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- 10 rem * othello
- 11 rem * by mark jeske
- 12 rem * translated and revised for
- 13 rem * the commodore 64 by
- 14 rem * donna k. woody
- 20 gosub10000
- 30 goto1000
- 40 :
- 50 rem * valid input check
- 60 n=0
- 70 ifb(i)<>0then180
- 80 forj=0to7
- 90 k=i+o(j)
- 100 ifb(k)<>1then170
- 110 k=k+o(j)
- 120 ifb(k)=1then110
- 130 ifb(k)<>2then170
- 140 k=k-o(j)
- 150 ifk=ithen170
- 160 n=n+1:f(n)=k:goto140
- 170 nextj
- 180 return
- 188 :
- 189 rem * computer move check
- 190 n=0
- 200 ifb(i)<>0then320
- 210 forj=0to7
- 220 k=i+o(j)
- 230 ifb(k)<>2then310
- 240 k=k+o(j)
- 250 ifb(k)=2then240
- 260 ifb(k)<>1then310
- 270 k=k-o(j)
- 280 ifk=ithen310
- 290 n=n+1:f(n)=k
- 300 goto270
- 310 nextj
- 320 return
- 338 :
- 339 rem * begin computer moves
- 340 poke781,19:poke782,0:sys65520
- 341 print"my pieces - [157][157][157][157]"cp" ";tab(20)"your pieces - [157][157][157][157]"op" "
- 345 if level=1thengoto600
- 350 ifop+cp>51andlevel=2thengoto600
- 360 ifop+cp>51andlevel=3thengoto700
- 370 forl=1to60
- 380 i=p(l)
- 390 gosub190
- 400 ifn>0then440
- 410 nextl
- 420 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520:print"i cannot move."
- 430 goto590
- 440 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520:print"i move to ";
- 450 ifi>80andi<89thenprint"a";:goto530
- 460 ifi>70andi<79thenprint"b";:goto530
- 470 ifi>60andi<69thenprint"c";:goto530
- 480 ifi>50andi<59thenprint"d";:goto530
- 490 ifi>40andi<49thenprint"e";:goto530
- 500 ifi>30andi<39thenprint"f";:goto530
- 510 ifi>20andi<29thenprint"g";:goto530
- 520 ifi>10andi<19thenprint"h";
- 530 printi-(10*int(i/10))" and flip "n" of your"
- 535 poke781,21:poke782,0:sys65520:print"pieces."
- 540 b(i)=1
- 550 forj=1ton
- 560 b(f(j))=1
- 570 nextj
- 580 gosub1450
- 585 forx=1to100:nextx:poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520:forx=1to120:print" ";:next
- 590 goto1030
- 598 :
- 599 rem * level 1 & 2 last moves
- 600 x=0:y=0
- 610 forl=1to60
- 620 i=p(l)
- 630 gosub190
- 640 ifn>xthenx=n:y=i
- 650 nextl
- 660 ifx=0then420
- 670 i=y
- 680 gosub190
- 690 goto440
- 698 :
- 699 rem * level 3 last moves
- 700 x=0
- 710 forl=0to99:a(l)=b(l):nextl
- 720 forl=1to60
- 730 i=p(l):gosub190
- 740 ifn>0then780
- 750 nextl
- 760 ifx>0then930
- 770 goto930
- 780 ifx>9then930
- 790 x=x+1
- 800 r(x)=i:s(x)=n
- 810 b(i)=1
- 820 forj=1ton
- 830 b(f(j))=1
- 840 nextj
- 850 y=0
- 860 forz1=1to60
- 870 i=p(z1):gosub60
- 880 ifn>ytheny=n
- 890 nextz1
- 900 s(x)=s(x)-y
- 910 fork=0to99:b(k)=a(k):nextk
- 920 goto750
- 930 forl=0to99:b(l)=a(l):nextl
- 940 ifx<1then420
- 950 y=-99
- 960 forl=1tox
- 970 ifs(l)>ytheny=1
- 980 nextl
- 990 i=r(y):gosub190
- 991 goto440
- 998 :
- 999 rem * board display - user imput
- 1000 printchr$(147)
- 1010 gosub1720
- 1020 gosub1450
- 1030 poke781,19:poke782,0:sys65520
- 1040 print"my pieces - [157][157][157][157]"cp" ";tab(20)"your pieces - [157][157][157][157]"op" "
- 1050 forl=1to60
- 1060 i=p(l)
- 1070 gosub60
- 1080 ifn>0then1120
- 1090 nextl
- 1100 print"you cannot move."
