home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 poke53281,1:poke53280,1:print"[147][157]";
- 5 aa$=" ":printchr$(8)
- 10 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 20 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 30 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 40 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 50 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 60 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199] [199] [199] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 63 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 65 fora=1to15:print" press any key to begin the program ":next
- 67 fora=1to15:print" [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] ":next
- 70 fora=1to15:print"[199] [199] [199] [194] [194] [199] [199] [199] [199] [199]":next
- 75 fora=1to15:print"[199] [199] [194] [199] [199] [199]":next
- 77 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199] [199] [199] [199] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 80 getx$:ifx$=""then60
- 85 fora=1to15:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194]one moment please[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 90 fora=1to15:print"[199] [199] [199] [194] [194] [199] [199] [199] [199] [199]":next
- 91 pm$="[209][209][209][209] [209] [209]"
- 92 pm$=pm$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209][209] [209][209]"
- 93 pm$=pm$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209][209][209][209] [209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 94 pm$=pm$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 95 pm$=pm$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 96 am$="[209][209][209][209] [209] [160][209]"
- 97 am$=am$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209][209] [209][209]"
- 98 am$=am$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209][209][209][209] [209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 99 am$=am$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 100 am$=am$+"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][209] [209] [209] [209] [209]"
- 125 fora=1to25:print"[199] [199] [199] [194] [194] one moment please [199] [199] [199] [199] [199]":next
- 126 fora=1to25:print"[194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199] [199] [199] [199] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [194] [199]":next
- 127 ifval(ti$)<010000then160
- 128 ifval(ti$)=>130000then160
- 129 print"register reads- ";ti$
- 130 print"is this correct, user?"
- 140 getx$:ifx$=""then129
- 150 ifx$<>"n"then500
- 160 print"[147]type correct value (12-hour format)"
- 165 print" 010000-125959 (hhmmss 6 digits)":input a1$:goto172
- 170 goto165
- 172 a1$=left$(a1$,6)
- 173 ifval(a1$)<010000then170
- 195 ifval(a1$)>125959then170
- 210 ti$=a1$
- 300 print"";ti$
- 305 gosub 30000
- 310 a3=a3+1:ifa3>200then85
- 320 goto300
- 500 gosub507
- 505 goto2015
- 507 xc$="[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 510 k$(0)=xc$:for ii=1to8:k$(0)=k$(0)+aa$:next:aa$=aa$+"[146]"
- 520 k$(1)=xc$+aa$+"[146] "+aa$+"[146]"
- 530 k$(2)=xc$+"[146] "+aa$+"[146]"
- 540 k$(3)=xc$+"[146]"+aa$+" "
- 550 k$(4)=xc$+"[146] "
- 610 k$(5)=right$(k$(0),16)
- 620 k$(6)=right$(k$(1),14)
- 630 k$(7)=right$(k$(2),12)
- 640 k$(8)=right$(k$(3),11)
- 650 k$(9)=right$(k$(4),9)
- 1000 a$(0)=k$(5)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)
- 1010 a$(0)=a$(0)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)
- 1020 a$(1)=k$(7)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1030 a$(1)=a$(1)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1040 a$(2)=k$(5)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(0)+k$(3)+k$(3)
- 1050 a$(2)=a$(2)+k$(3)+k$(3)+k$(0)
- 1060 a$(3)=k$(5)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(0)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1070 a$(3)=a$(3)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(0)
- 1080 a$(4)=k$(6)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1090 a$(4)=a$(4)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1100 a$(5)=k$(5)+k$(3)+k$(3)+k$(3)+k$(0)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1110 a$(5)=a$(5)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(0)
- 1120 a$(6)=k$(5)+k$(3)+k$(3)+k$(3)+k$(0)+k$(1)+k$(1)
- 1130 a$(6)=a$(6)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)
- 1140 a$(7)=k$(5)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1150 a$(7)=a$(7)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1160 a$(8)=k$(5)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)+k$(1)+k$(1)
- 1170 a$(8)=a$(8)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)
- 1180 a$(9)=k$(5)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(1)+k$(0)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1190 a$(9)=a$(9)+k$(2)+k$(2)+k$(2)
- 1200 a$(10)=k$(9)+k$(4)+k$(4)+k$(4)+k$(4)+k$(4)+k$(4)
- 1210 a$(10)=a$(10)+k$(4)+k$(4)+k$(4)
- 1230 return
- 2015 print"[147]";a$(1):print"";a$(0)
- 2017 forx=1to1000:next
- 2020 print"[147]";:fora=9to0step-1:print"";:printa$(a);
- 2030 next
- 2040 print"[147]"
- 2100 print" press q to quit."
