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- 10 rem soft-ad for warp+
- 15 bs$="[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 20 goto50
- 30 printleft$("",v)spc(h-1):return
- 40 printleft$(bs$,pos(0));spc(h-1):return
- 50 poke53280,2:poke53281,1:print"[144]"
- 60 forl=54272to54296:pokel,0:next
- 70 poke54296,5:poke54277,88:poke54275,15:poke54274,15:poke54278,89
- 200 rem start
- 210 print"[147]"
- 215 print" [215][160][193][160][210][160][208][160]- [208][160][204][160][213][160][211] -- [194]y [196]aniel [212]obias"
- 217 print" --------------------------------------":print
- 220 print"[196]oes the high"
- 230 print
- 260 print"price of software"
- 265 print
- 270 print"drive you"
- 275 print""
- 277 fora=1to500:next
- 280 hp=18:i$="[195]":gosub5000
- 290 hp=19:i$="[210]":gosub5000
- 300 hp=20:i$="[193]":gosub5000
- 310 hp=21:i$="[218]":gosub5000
- 320 hp=22:i$="[217]":gosub5000
- 330 hp=23:i$="?":gosub5000
- 340 hp=24:gosub5000
- 345 print"[149]"
- 350 print:print"[211]alesman: '...[193]nd, in addition to being"
- 360 print"a spreadsheet, word processor, data base";
- 362 print"and [208]ac-[205]an game, it also sharpens"
- 364 print"pencils and walks the dog.'"
- 365 print
- 370 print"[195]ustomer: '[217]eah, but how much does it":print"cost?'"
- 380 print:print"[211]alesman: '[207]h, it's very reasonable."
- 385 print"[207]nly $14,728.95.'[144]"
- 390 gosub6000
- 400 print"[193]nd don't you really hate[144] locked-up,"
- 410 print:print"copy-protected software?"
- 420 print:print
- 430 print"[149][211]ee what features you are getting in"
- 435 print" the new edition of [214]isi[209]uack, at only"
- 440 print" twice the price of the old one? [212]he"
- 445 print" new state-of-the-art copy protection"
- 450 print" scheme will destroy its disk, and half"
- 455 print" the chips in your computer, if you say"
- 460 print" the word 'copy' within earshot!"
- 465 print:print" [201]t also won't run unless you have our"
- 470 print" new patented $400 [218]ilchcard, which has"
- 475 print" absolutely no function except to allow"
- 480 print" you to run our copy-protected programs![144]"
- 500 gosub6000
- 510 print"[215]ell, how much would you expect to pay"
- 520 print:print"for a double-sided[144] disk containing"
- 525 print
- 530 print"[193]dventure [199]ames"
- 540 print" [193]rcade [199]ames"
- 550 print" [213]tilities"
- 560 print" [193]nd much more!"
- 565 print:print"[193]ll completely listable, modifyable,"
- 570 print:print"and copyable. [206]o copy protection![144]"
- 575 print:print"[212]hat's what you get in [215]arp-[208]lus[144]!"
- 580 gosub6000
- 590 printtab(13)"[215]hat you get:"
- 600 print:print"[212]he title program (and worth the price"
- 610 print:print"of the disk alone):"
- 620 print:print" [215][160][193][160][210][160][208]"
- 630 print:print"[193]n adventure game. [197]xplore the many"
- 640 print:print"worlds of space and time to escape the"
- 650 print:print"clutches of an evil scientist!"
- 660 print:print"[207]ver 70 different locations, in several"
- 670 print:print"modules. [211]urprises abound!"
- 680 gosub6000
- 805 print"[212]wo more adventure games on [215]arp-[208]lus:":print
- 810 print" ***** [208]lanet of the [210]obots *****"
- 820 print:print"[198]ight the berserk robots to find your"
- 830 print:print"way out of a nightmarish future."
- 840 print
- 850 print" ***** [211]murk *****"
- 860 print:print"[203]ill the evil monster before he kills"
- 870 print:print"you. [212]here is fabulous treasure in his"
- 880 print:print"cave, if you can live to take it out!"
- 890 gosub6000
- 1150 print"[211]ome more programs on this disk:"
- 1160 print:print"[205]usician:"
- 1170 print:print" [208]lay music on your [195]64's keyboard,"
- 1180 print:print"and save the songs to be played back"
- 1190 print:print"later."
- 1195 gosub6000
- 1200 print"[198]ireflies:"
- 1210 print:print" [193]n arcade game. [195]atch all the"
- 1220 print:print"fireflies before time runs out, but"
- 1230 print:print"watch out for the deadly killer firefly!"
- 1240 print"[212]he top 10 scores are saved to disk,"
- 1250 print:print"along with the names of the players"
- 1260 print:print"who got the scores."
- 1270 gosub6000
- 1280 print"[208]oker [211]olitaire:"
- 1290 print" [212]ry for a high score in this game"
- 1300 print"by forming interlocking poker hands in"
- 1310 print"a 5-by-5 grid."