- 1110 goto340
- 1120 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520:print"your move (l#)?[160]";
- 1125 poke198,0:wait198,1:getx$
- 1130 ifx$="l"theni=90:goto1230
- 1140 ifx$="a"theni=80:goto1230
- 1150 ifx$="b"theni=70:goto1230
- 1160 ifx$="c"theni=60:goto1230
- 1170 ifx$="d"theni=50:goto1230
- 1180 ifx$="e"theni=40:goto1230
- 1190 ifx$="f"theni=30:goto1230
- 1200 ifx$="g"theni=20:goto1230
- 1210 ifx$="h"theni=10:goto1230
- 1220 goto1120
- 1230 printx$;
- 1240 poke198,0:wait198,1:getx$
- 1250 ifval(x$)<1orval(x$)>8then1240
- 1260 ifi<90then1310
- 1270 level=val(x$)
- 1280 iflevel>3thenlevel=3
- 1290 printright$(x$,1);:print" okay"
- 1300 goto1120
- 1310 i=i+val(x$)
- 1320 printright$(x$,1)
- 1330 gosub60
- 1340 ifn>0then1370
- 1350 print"illegal move "
- 1360 poke781,21:poke782,0:sys65520:goto1120
- 1370 print"you flipped "n" of my pieces."
- 1380 b(i)=2
- 1390 forl=1ton
- 1400 b(f(l))=2
- 1410 nextl
- 1420 gosub1450
- 1421 poke781,20:poke782,0:sys65520:forzz=1to120:print" ";:next
- 1425 goto340
- 1430 :
- 1440 rem * display b() on screen
- 1450 cp=0:op=0:x=34:y=3
- 1455 poke783,peek(783)and254:poke53272,21:poke204,1:poke19,0
- 1460 forl=89to11step-1
- 1470 ifb(l)=9thengoto1520
- 1480 ifb(l)=0thengoto1520
- 1490 ifb(l)=1thenpc$="[144][209]":cp=cp+1:goto1510
- 1500 op=op+1:pc$="[209][144]"
- 1510 poke781,y:poke782,x:sys65520:printpc$
- 1520 x=x-3
- 1530 ifx<7thenx=34:y=y+2:ify>17theny=3
- 1550 nextl
- 1560 ifop+cp=64then12000
- 1570 ifop=0orcp=0then12000
- 1580 return
- 1700 :
- 1710 rem * board display
- 1720 printchr$(147)
- 1730 printtab(10) "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"
- 1740 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1750 [153][163]7)"a sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1760 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1770 [153][163]7)"b sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1780 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1790 [153][163]7)"c sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1800 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1810 [153][163]7)"d sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1820 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1830 [153][163]7)"e sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1840 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1850 [153][163]7)"f sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1860 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1870 [153][163]7)"g sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1880 printtab(8)" [207][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208][183][183][208]
- 1890 [153][163]7)"h sgn + + + + + + + +
- 1900 printtab(8)" [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 1910 return
- 9998 :
- 9999 rem dimension variables
- 10000 dimp(60),b(99),o(7),f(20),r(10),s(10),a(99)
- 10005 poke783,peek(783)and254:poke53272,21
- 10010 rem * b = board array
- 10020 rem * p = sequential moves
- 10030 rem * o = move directions
- 10040 rem * f = pieces flipped
- 10050 :
- 10060 rem * read data values
- 10070 forl=0to7
- 10080 reado(l)
- 10090 nextl
- 10100 forl=0to99
- 10110 readb(l)
- 10120 nextl
- 10130 forl=1to60
- 10140 readp(l)
- 10150 nextl
- 10152 forl=1to8:readv(l):next
- 10154 forl=1to8:readh(l):next
- 10160 :
- 10170 rem * data statements
- 10180 data1,9,10,11,-1,-9
- 10181 data-10,-11
- 10182 data9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9
- 10183 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10190 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10191 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10192 data9,0,0,0,2,1,0,0,0,9
- 10200 data9,0,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,9
- 10201 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10202 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10203 data9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9
- 10210 data9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9
- 10211 data81,88,11,18,83,86
- 10220 data61,68,31,38,13,16,63,66,33,36,84,85,51,58,41,48,14,15
- 10230 data64,65,53,56,43,46,34,35,74,75,52,57,42,47,24,25,73,76
