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- 1 ifx=0thenx=1:load"break.ml",8,1
- 5 gosub60000
- 10 rem this program is designed to
- 20 rem be a double breakout game.
- 30 rem the action is sideways and
- 40 rem there are two paddles.
- 50 :
- 60 rem the ball and the paddles
- 70 rem are sprites.
- 72 rem
- 75 rem*********************************
- 80 rem* variable list *
- 81 rem* ************* *
- 82 rem* *
- 83 rem* dx -'x' increment ball *
- 84 rem* dy -'y' increment ball *
- 85 rem* bx -'x' ball position *
- 86 rem* by -'y' ball position *
- 87 rem* ss -sprite-sprite collision*
- 88 rem* sd -sprite-data collision *
- 89 rem* px -'x' position paddle *
- 90 rem* py -'y' position paddle *
- 92 rem* cc -sys to clear wall *
- 93 rem* nb -number of balls *
- 94 rem* sc$ -score (sc) *
- 95 rem* hs$ -hi score (hc) *
- 98 rem*********************************
- 99 hs$="0000"
- 100 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 150 rem
- 200 rem
- 1100 rem set up sprites
- 1110 rem
- 1120 poke2040,192
- 1130 poke2041,193
- 1135 poke2042,194
- 1136 poke2043,195
- 1137 poke2044,196
- 1138 poke2045,197
- 1140 forx=12288 to 12350:pokex,000:next
- 1150 forx=12352 to 12414:pokex,000:next
- 1152 forx=12416 to 12478:pokex,000:next
- 1153 forx=12480 to 12542:pokex,000:next
- 1154 poke12486,15:poke12487,255:poke12488,248
- 1155 poke12540,15:poke12541,255:poke12542,248
- 1160 forx=12288 to 12350 step3:pokex,192:next
- 1170 forx=12290 to 12350 step3:pokex,3:next
- 1180 poke12380,8:poke12383,28:poke12386,62:poke12389,28:poke12392,8
- 1185 poke12450,8
- 1187 forx=1to19:readloc,va:poke12480+loc,va:next
- 1188 forx=12544to12606:readq:pokex,q:next
- 1189 forx=12608to12670:readq:pokex,q:next
- 1190 :
- 1191 forx=12489to12537step3:pokex,12:pokex+2,24:next
- 1195 :
- 1200 rem initiate play
- 1202 :
- 1205 gosub31000:rem level input
- 1210 gosub30000:rem inti variables
- 1215 gosub31050:rem set up screen
- 1220 gosub31100:rem put sprites on
- 1225 :
- 1230 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 1235 sys49152
- 1240 ifpeek(51307)<>1then1400
- 1242 gosub41050
- 1243 sys49202
- 1244 goto1240
- 1245 :
- 1250 :
- 1275 zz=peek(v+31):zz=peek(v+30)
- 1300 :
- 1400 rem final score and hi-score
- 1402 rem for end of game.
- 1410 fs=peek(2018)-48-128:fs=fs*1000
- 1412 fs=fs+((peek(2019)-48-128)*100)
- 1414 fs=fs+((peek(2020)-48-128)*10)
- 1416 fs=fs+((peek(2021)-48-128)*1)
- 1420 pokev+21,0
- 1422 hs=peek(1995)-48-128:hs=hs*1000
- 1424 hs=hs+((peek(1996)-48-128)*100)
- 1426 hs=hs+((peek(1997)-48-128)*10)
- 1428 hs=hs+((peek(1998)-48-128)*1)
- 1430 iffs<hsthen1450
- 1432 poke1995,peek(2018)
- 1434 poke1996,peek(2019)
- 1436 poke1997,peek(2020)
- 1438 poke1998,peek(2021)
- 1440 hs$=right$(str$(fs),len(str$(fs))-1)
- 1442 iflen(hs$)<4thenz$="":forx=1to4-len(hs$):z$=z$+"0":next:hs$=z$+hs$
- 1450 print"[147]game over"
- 1451 print"final score is:";fs:iffs>hsthenprint"which is a new hi-score!!"
- 1452 print"want to play again (y/n)";:poke198,0:wait198,1:getz$
- 1454 ifz$<>"y"andz$<>"n"then1452
- 1456 ifz$="y"then1200
- 1458 :
- 1460 print"[147] * * * * the end * * * *"
- 1500 poke646,peek(53281):print"load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8"
- 1502 print"run"
- 1505 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 1600 :
- 10000 data13,62,16,99,19,193,20,128,22,193,23,128,25,193,26,128,28,1,29,128
- 10002 data31,1,32,128,34,3,37,30,40,24,43,24,46,24,52,24,55,24
- 10005 :
- 10010 data1,255,224,3,0,48,6,0,24,12,0,12,24,192,198,24,192,198
- 10012 data24,0,6,24,12,6,24,30,6,24,63,6,24,0,6,24,0,6,25,0,38,27,000,54
- 10013 data25,128,102
- 10014 data12,127,140,6,30,24,3,0,48,1,255,224,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 10015 :
- 10020 data1,255,224,3,192,240,6,97,152
- 10022 data12,51,12,24,30,6,24,192,198
- 10024 data24,192,198,24,0,6,24,0,6
- 10026 data24,12,6,24,30,6,24,63,6,24,0,6,24,0,6
- 10028 data24,30,6,24,51,6,25,192,230
- 10030 data12,128,76,6,0,24,3,0,48,1,255,224
- 30000 rem variable init.
