home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 remsave"order blank-pr",8
- 50 forx=0to39:l$=l$+"[164]":next
- 52 dd$=l$
- 60 :
- 100 print"[147][217]ou may look at [204]oadstar ordering "
- 102 print"information on the screen or the "
- 104 print"printer.":print
- 200 print" [201]f you choose printer, your printer"
- 202 print"will print an order form.":print:print
- 300 print"[211]creen or [208]rinter (s/p)":poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 400 ifz$<>"s"andz$<>"p"then300
- 500 ifz$="s"then5500
- 1050 print"[147][208]lease turn your printer on and put"
- 1052 print"the paper at the top of a page."
- 1054 print:print"[208]ress a key when you are ready to print.":poke198,0:wait198,1
- 1100 open4,4,7:cmd4
- 1200 print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 1300 print" [208].[207]. [194]ox 30007"
- 1400 print" [211]hreveport [204][193] 71130-0007":print
- 1500 print" [207][210][196][197][210][160][198][207][210][205][160]- [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] #9"
- 1600 print
- 1700 reada$:ifa$="end"then1950
- 1800 printa$
- 1900 goto1700
- 1950 :
- 1960 :
- 2000 print"[206]ame :"dd$:print
- 2100 print"[193]ddress :"dd$:print
- 2200 print"[195]ity/[211]tate/[218]ip :"dd$:print
- 2400 print
- 2402 print" [198]or diskette orders, use your [213][208][211] delivery address."
- 2500 print" [193][204][204] [208][210][201][195][197][211][160][201][206][195][204][213][196][197][160][211][200][201][208][208][201][206][199][160][195][200][193][210][199][197][211]"
- 2600 print:print:print:print#4:close4
- 2700 goto7900
- 2800 data" [193] new issue of [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is published every month. [200]owever, [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]
- 2900 [131]"does not become dated material. (NULL)he programs on (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) have permanent
- 3000 data"value. [217]ou will want the complete [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] collection. [193]ll past issues
- 3100 [131]"starting with number 1 are still available for $9.95 each."
- 3200 [131]" (NULL)rder three or more and take one dollar off each issue. (NULL)rder six or
- 3300 data"more and take two dollars off each issue.",
- 3400 data" [211]end me the following issue numbers [164][164][164] , [164][164][164] , [164][164][164] , [164][164][164] , [164][164][164] , [164][164][164] ,"
- 3500 data"[164][164][164] , [164][164][164] at $[164][164][164][164][164][164] each."
- 3600 data" "
- 3700 data"[211][213][194]-[212][207][212][193][204]: $[164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 3800 data,
- 3900 data" [211][207][198][212][196][201][211][203] diskettes are double density and punched so that they can be
- 4000 [131]"used on both sides. (NULL)(NULL)asc(NULL)str$right$(NULL)(NULL) diskettes come packed in plastic library
- 4100 data"cases, 10 to a box, with write protect tabs and labels. [160][212]hey sell for
- 4200 [131]"$1.60 each. atnt that price we require that you order a minimum of 50 or
- 4300 data"a multiple of 50. [217]ou get a free head cleaning disk with each 50.",
- 4400 data" [164][164][164][164][164][164] 50 at $1.60 each = $ 80"
- 4500 data" [164][164][164][164][164][164] 100 at $1.60 each = $160"
- 4600 data" [164][164][164][164][164][164] 150 at $1.60 each = $240"
- 4700 data" [164][164][164][164][164][164] 200 at $1.60 each = $320"
- 4800 data" "
- 4900 data"[211][213][194]-[212][207][212][193][204]: $[164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 5000 data,
- 5002 data" [212]he [210]ich and [198]amous [196]isk series is now available. [197]ach disk costs"
- 5004 data"$16.95. [215]hen you order, you will receive a double-sided disk full of
- 5008 [131]"programs which are written by one person. (NULL)hese programs may deal
- 5010 data"with a certain theme or they may be a collection of different programs.
- 5014 [131]"(NULL)ich and ascamous disks are a great buy. (NULL)rder yourself some copies
- 5018 data"today."
- 5020 data" "
- 5022 data" [164][164][164][164][164][164] [211]ign [208]ainter [164][164][164][164][164][164] [215]arp +",
- 5025 data,"[211][213][194]-[212][207][212][193][204]: $[164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 5026 data,
- 5028 data"[199][210][193][206][196] [212][207][212][193][204]: $[164][164][164][164][164][164]",
- 5100 data" [164][164] [195]heck [164][164] [214][201][211][193] [164][164] [205][193][211][212][197][210] [195][193][210][196]"
- 5200 data,
- 5300 data"[195]ard # :[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] [197]xp date: [164][164] / [164][164] / [164][164]"
- 5400 data,,"end"
- 5500 print"[147]"
- 5600 print" [193] new issue of [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] is published ":print
- 5700 print"every month. [200]owever, [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] does ":print
- 5800 print"not become dated material. [212]he ":print
- 5900 print"programs on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] have permanent":print
- 6000 print"value. [217]ou will want the complete":print
- 6100 print"[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210][160]collection. [193]ll past issues":print
- 6200 print"starting with number 1 are still":print
- 6300 print"available for $9.95 each.":print
- 6400 print" [207]rder 3 or more and take one dollar":print
- 6500 print"off each issue. [207]rder 6 or more and ":print
- 6600 print"take two dollars off each issue.":print
- 6700 print" <press a key for more>"
- 6704 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 6710 print"[147] [212]he [210]ich & [198]amous [196]isk series is now"
- 6715 print:print"available. [197]ach disk costs $16.95."
- 6720 print:print"[210][160]&[160][198][160]disks are double-sided disks full"
- 6725 print:print"of programs written by one person. [212]he"
- 6730 print:print"programs may have a theme, or they may"
- 6735 print:print"be a collection of different programs."
- 6740 print:print"[210]ich & [198]amous [196]isks are a great buy!"
- 6745 print:print"[207]rder some today."
- 6750 print:print" [212][201][212][204][197][211][160][193][214][193][201][204][193][194][204][197]:"
- 6755 print:printspc(12)"[215][193][210][208]+":printspc(12)"[211][201][199][206][160][208][193][201][206][212][197][210]"
- 6760 print" <press a key for more>"
- 6800 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 6900 print"[147]"
- 7000 print" [211][207][198][212][196][201][211][203] diskettes come fully packaged":print
- 7100 print"and double punched for use on both ":print
- 7200 print"sides. [211][207][198][212][196][201][211][203] disks sell for $1.60":print
- 7300 print"each. [193]t this price we require that":print
- 7400 print"you order a minimum of 50 or a multiple":print
- 7500 print"of 50.":print
- 7510 print" [212]he disks are packaged in permanent":print
- 7520 print"plastic library cases and come with a":print
- 7530 print"head cleaning disk for each 50 ordered.":print
- 7600 print" [214][201][211][193], [205][195], [205][207], and check accepted.":print:print
- 7700 print" <press 's' to view again>"
- 7800 poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$:ifz$="s"then5500
- 7900 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"order form"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 8000 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end