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- 10 rem**multiplication drill
- 20 rem**john l.eubanks,ph.d
- 30 rem**pineville,la.71360
- 40 rem**load"multiply",8
- 50 rem**08/09/84
- 60 rem**
- 70 print"[147]"
- 80 rem**instructions and title
- 90 print"[147]":poke53281,2
- 91 print"[144] multiplication drill"
- 92 print" by[144]"
- 93 print" john l eubanks[154]"
- 94 forx=1to2000:nextx:print"[147]"
- 100 print"please multiply the two numbers"
- 110 print"and type your answer when asked."
- 120 print"you may work the problem "
- 130 print"on paper if you like."
- 140 print:print
- 150 print"press the * key to view the menu"
- 160 print"and to select item difficulty."
- 170 get a$
- 180 if a$<>"*"then170
- 190 let t=0
- 200 print"[147]"
- 205 let t=0
- 210 print" ***menu***"
- 215 print:print
- 220 print"choose one level of difficulty"
- 230 print:print
- 240 print" key # 1 for 0-5"
- 250 print" key # 2 for 5-10"
- 260 print" key # 3 for 0-10"
- 270 print" key # 4 for 5-20"
- 280 print" key # 5 to exit the program"
- 290 print:print
- 300 print"press the key # of the level you choose"
- 305 print"then press <ret>"
- 310 print:print
- 312 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 320 getp$:p=val(p$):ifp<1orp>5then200
- 330 on p goto 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000
- 350 goto200
- 990 rem**random numbers subroutine for 0-5 and answer calculation
- 1000 n=int(5*rnd(0))
- 1020 m=int(5*rnd(0))
- 1025 let k=0
- 1040 a=n*m:gosub 9000
- 1050 goto1000
- 1060 rem
- 1190 rem**random numbers subroutine for 5-10 and answer calculation
- 1200 -12010
- 2000 n=int(5*rnd(0)+5)
- 2020 m=int(5*rnd(0)+5)
- 2025 let k=0
- 2040 a=n*m:gosub 9000
- 2050 goto 2000
- 2060 rem
- 2990 rem**random numbers subroutine for 0-10 and answer calculation
- 3000 n=int(10*rnd(0))
- 3020 m=int(10*rnd(0))
- 3025 let k=0
- 3030 a=n*m:gosub 9000
- 3050 goto3000
- 3060 rem
- 3990 rem**random numbers subroutine for 5-20 and answer calculation
- 4000 n=int(15*rnd(0)+5)
- 4010 m=int(15*rnd(0)+5)
- 4015 let k=0
- 4040 a=n*m:gosub 9000
- 4050 goto4000
- 4060 rem
- 5000 print"[147]"
- 5010 goto63000
- 8990 rem**print routine and answer input
- 9000 print"[147]"
- 9010 printn;"x";m;"= ?"
- 9020 print
- 9030 input"what is your answer";y
- 9040 if abs(y-a)<.001 then 9075
- 9045 let tt=0
- 9050 print"[147]":print"sorry, thats not quite right.";
- 9055 let k=k+1
- 9056 if k<3 then print" try again":goto9060
- 9058 if k=>3 then fordl=1to2000:nextdl:goto 12000
- 9060 for u=1to1000:nextu
- 9070 goto9000
- 9075 gosub 9100
- 9080 print"[147]":print""
- 9082 rem**counting and limit routine
- 9085 let t=t+1
- 9087 if t<5 then 10000
- 9090 if t=5 then 9092
- 9092 print"[147]":print"five correct is reallly neat! choose again!"
- 9095 fori=1to2000:nexti:goto200
- 9100 let p=int(10*rnd(0)+1)
- 9105 onp goto 9205,9206,9207,9208,9209,9210,9211,9212,9213,9214,9215
- 9110 return
- 9205 print"[156] superfine!":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9206 print"[158] are you a math pro ?":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9207 print"******right again*****":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9208 print"[144] man, what a job !!":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9209 print" soooooper! [146]":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9210 print"very[158] very[159] good ":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9211 print"[158] sure you're not a math pro ? ":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9212 print" nicely, nicely":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9213 print" [158]whee ":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9214 print" einstein,yet [146]":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 9215 print"[144] awesome ":forx=1to1200:nextx:goto9110
- 10000 return
- 12000 print"[147]the correct answer "
- 12005 print"for ";n;"x";m;"is";a
- 12010 for z=1to3000:nextz:print"[147]"
- 12020 goto10000
- 63000 rem connect back to l.s.
- 63002 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63004 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end