home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 s=65520:f=54272
- 20 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 30 poke53280,14:poke53281,1:printchr$(14):printchr$(8):dimqu$(60),re$(60)
- 39 :
- 40 gosub10000:rem *** title page ***
- 49 :
- 50 gosub11000:rem *** instructions ***
- 59 :
- 60 gosub4000:rem *** read text file ***
- 69 :
- 70 gosub1100:rem *** scramble query and repsonse ***
- 79 :
- 80 gosub3000:rem *** format screen ***
- 89 :
- 90 gosub1200:rem *** get query and response ***
- 99 :
- 100 q$=qu$:v=5:h=1:lf=38:gosub1000
- 109 :
- 110 v=13:h=4:pp=0:pr=0:gosub2100:rem *** keyboard input ***
- 119 :
- 120 ifflag=1thenpoke781,13:poke782,4:syss:printre$:gosub970
- 130 ifflag=1thensc=0:poke781,21:poke782,9:syss:print"[206]o points for this one![146]"
- 135 flag=0
- 139 :
- 140 hs=hs+sc:poke781,19:poke782,10-len(str$(hs)):syss:prinths:sc=0
- 149 :
- 150 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[196]o you want to continue (y/n)? "
- 160 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 170 ifkey$="y"orkey$="[217]"then80
- 180 ifkey$="n"orkey$="[206]"then200
- 190 goto150
- 200 poke781,23:poke782,0:syss
- 205 print"[196]o you want to select another category":print"(y/n)?";
- 210 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 220 ifkey$="y"orkey$="[217]"then60
- 230 ifkey$="n"orkey$="[206]"then3200
- 240 goto200
- 900 stop
- 957 :
- 958 rem *** wrong letter sound ***
- 959 :
- 960 pokef+24,15:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 961 forx1=25to1step-4:pokef+1,26-x1:nextx1:pokef+4,32:pokef+4,16:return
- 967 :
- 968 rem *** wrong answer sound ***
- 969 :
- 970 pokef+24,24:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 971 fora=1to4:forx1=16to62step4:pokef+1,77-x1:nextx1:nexta:pokef+4,32
- 972 pokef+4,16:return
- 977 :
- 978 rem *** right answer sound ***
- 979 :
- 980 pokef+24,15:pokef+6,240:pokef+4,17
- 981 fora=1to4:forx1=1to25:pokef+1,80-x1:nextx1:nexta:pokef+4,32:pokef+4,16:return
- 987 :
- 988 rem *** letter sound ***
- 989 :
- 990 pokef+1,14:pokef+5,3:pokef+6,240:pokef+24,15:pokef+4,17
- 991 ford=3to40step15:pokef+1,d:pokef+4,17:nextd:pokef+4,32:return
- 997 :
- 998 rem *** format statements ***
- 999 :
- 1000 iflen(q$)>lfthen1020
- 1010 poke781,v:poke782,h:syss:printq$:return
- 1020 yf=0:xf=lf
- 1030 ifmid$(q$,xf,1)=chr$(32)thenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss
- 1040 ifmid$(q$,xf,1)=chr$(32)thenprintleft$(q$,xf-1):v=v+1:goto1060
- 1050 xf=xf-1:goto1030
- 1060 yf=xf+lf:ifyf>len(q$)thenyf=len(q$)-xf
- 1070 ifyf<=lfthenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss:printright$(q$,yf):return
- 1080 ifmid$(q$,yf,1)=chr$(32)thenpoke781,v:poke782,h:syss
- 1090 ifmid$(q$,yf,1)=chr$(32)thenprintmid$(q$,xf+1,yf-xf):xf=yf:v=v+1:goto1060
- 1095 yf=yf-1:goto1080
- 1097 :
- 1098 rem *** scramble query/response ***
- 1099 :
- 1100 forx=1tonu:a%=(rnd(1)*nu)+1
- 1105 t1$=qu$(x):qu$(x)=qu$(a%):qu$(a%)=t1$
- 1110 t2$=re$(x):re$(x)=re$(a%):re$(a%)=t2$:next:z9=0
- 1120 return
- 1197 :
- 1198 rem *** get query/response ***
- 1199 :
- 1200 z9=z9+1:ifz9>nuthen1220
- 1210 qu$=qu$(z9):re$=re$(z9):return
- 1220 printchr$(147):print"[207]ne moment, please, while [201] get some"
- 1230 print"more questions......."