- 30005 v=53248:zz=peek(v+30):zz=peek(v+31)
- 30020 nb=6
- 30030 sc$="0000"
- 30040 px=158:py=100
- 30050 bx=100:by=100
- 30060 dx=2:dy=2
- 30070 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 30080 return
- 30085 :
- 31000 rem level input
- 31005 print"[147]level (0-20)";:inputlv:iflv<0orlv>20then31005
- 31010 poke53000,lv+5
- 31020 return
- 31025 :
- 31050 rem
- 31055 rem set up screen
- 31060 rem
- 31065 print"[147]";:poke53281,0:poke53280,7
- 31070 forx=0to23
- 31075 print" [209][156][209][209][209][146]";tab(35)"[209][209][156][209][209]"
- 31080 nextx
- 31085 print" [158] ";
- 31086 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 31090 poke781,24:poke782,02:sys65520
- 31095 print"hi-score:"hs$;" balls:";nb;" score:"sc$;
- 31097 print"[146]"
- 31098 return
- 31099 :
- 31100 rem put sprites on the screen
- 31105 pokev+23,0:pokev+29,1
- 31110 pokev,px:pokev+1,py
- 31115 pokev+2,bx:pokev+3,by
- 31120 pokev+4,bx:pokev+5,by
- 31125 pokev+6,168:pokev+7,130
- 31130 pokev+8,168:pokev+9,68
- 31135 pokev+10,168:pokev+11,192
- 31140 pokev+21,63:poke646,0:pokev+31,0
- 31142 forc=39to44:pokev+c,1:next
- 31143 pokev+44,7:pokev+43,5
- 31145 return
- 31150 :
- 41050 rem
- 41055 rem redraw screen
- 41060 rem
- 41065 print"";
- 41067 forll=217to242:pokell,peek(ll)or128:next
- 41070 forx=0to23
- 41075 print" [209][156][209][209][209][146]";tab(35)"[209][209][156][209][209]"
- 41080 nextx
- 41085 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 41086 poke781,24:poke782,02:sys65520
- 41087 print"[158]hi-score:";" balls:";" score:[146]";
- 41098 return
- 60000 poke783,peek(783)and254
- 60001 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,2
- 60002 poke781,peek(781)and254
- 60005 hb=0:he=39
- 60010 vb=0:ve=22:a$="[209]"
- 60015 :
- 60020 forx=hbtohestep6:poke781,vb:poke782,x:sys65520:printa$:next
- 60030 fory=vbtovestep6:poke781,y:poke782,he:sys65520:printa$:next
- 60040 forx=hetohbstep-6:poke781,ve:poke782,x:sys65520:printa$:next
- 60050 fory=vetovbstep-6:poke781,y:poke782,hb:sys65520:printa$:next
- 60060 hb=hb+1:he=he-1
- 60070 vb=vb+1:ve=ve-1
- 60080 ifhb=23andhe=16then61000
- 60090 goto60020
- 60095 :
- 61000 poke781,11:poke782,14:sys65520
- 61005 print" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 61010 poke781,12:poke782,16:sys65520:print"madman"
- 61015 poke781,23:poke782,13:sys65520:print"<press a key>"
- 61020 poke198,0:wait198,1:print"[147]madman":print
- 61025 print" by":print
- 61030 print"alan w. gardner":print:print:print
- 61035 print" adapted from an idea from tom spidell"
- 61040 poke781,23:poke782,13:sys65520:print"<press a key>"
- 61045 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 61050 print"[147] this game is very similar to most of":print
- 61055 print"the old 'breakout' games. the object ":print
- 61060 print"of the game is to knock down as much of":print
- 61065 print"the wall as possible with the ball.":print
- 61070 print" try to avoid mr. mad because he will ":print
- 61080 print"eat your ball!!":print
- 61085 print" mr. happy is o.k. to run into because":print
- 61090 print"he will let your ball pass on by.":print
- 61095 print" the question mark is o.k. sometimes,":print
- 61100 print"but deadly at other times.":print
- 61105 print" the paddles are controlled by a joy-":print
- 61110 print"stick in port #2."
- 61120 poke781,23:poke782,10:sys65520:print"<press a key to play>"
- 61125 poke198,0:wait198,1:return