- 1320 print"[211]topwatch:"
- 1330 print" [204]ets you keep time on your [195]-64."
- 1340 print"[195]ounts upward or downward, and can"
- 1350 print"display lap times."
- 1360 gosub6000
- 1420 print"[195]ryptogram [215]riter:"
- 1430 print:print" [195]reates cryptograms for your friends"
- 1440 print:print"to solve. [217]ou type the message, and"
- 1450 print:print"the computer encodes it."
- 1455 gosub6000
- 1460 print"[195]ryptogram [211]olving [193]id:"
- 1470 print" [200]elps you solve cryptograms."
- 1480 print"([201]ncluding ones created using [195]ryptogram"
- 1490 print"[215]riter.)"
- 1500 print"[217]ou can replace any letter with any"
- 1510 print"other, or do a letter frequency count."
- 1520 print"[201]f you are stumped, you can save the"
- 1530 print"partially-solved cryptogram to disk"
- 1540 print"to resume later."
- 1550 gosub6000
- 1680 print"[202]umbler/[213]njumbler:"
- 1690 print:print"[196]oes the same for anagrams as the"
- 1700 print"[195]ryptogram programs mentioned above do"
- 1710 print"for cryptograms."
- 1720 print"[195]alc-[205]an:"
- 1730 print"[212]he latest in integrated software: an"
- 1740 print"arcade game in spreadsheet format."
- 1750 print"[208]lay games in your office without your"
- 1760 print"boss knowing it!"
- 1770 gosub6000
- 1910 print"[212]riple [217]ahtzee:"
- 1920 print"[193] new computerized version of the"
- 1930 print"classic dice game. [201]ncludes a '[211]ave"
- 1940 print"[199]ame' feature, and a '[200]elp' feature"
- 1950 print"that lets you see descriptions of the"
- 1960 print"different scoring rows during your turn."
- 1970 gosub6000
- 1984 rem this year
- 1990 print"[208]rogram [195]ompare:"
- 2000 print"[195]ompares two different versions of a"
- 2010 print"program to see what was changed."
- 2020 print"[211]ecret [211]tuff:"
- 2030 print"[204]ets you keep a diary on your computer"
- 2040 print"that nobody but you can read!"
- 2050 print"[207]r, send messages to your friends; if"
- 2060 print"you give them the secret keyword, they"
- 2070 print"can read them, but nobody else can."
- 2080 gosub6000
- 2090 print"[193]nd that's not all. [212]here are several"
- 2100 print"other programs on this disk, but they"
- 2110 print"are not described here, to keep you in"
- 2120 print"suspense! ([200]ee [200]ee [200]ee)"
- 2130 gosub6000
- 2140 print"[215]ell, given the absolutely insane[144]"
- 2150 print"cost of software these days, how much"
- 2160 print"do you think this disk of programs"
- 2170 print"costs?"
- 2180 print" [215]ell, it's not: $99.00";
- 2185 poke54273,1:poke54272,0:poke54276,65
- 2190 fora=98to20step-1
- 2200 forb=1to5:next
- 2210 print"[157][157][157][157][157]"mid$(str$(a),2)".00";
- 2220 ifa/10=int(a/10)thenpoke54276,64:forb=1to1000:next:poke54276,65
- 2230 next:poke54276,64
- 2340 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [201]t's only: $16.95!"
- 2350 gosub6000
- 2360 print"[212]o order, send $16.95 to..."
- 2370 print" [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 2380 printtab(14)"[208][207][160][194]ox 30007"
- 2390 printtab(8)"[211]hreveport, [204][193] 71130-0007"
- 2400 print:print"[194]e sure to ask for [215][193][210][208]-[208][204][213][211]!"
- 2410 print:print"[193]ll programs on [215][193][210][208]-[208][204][213][211] are copyright"
- 2420 print"([195])[160]1984 by [196]aniel [212]obias."
- 2425 poke198,0
- 2430 print:print"[196]one. [200]it any key to return to menu. "
- 2440 geti$:ifi$=""then2440
- 2450 goto63000
- 2460 :
- 5000 rem move letter across screen
- 5005 poke54273,2:poke54272,100:poke54276,65
- 5010 fori=38tohpstep-1:h=i:gosub40
- 5020 printi$;
- 5030 fora=1to10:next
- 5040 print"[157] [157][157]";:next
- 5045 poke54276,64
- 5060 h=i:gosub40:printi$;
- 5070 return
- 6000 rem hit key to continue
- 6005 print
- 6007 poke198,0
- 6010 print" [200]it any key to continue. [144][146][145]";
- 6020 fora=1to50:geti$:ifi$<>""then6025
- 6021 next:print"[159] [200]it any key to continue. [146][144][145]";
- 6023 fora=1to50:geti$:ifi$<>""then6025
- 6024 next:goto6010
- 6025 rem done
- 6035 poke53280,rnd(0)*16:print"[147]"
- 6040 return
- 63000 rem return to ad.menu
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"ad.menu"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end