- 1240 gosub1100:gosub3000:goto1200
- 2097 :
- 2098 rem *** keyboard input ***
- 2099 :
- 2100 forx=1tolen(re$):ti$="000000"
- 2110 getkey$:gosub2200:ifsc<=0thenflag=1:x=len(re$):goto2150
- 2111 ifkey$=""then2110
- 2115 ifkey$=chr$(133)thenflag=1:x=len(re$):goto2150
- 2116 ifkey$>chr$(192)thent$=chr$(asc(key$)-128):goto2118
- 2117 t$=key$
- 2118 m$=mid$(re$,x,1):ifm$>chr$(128)thenm$=chr$(asc(m$)-128)
- 2120 ift$=m$thengosub2220:goto2150
- 2140 pp=pp+1:gosub960:goto2110
- 2150 next
- 2155 ifflag=0thenpoke781,12:poke782,24:syss:print"[129] [210][201][199][200][212]! [146]":gosub980
- 2160 return
- 2197 :
- 2198 rem *** timer/score routine ***
- 2199 :
- 2200 ifti$<>"000000"thenpr=pr+1:ti$="000000"
- 2205 sc=100-pp-pr
- 2210 poke781,10:poke782,38-len(str$(sc)):syss:printsc:return
- 2217 :
- 2218 rem *** print key ***
- 2219 :
- 2220 poke781,v:poke782,h:syss:printkey$:gosub990:h=h+1:return
- 2997 :
- 2998 rem *** format screen ***
- 2999 :
- 3000 printchr$(147):poke781,1:poke782,0:syss
- 3010 forx=1to120:print"*";:next
- 3020 print"":forx=1to80:print"*";:next
- 3030 print"":forx=1to80:print"*";:next
- 3040 poke781,2:poke782,15:syss:print" [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212][160][146]"
- 3050 poke781,10:poke782,20:syss:print"[213][206][201][212][160][211][195][207][210][197] >>>[146]"
- 3060 poke781,11:poke782,0:syss:print"[212][200][197][160][210][197][211][208][207][206][211][197][160][201][211]:[146]"
- 3070 poke781,13:poke782,0:syss:print">>>[146]"
- 3080 poke781,18:poke782,0:syss:print"[199][193][205][197][160][211][195][207][210][197][146]"
- 3090 poke781,18:poke782,18:syss:print"[208]ress <[198]1>[146] for answer"
- 3100 :
- 3110 poke781,19:poke782,10-len(str$(hs)):syss:prinths:sc=0
- 3120 return
- 3197 :
- 3198 rem *** end game ***
- 3199 :
- 3200 printchr$(147)
- 3210 print"[217]our final score was "hs:flag=0
- 3219 :
- 3220 open15,8,15:open4,8,4,"0:r.high score,seq,read"
- 3230 forx=0to9:input#4,h$(x,0):input#4,h$(x,1):next:close4:close15
- 3239 :
- 3240 ifhs<val(h$(9,1))thenflag=1
- 3249 :
- 3250 ifflag=1thenprint"[217]our score was not high enough to be"
- 3260 ifflag=1thenprint"included in my high score list."
- 3270 ifflag=1thenprint"[194]etter luck next time!":flag=0:goto3510
- 3279 :
- 3280 print:print"[217]our score was very good! [197]nter your"
- 3290 print"initials and [201] will include it in my"
- 3300 print"high score list!"
- 3309 :
- 3310 print:print
- 3320 input"[197]nter your initials";it$
- 3330 print:print"[207]ne moment, please....."
- 3340 ifit$=""thenit$="[193][193][193]"
- 3350 iflen(it$)>3thenit$=left$(it$,3)
- 3360 h$(9,0)=it$:h$(9,1)=right$(str$(hs),len(str$(hs))-1)
- 3369 :
- 3370 fori=0to8:forj=i+1to9:ifval(h$(i,1))>=val(h$(j,1))then3400
- 3380 k$=h$(i,1):h$(i,1)=h$(j,1):h$(j,1)=k$
- 3390 k$=h$(i,0):h$(i,0)=h$(j,0):h$(j,0)=k$
- 3400 nextj:nexti
- 3409 :
- 3410 open15,8,15,"i0":print#15,"s0:r.high score"
- 3420 open4,8,4,"0:r.high score,seq,write"
- 3430 forx=0to9:print#4,h$(x,0):print#4,h$(x,1):next
- 3440 close4:close15
- 3449 :
- 3450 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"[208]ress ([211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 3460 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 3469 :
- 3470 printchr$(147):print"[200]igh scores for [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] are:"
- 3480 print:forx=0to9:printh$(x,0);tab(15-len(h$(x,1)));h$(x,1):print:next
- 3489 :
- 3490 poke781,23:poke782,1:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 3500 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 3509 :
- 3510 printchr$(147):print:print:print"[196]oes someone else want to try [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] (y/n)?[160]";
- 3520 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 3530 ifkey$="y"orkey$="[217]"thensc=0:hs=0:goto60
- 3540 ifkey$="n"orkey$="[206]"then3560
- 3550 goto3520
- 3559 :
- 3560 print"[147]"
- 3562 print:print:print:print"[212]hanks for playing [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212]!"
