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- PEEKs, POKEs, and SYSes -- Part 21
- by Jimmy Weiler
- ======================================
- --------------------------------------
- We will begin by 'zeroing out' the
- string where we want to place our
- input. That is to get rid of any
- residual contents from previous INPUTs
- into the string. While we're at it,
- let's define a space and a backspace
- for use later.
- 5 L$="":S$=" ":B$=CHR$(157)
- Next, we start GETting letters from
- the keyboard. We want to make sure
- the cursor is blinking, too.
- 25 POKE 204,0: GET K$: K = PEEK(203)
- Location 204 is BLNSW. A value of
- zero in BLNSW tells the Commodore to
- flash the cursor during a GET.
- Location 203 is SFDX. We will be
- using that value, stored in the
- variable K to determine what key was
- pressed.
- If no key was pressed, then K$ will
- be an empty string and we will want
- to GET another keypress.
- 40 IF K$ = "" THEN 25
- If K$ is not equal to a null string,
- that means a key was pressed, and it
- is time to figure out what to do with
- it. Before we do anything, we'll
- RESET the quote flag. That way, if
- the last letter printed was a quote,
- the next cursor control printed will
- be a true cursor control, and not
- a graphics image.
- 45 POKE 212,0
- If K$ is a carriage return, then
- the input is finished and we should
- exit the routine. It is good form to
- have subroutine RETURNS occur only at
- the end of the subroutine, so we will
- GOTO that RETURN statement. We print
- a space followed by a backspace to
- erase the cursor, in case you press
- <RETURN> when the cursor is on.
- 50 IF K$ = CHR$(13) THEN PRINT S$B$
- :GOTO 90
- If K$ is a backspace, we want to
- lop off the last letter we typed, if
- we have, indeed, typed any.
- :L$=LEFT$(L$,LEN(L$)-1):?K$S$;:GOTO80
- ABS(LEN(L$)=0) is equal to 1 if L$ is
- a null string. If so, we can't take
- any more off the end, so we don't even
- try -- we just jump back to the GET
- statement in 25.
- If L$ did have any characters in it,
- L$=LEFT$(L$,LEN(L$)-1) will lop the
- last one off. Then ?K$" " will erase
- the last character displayed on the
- screen.
- If K$ was not a carriage return and
- not a backspace, we want to start
- thinking about adding it to the end of
- L$, but first we better check to see
- if L$ can stand another letter. The
- longest string Commodore BASIC allows
- is 255 characters. If our string is
- already that long, we can't tack any
- more letters onto it so we just go
- back to waiting for a keypress..
- 60 IF LEN(L$)=255 THEN 25
- Now, let's check all the keys we
- want to ignore and see if the key
- pressed was one of them. This is
- where we use the variable K, which we
- set equal to PEEK(203) -- the NUMBER
- of the key being pressed. If you look
- back at the SFDX key value chart, you
- will see that most of the special
- keys are right at the beginning. In
- fact, the ones we want to ignore are
- 0 through 7, and 51, the clear/home
- key. (It's always very confusing to
- the user if you let him accidentally
- clear the screen.)
- 70 ON ABS(K<8 OR K=51) GOTO 25
- which is just another way of saying
- 70 IF (K<8 OR K=51) THEN 25
- This effectively causes our routine
- to take no further notice of INS/DEL,
- <RETURN>,<CRSR>,function keys,or
- CLR/HOME. If any of those were
- pressed, the program will just go back
- to the GET statement to wait for
- another keypress.
- Now that we're sure the key pressed
- is a real letter or character, we can
- add it to the end of L$.
- 75 L$ = L$ + K$
- Then there's nothing left to do
- but clean up any unwanted characters
- at the end of the line of input, and
- loop back to the GET statement.
- 80 PRINT S$B$K$;
- 85 GOTO 25
- And finally we return with the
- completely assembled string in L$.
- --------------------------------------
- Try taking out the backspaces, or
- don't check for the invalid characters
- and see what happens. You should be
- able to adapt this or write something
- like it to fit nearly any application.
- This entire subroutine is available
- to you on this disk. It is saved onto
- Hope you have learned something!!
- ---------< end of article >-----------