- 2102 getr$:r=val(r$):ifr$="q"then63000
- 2107 x1$=left$(ti$,1):x2$=mid$(ti$,2,1):x3$=mid$(ti$,3,1)
- 2110 x4$=mid$(ti$,4,1):x5$=mid$(ti$,5,1):x6$=right$(ti$,1)
- 2120 x7$=x1$+x2$+x3$+x4$+x5$+x6$
- 2130 ifx7$=al$+"01"thengosub20000
- 2140 ifx1$="0"then2155
- 2150 print"";a$(val(x1$)):goto2160
- 2155 print"";a$(10)
- 2160 print"";a$(val(x2$))
- 2170 print"";x5$
- 2180 print"";x6$
- 2190 print"";a$(val(x3$))
- 2200 print"";a$(val(x4$))
- 2310 gosub30000
- 3285 ifr=0then2100
- 3290 onrgosub4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,9500,9600,40000
- 3300 goto2100
- 4000 print"[147]":fors=1to10
- 4002 x5$=mid$(ti$,5,1):x6$=right$(ti$,1)
- 4003 gosub30000
- 4010 print"";a$(val(x5$))
- 4015 print"";a$(val(x6$))
- 4020 getx1$:ifx1$=" "then4002
- 4030 next:print"[147]":return
- 5000 print"[147]":g1$=g3$
- 5001 print"":g1$=g3$
- 5170 print"";g3$
- 5180 print" (p)m or (a)m ?";
- 5220 getg1$:ifg1$=""thengosub30000
- 5222 printg1$
- 5223 ifg1$="a"theng1$=am$:goto5230
- 5224 ifg1$="p"theng1$=pm$:goto5230
- 5225 g3$=g1$:goto5001
- 5230 print"[147]":return
- 6000 print"[147]";g1$
- 6010 fora=1to1000:next
- 6020 print"[147]":return
- 7000 s=54272
- 7010 forl=0to24:pokes+l,0:next
- 7030 pokes+14,5
- 7040 rempokes+18,16
- 7050 pokes+3,1
- 7060 pokes+24,143
- 7070 pokes+6,240
- 7080 pokes+4,65
- 7090 fr=5389
- 7100 getd$
- 7110 fq=fr+peek(s+27)*3.5
- 7120 hf=int(fq/256):lf=fq-hf*256
- 7130 pokes+0,lf:pokes+1,hf
- 7135 gosub30000
- 7140 ifd$=""then7100
- 7150 pokes+24,0:r=0:return
- 8000 print"[147]"
- 8010 input"alarm setting 0100-1259";al$
- 8015 ifval(al$)>1259orval(al$)<0100thenprint"[145][145]":goto8010
- 8017 iflen(al$)>4thenprint"[145][145]":goto8010
- 8020 input"pm or am";g2$
- 8022 ifg2$=pm$then8030
- 8024 ifg2$=am$then8030
- 8025 ifg2$="pm"theng2$=pm$:goto8030
- 8026 ifg2$="am"theng2$=am$:goto8030
- 8028 print"[145][145]":goto8020
- 8030 print"[147]";:return
- 9000 print"[147]"
- 9010 print"";a$(val(left$(al$,1)))
- 9020 print"";a$(val(mid$(al$,2,1)))
- 9030 print"";a$(val(mid$(al$,3,1)))
- 9040 print"";a$(val(right$(al$,1)))
- 9050 print"";g2$
- 9460 fora=1to200
- 9470 gosub30000
- 9480 next
- 9490 print"[147]":return
- 9500 print"hit 1-8 to change colors. (blk-yel)"
- 9505 gosub30000
- 9510 getrr$:ifval(rr$)<1orval(rr$)>8then9505
- 9515 print"[147] "
- 9520 poke53281,val(rr$)-1
- 9530 poke53280,val(rr$)-1:return
- 9600 print"hit 1-8 to change colors. (ora-grey3)"
- 9605 gosub30000
- 9610 getrr$:ifval(rr$)<1orval(rr$)>8then9605
- 9615 print"[147] "
- 9620 poke53281,val(rr$)+7
- 9630 poke53280,val(rr$)+7:return
- 20000 ifg1$><g2$thenreturn
- 20010 gosub7000
- 20100 return
- 30000 ifti$="120000"then30030
- 30001 ifti$=al$+"01"then20000
- 30003 ifval(left$(ti$,2))<13then30020
- 30005 zz=val(left$(ti$,2)):ifzz>12thenxx$=str$(zz-12)+right$(ti$,4)
- 30006 ifasc(xx$)=32thenxx$="0"+right$(xx$,5)
- 30007 iflen(xx$)>6thenxx$="0"+right$(xx$,5)
- 30015 ti$=xx$
- 30020 return
- 30030 ifg1$=am$theng3$=pm$
- 30040 ifg1$=pm$theng3$=am$
- 30050 fora=1to1000:next:g1$=g3$:return
- 40000 print""
- 40010 print"new character? ";
- 40012 gosub30000
- 40015 getaa$:ifaa$=""then40012
- 40016 ifasc(aa$)=13orasc(aa$)=141orasc(aa$)=34then40000
- 40017 printaa$
- 40018 print"hit <f1> for rvs-on or <f3> for rvs-off ";
- 40019 gosub30000
- 40020 getbb$:ifbb$=""then40019
- 40030 ifbb$="[133]"thenaa$=""+aa$:print"rvs-on":goto40045
- 40040 ifbb$="[134]"thenaa$="[146]"+aa$:print"rvs-off":goto40045
- 40043 print"[145][145]":goto40018
- 40045 print"hit <ctrl 1-8> or <commodore 1-8> for color";
- 40047 gosub30000
- 40050 getbb$:ifbb$=""then40047
- 40051 printbb$
- 40055 gosub507
- 40060 print"[147]":z=0:return
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"c.payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end