ocr: Temaaun NUMBER 7 moertay $9.95 à RMAAT - Rn Toce" MAIT AYTTY MTTe A Publication on disk for Commodore 64 aeuMon ha woy Hngy maotn: H4a DHM70 107 nnar Ms m4 HwA1/0 OVP dgrw * - Mdrat 7 A - fslore MA Am. *er mv" Keratytn PROGRAMS READY-TO-RUN EER including X LOAN CALCUL LIBRARY I RET - - - - 6 a - CONNECT 4 e e SYS CHANGER 2 à see back for complete contents LEARN- programming techniques from tutorials plush hints and tips USE-useful programs and programming tools ENJOY-gemesandhoweues SHARE- experiences withother Commodore 64 owners