- 3569 :
- 3570 goto63000 :rem *** end ***
- 3997 :
- 3998 rem *** read text file ***
- 3999 :
- 4000 printchr$(147)
- 4010 print"[215]hich file would you like me to get?"
- 4020 poke781,5:poke782,5:syss:print"0. [197]xit program"
- 4030 poke781,7:poke782,5:syss:print"1. [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] written word"
- 4040 poke781,9:poke782,5:syss:print"2. [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] tv shows"
- 4050 poke781,11:poke782,5:syss:print"3. [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] literary"
- 4060 poke781,14:poke782,1:syss:print"[215]hich one (0-3) -[160]";
- 4070 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printkey$
- 4075 ifkey$="0"then3200
- 4080 ifkey$="1"thenfi$="r.written word":goto4120
- 4090 ifkey$="2"thenfi$="r.tv shows":goto4120
- 4100 ifkey$="3"thenfi$="r.literary":goto4120
- 4110 goto4060
- 4120 print:print:print"[207]ne moment, please, while [201] get the information...."
- 4122 open15,8,15
- 4125 open4,8,4,"0:"+fi$+",seq,read"
- 4130 input#4,nu
- 4140 forx=1tonu:input#4,qu$(x):input#4,re$(x):next
- 4150 close4:close15
- 4160 return
- 9997 :
- 9998 rem *** title page ***
- 9999 :
- 10000 printchr$(147)
- 10010 printtab(12)"*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*"
- 10020 printtab(12)"# #"
- 10030 printtab(12)"* *"
- 10040 printtab(12)"# [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] #"
- 10050 printtab(12)"* *"
- 10060 printtab(12)"# #"
- 10070 printtab(12)"*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*"
- 10080 print:print:printtab(9)"[193] [199]ame of [210]emembering"
- 10090 print"";tab(19)"by"
- 10100 print"";tab(13)"[196]onna [203]. [215]oody"
- 10110 return
- 10997 :
- 10998 rem *** instructions ***
- 10999 :
- 11000 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[196]o you want instructions (y/n)?";
- 11010 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$
- 11020 ifkey$="n"orkey$="[206]"then11520
- 11030 ifkey$="y"orkey$="[217]"then11050
- 11040 goto11000
- 11050 printchr$(147)
- 11060 print:print" [200]ow well do you remember? [206]ot just"
- 11070 print:print"the important things, but also the"
- 11080 print:print"little, fun things? [204]ike who starred"
- 11090 print:print"in [195][193][211][193][194][204][193][206][195][193]? [212]his game will give"
- 11100 print:print"you a chance to see just how much you"
- 11110 print:print"do remember!"
- 11120 print:print" [201] will give you a question or"
- 11130 print:print"statement to answer. [193]ll you have to"
- 11140 print:print"do is type in the correct response."
- 11150 print:print"[211]ound easy? [212]here are a few catches!"
- 11160 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 11170 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printchr$(147)
- 11180 print:print" [201] won't let you enter any letters (or"
- 11190 print:print"spaces!) that aren't in the correct"
- 11200 print:print"place in the response! [198]or each wrong"
- 11210 print:print"letter you try to enter, [201] will take"
- 11220 print:print"a point off your score! [212]he clock is"
- 11230 print:print"also counting down from 100, so each"
- 11240 print:print"second you delay takes another point"
- 11250 print:print"away from your score! [211]o you have to"
- 11260 print:print"be fast and accurate when you answer!"
- 11270 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 11280 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printchr$(147)
- 11290 print:print" [217]ou can give up at any time by"
- 11300 print:print"pressing the [198]1 key. [201]f you do, you"
- 11310 print:print"will get to see the answer, but you"
- 11320 print:print"won't get any points for the response."
- 11330 print:print" [193]s an incentive to do better, the top"
- 11340 print:print"10 high scores are saved to disk."
- 11350 print:print" [217]ou will have a choice of three"
- 11360 print:print"different sets of [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212] questions"
- 11370 print:print"to use. [202]ust enter the number of the"
- 11380 print:print"file you want and [201] will get it for"
- 11390 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 11400 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printchr$(147)
- 11410 print:print"you. [201] will also randomly pick"
- 11420 print:print"questions from the file, so each time"
- 11430 print:print"you play the questions will be"
- 11440 print:print"different."
- 11450 rem print:print" ([217]ou can also create your own files"
- 11460 rem print:print"by using the program called [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212]"
- 11470 rem print:print"[198][201][204][197][160][195][210][197][193][212][207][210].)"
- 11480 print:print" [199]et ready! [204]et's see how many things"
- 11490 print:print"you can [210][197][195][207][204][204][197][195][212]!"
- 11500 poke781,23:poke782,5:syss:print"[208]ress <[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]> to continue.";
- 11510 poke198,0:wait198,1:getkey$:printchr$(147)
- 11520 return
- 63000 poke646,peek(53281)
- 63002 print"load"chr$(34)"hello"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end