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- Lieber 46032
- I noticed in a recent issue the use of
- a colon in a way I hadn't seen before
- and I just wondered what it meant. For
- example:
- 10 PRINT 'Hi'
- 20 :
- 30 END
- If it just a separator, could other
- marks be used as well?
- >Well, you're right, it is used just
- as a separator, but it is the only
- character which can be used in this
- way.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Smith 32741
- I am having a problem. Every so often
- when I use the joystick to scroll
- different articles, it jumps to the
- printing option. Why is it doing this?
- Is there anything I can do about it?
- If so, what?
- APT. 14-208
- P.S. If I put a payload program on
- this disk, should I put it on
- the front or back of the disk?
- >First of all, we would prefer you to
- place your PAYLOAD submissions on the
- front side of the disk. Please note
- that now you CREATE your own
- MAKER on main menu>.
- Secondly, a few other people have
- told us that they are suddenly
- thrown into the hardcopy option
- without wanting to be there. We have
- tested this on our machines and have
- not ever jumped to the printer
- option. All I can say is that this
- is still being looked at.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Peters 32806
- I have only one question. It is
- about DATA statements. How in the
- world do you use them? The instruction
- manual doesn't explain it too well. I
- have no idea how they work. My
- programs are getting a little dull
- without them. I would appreciate it
- if you could show me how to use them.
- Sean Peters
- 2423 Timberlake Dr.
- Orlando, FL 32806
- >DATA statements are for data storage
- in your programs. For example, a
- DATA statement that would contain
- four names might look like this:
- Now, if you execute a statement like
- this,
- 980 READ A$,B$,C$,D$
- the contents of these variables would
- be:
- A$="BOB"
- B$="CAROL"
- C$="JIM"
- D$="SPOT"
- Just think of DATA statements as a
- place to keep information that your
- program is going to use.
- 300 DATA 234,191,112,0,40,80,96
- When you see a data statement that is
- full of numbers, you can be pretty
- sure that the program is using them
- to build sprites, or play music, or
- POKE a machine language routine into
- memory. It is true that programs
- that are full of these types of DATA
- statements are less dull than 'plain
- vanilla BASIC' programs, but that is
- because of the sprites, or the music,
- or what ever special effect the data
- was for, and not because they were
- produced with DATA statements.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Christian 78227
- I collect music for the 64 and have
- many disks that I play for easy
- listening in the evenings. You have
- some very good music on your disks and
- I would like to put it with my music
- disks and still haven't figured how to
- get it off the LOADSTAR disk. All
- hints and clues appreciated.
- Phyllis Christian
- 8010 Latigo Dr.
- San Antonio, TX 78227
- >We're glad you asked that!
- We have been using several different
- musical systems in LOADSTAR. On the
- early issues, the music was contained
- in the file ROUTINES. Later, we put
- the music in a separate file called
- ROMUSIC, and the music player in one
- called SIDIRQ.V2 or JEFFIRQ.V2.
- In the early versions, all you have
- to do to hear the music is
- LOAD"ROUTINES",8,1 then SYS 49152.
- In the later versions, you need to
- or "JEFFIRQ.V2",8,1 then POKE the
- address of ROMUSIC into 49162 and
- 49163 then SYS 49152.
- Our music will continue to play in
- the background until you RESTORE the
- computer or load something over the
- music or music player. You will be
- able to write, load, save, and run
- BASIC programs while our music is
- playing. One warning: NEVER SYS
- 49152 while our music is playing.
- Your computer will "HANG" and you
- will have to turn the power off.
- LOADSTAR will soon be publishing the
- MR. M. DISK (M. stands for music).
- This disk will be full of music for
- your listening pleasure (including
- most of the tunes that have appeared
- as LOADSTAR background) as well as
- a music entering system so that you
- may write your own music or transpose
- music from sheet music.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Locke 90745
- I have a problem which gives me
- quite a bit of trouble.
- I LOAD a disk, view directory, and
- LOAD a file. The file loads, lists,
- and when I type RUN, I get 'SYNTAX
- ERROR IN 0'.
- What is wrong?
- Roy E. Locke
- 187 W 234th Street
- Carson, CA 90745
- >It doesn't sound like you are doing
- anything wrong. The only thing we
- can come up with is that somehow,
- you are trying to RUN the directory.
- Try typing NEW after you look at the
- directory and are ready to LOAD a
- file.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- QUOSIG 94587
- My parents bought my sister and I
- this subscription to LOADSTAR and we
- would like to know how both of us can
- make comments? What would you enter
- for the last name? What would you
- enter for zip code?
- - Kevin Quosig
- - Stacey Quosig
- 2038 Hartnell St.
- Union City, CA 94587
- >You can each put your comments in
- STARLINE. One of you type your
- comments in first and sign your name
- when you finish. Then, the other of
- you put in your comments and then
- sign your name. When you are both
- finished, save your comments as you
- would normally.
- ----------- End of Article -----------