- 10240 data62,67,32,37,23,26,82,87,71,78,21,28,12,17,72,77,22,27
- 10242 data3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17
- 10244 data11,14,17,20,22,25,28,31
- 10250 :
- 10260 rem * set colors
- 10270 poke53281,7:poke53280,12:printchr$(144)
- 10280 :
- 10290 rem * display routine
- 10300 printchr$(147):poke781,2:poke782,15:sys65520:print"[152]welcome to"
- 10310 poke781,4:poke782,13:sys65520:print"* * * * * * *"
- 10320 poke781,6:poke782,13:sys65520:print"* othello *"
- 10325 poke781,8:poke782,13:sys65520:print"* * * * * * *"
- 10330 poke781,11:poke782,15:sys65520:print"written by"
- 10340 poke781,13:poke782,15:sys65520:print"mark jeske"
- 10350 poke781,17:poke782,5:sys65520:print"[152]translated for the commodore by"
- 10360 poke781,19:poke782,13:sys65520:print"[154]donna k. woody"
- 10370 poke781,23:poke782,9:sys65520:print"[144]press any key to begin"
- 10380 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 10390 printchr$(147)
- 10400 poke781,2:poke782,0:sys65520:print"do you need instructions (y/n)?[160]";
- 10410 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 10420 ifa$="y"then 10470
- 10430 ifa$="n"thenprintchr$(147):poke53272,23:goto10640
- 10440 goto10400
- 10450 :
- 10460 rem * instructions & level
- 10470 printchr$(147):poke53272,23
- 10480 print"[207][212][200][197][204][204][207] is played on an 8 x 8 board.":print
- 10490 print"[212]he game's object is to end up with":print
- 10500 print"the most pieces. [217]ou are playing white":print
- 10510 print"and the computer is black. [212]he players":print
- 10520 print"take turns placing pieces onto the":print
- 10530 print"board, [215]ith the following restrictions:":print
- 10540 print"(1) [212]he square must be empty.":print
- 10550 print"(2) [212]he square must be adjacent to an"
- 10560 print"opposing piece.":print
- 10570 print"(3) [212]he move must trap at least one"
- 10580 print"opposing piece between it and"
- 10590 print"another of your pieces.":print
- 10600 print"[208][210][197][211][211] [210][197][212][213][210][206] [212][207] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197].";:poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:printchr$(147)
- 10610 print"[212]he trapped pieces are then flipped to":print
- 10620 print"your color, and play continues until":print
- 10630 print"the board is full.":print:print
- 10640 print"[212]he following skill levels are":print
- 10650 print"available:":print
- 10660 print"1 - [194]eginner":print
- 10670 print"2 - [193]verage player":print
- 10680 print"3 - [193]verage to advanced player":print:print
- 10690 print"[215][200][201][195][200] [204][197][214][197][204]? ";:poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:level=val(a$)
- 10700 iflevel<1orlevel>3thenprintchr$(147):goto10640
- 10710 printchr$(147)
- 10720 print"[201]t is possible to change the skill":print
- 10730 print"level during the game by entering an [204]":print
- 10740 print"and the level number when asked for":print
- 10750 print"your move.":print:print
- 10760 print"[208][210][197][211][211] [210][197][212][213][210][206] [212][207] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197]. ";:poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 10770 poke53272,21:printchr$(8):return
- 11998 :
- 11999 rem * end game routine
- 12000 forx=1to200:next
- 12010 printchr$(147)
- 12020 print"the game is over.":print
- 12030 print"the final score is me "cp" you "op:print
- 12040 ifcp=opthenprint"the game is a tie."
- 12050 ifop>cporop=cpthenprint"and you win!!!"
- 12060 ifcp>opthenprint"and i win!!!"
- 12070 print:print:print"thank you for playing."
- 12080 poke781,15:poke782,0:sys65520
- 12090 print"would you like to play again (y/n)?[160]";
- 12100 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 12110 ifa$="n"then12200
- 12120 ifa$="y"thenrun
- 12130 goto12080
- 12200 rem end routine
- 12210 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 12220 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:goto63000
- 63000 rem link back
- 63010 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 63020 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end