, you can ":print
- 1900 print"send us a paper note to place your":print
- 2000 print"order."
- 2100 printd$;:print"<press a key>":poke198,0:wait198,1
- 2200 print"[147] 1. [210][213][206] the [210]ich & [198]amous ads"
- 2202 print" 2. [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 2204 print:print"[215]hich ? ";
- 2206 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 2208 ifk$<>"1"andk$<>"2"then2206
- 2210 ifk$="1"thenf$="ad.menu"
- 2212 ifk$="2"thenf$="hello"
- 2214 printk$
- 2220 print" .... loading ...."
- 2230 print"load"chr$(34);f$;chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 2232 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end