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- 100 goto120
- 110 open1,8,15,"s0:runner2":close1:save"0:runner2",8:clr:end
- 120 poke53280,6:poke53281,2:poke646,1:rem red,white,blue screen
- 122 print"[147] "chr$(142)
- 130 rem ---------------------------
- 140 rem running pace chart to print
- 150 rem on screen or printer
- 160 rem ---------------------------
- 170 rem by
- 180 rem ---------------------------
- 190 rem m.d.smith, iv
- 200 rem 1000 monte sano blvd.
- 210 rem huntsville, al 35801
- 220 rem 205/533-3131
- 230 rem ---------------------------
- 240 rem november 1984 v2.2
- 250 rem ---------------------------
- 260 print" ********************************":print
- 262 print" runner's pace chart":print
- 264 print" by":print
- 266 print" m.d. smith":print:print
- 268 print" ********************************":print:print
- 300 print " do you want instructions?(y/n)";:inputz$
- 310 ifz$="y"then gosub5000
- 320 print"[147] runner's pace chart":print:print
- 330 print" enter finish time range "
- 340 print"(from,to[146])in minutes.";:input a,b
- 342 ifb<=athenprint:print"[144]sorry!! please make the second number":
- 343 ifb<=athenprint"larger than the first.":print:goto330
- 350 print
- 360 print"enter interval[146] in seconds";:input i
- 370 print
- 380 print" enter distance[146] in miles";:input c
- 400 print"[147]*runner's pace chart for ";c;" miles*":print
- 410 print"finish time","pace"
- 500 rem ----calculations----
- 508 printchr$(158)
- 510 for d=a*60 to b*60 step i
- 520 print" ";int((d/60)*100+.5)/100,tab(20);int((d/c/60)*100+.5)/100:print
- 524 ct=ct+1
- 525 if (ct/8)=int(ct/8)thengosub700
- 526 :
- 527 :
- 528 :
- 529 :
- 530 next d
- 600 printchr$(5)" hardcopy to printer? (y/n)";:inputp$
- 610 if p$="y"thengosub7000
- 615 printchr$(158)
- 620 print" do you want another chart?(y/n) ";:inputr$
- 625 printchr$(5)
- 630 ifr$="y"then100
- 640 printchr$(158)"[147] thanks, good running to you. [146]"chr$(5)
- 690 goto63000
- 691 rem
- 692 rem-------------------------------
- 693 rem sub-routines start here
- 694 rem ------------------------------
- 695 rem
- 700 print" hit any key to continue [146]"
- 710 getp$:if p$=""then710
- 715 print"[147]*runner's pace chart for ";c;" miles*":print
- 717 print"finish time","pace[158]"
- 720 return
- 5000 print"[147] this runner's program is designed"
- 5010 print"to let you input a range of finishing"
- 5020 print"times for a given distance. let's use 6.2 miles for an example."
- 5030 print"you might finish anywhere from[146] 45 to[146] 50 minutes.";
- 5040 print" so you would answer the range input with "chr$(34)"45"chr$(44)"50";
- 5050 printchr$(34)".":print
- 5060 print"now suppose you want to see your pace times in 30 second ";
- 5070 print"intervals[146]. you input a "chr$(34)"30."chr$(34):print
- 5080 print"finally,you input the distance[146] in miles.";
- 5090 print" in this example,you would enter "chr$(34)"6.2"chr$(34)" miles."
- 5100 print" hit any key to continue[146]"
- 5110 get y$:if y$="" then 5110
- 5120 return
- 7000 open 4,4
- 7010 print#4,chr$(14)"runner's pace chart for ";c;" miles"chr$(10)chrs$(10)
- 7020 print#4,chr$(14)"finish time";tab(10);"pace/mile"chr$(10)
- 7030 for d=a*60 to b*60 step i
- 7040 let k=int((d/60)*100+.5)/100
- 7042 let l=int((d/c/60)*100+.5)/100
- 7044 print#4,chr$(14);k;
- 7045 print#4,spc(22-len(str$(k)));l;chr$(10)chr$(10)
- 7050 next d
- 7055 print#4,chr$(10);chr$(10);chr$(10)
- 7060 close4
- 7070 return
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end