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- 1 rem fireflies
- 2 rem c64 version 1.1 6/21/84
- 3 rem copyright (c) 1984 by dan tobias
- 4 gosub41000:rem instructions
- 5 printchr$(142):rem upper case mode
- 6 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print""
- 7 print"[147]":input"today's date (mm/dd/yy)";sd$
- 8 gosub6000
- 9 js=0
- 10 print:input"(j)oystick or (k)eyboard";i$:ifi$="j"ori$="[202]"thenjs=-1
- 12 fora=54272to54296:pokea,0:next:poke54296,8:poke54277,0:poke54278,240
- 13 poke54282,3:poke54284,0:poke54285,240
- 20 dimx%(30),y%(30),l%(30),tl%(30)
- 25 gosub4000
- 30 goto75
- 40 rem position
- 45 printleft$("",v)spc(h-1);:return
- 75 gosub30000
- 80 rem ng
- 82 print"[147] fireflies - by dan tobias - c64 v1.1"
- 87 print:print" hit any key to start. ";
- 88 geti$:ifi$=""then88
- 89 print"[147]"
- 90 sn=0:jn=8:of=0:sc=0
- 94 poke53248,255:poke53249,128
- 95 poke53269,peek(53269)or1
- 100 rem ns
- 101 i=0:poke54283,64
- 102 kb=0:sn=sn+1
- 103 ko=0
- 105 x=20:y=10:ifof<30thenof=of+5
- 106 tl=120+(of*6)
- 107 nf=of:n2=nf:nl=nf
- 110 fora=1tonf
- 120 x%(a)=int(rnd(0)*38)+2:y%(a)=int(rnd(0)*19)+2
- 130 l%(a)=-int(rnd(0)*2):tl%(a)=int(rnd(0)*3)
- 150 next
- 155 kx%=(rnd(0)*50)-5:ky%=-10:kl%=rnd(0)*2:ifrnd(0)<.5thenky%=35
- 157 kt%=rnd(0)*3
- 160 print"[147]":gosub5000
- 161 v=22:h=1:gosub40:print"score:"sc;:h=20:gosub40:print"hi score:";hs(0,1)
- 163 v=23:h=1:gosub40:print"fireflies on screen:"n2;
- 164 printtab(24);"time left:"tl:print"fireflies left: "n2;tab(24);"screen #:"sn
- 165 poke54275,8:fori=1to8:poke54273,t%(i,0):poke54272,t%(i,1):poke54276,65
- 166 forj=1tot%(i,2):next:poke54276,64:next
- 167 gosub1000
- 170 fora=1tonf
- 171 ko=ko+1
- 172 poke54279,rnd(0)*256
- 173 lc=l%(a):tl%(a)=tl%(a)+1:iftl%(a)>2thentl%(a)=0:lc=notlc
- 174 xc=1:yc=1:ifrnd(0)<.5thenxc=-1
- 175 ifrnd(0)<.5thenyc=-1
- 176 f%=0
- 177 ifx%(a)<2orx%(a)>39ory%(a)<2ory%(a)>20thenf%=-1:goto200
- 190 h=x%(a):v=y%(a):gosub40:print" "
- 200 x%(a)=x%(a)+xc:y%(a)=y%(a)+yc:l%(a)=lc
- 210 ifx%(a)<2orx%(a)>39ory%(a)<2ory%(a)>20thenn2=n2+(notf%):goto300
- 215 iff%<>0thenn2=n2+1
- 220 ifnotl%(a)then300
- 230 h=x%(a):v=y%(a):gosub40:print"[158]."
- 300 rem
- 302 v=23:h=21:gosub40:printn2"[157] ":v=24:h=21:gosub40:printnl"[157] "
- 303 ifn2=0thena=999:next:goto900
- 305 gosub500
- 307 ifko/5=int(ko/5)thengosub312
- 310 next:gosub800
- 311 goto170
- 312 rem
- 315 kb=0
- 320 xc=sgn(x-kx%):yc=sgn(y-ky%):lc=kl%:kt%=kt%+1:ifkt%>2thenlc=notlc:kt%=0
- 330 ifkx%<2orkx%>39orky%<2orky%>20then360
- 340 h=kx%:v=ky%:gosub40:print" "
- 360 kx%=kx%+xc:ky%=ky%+yc:kl%=lc
- 370 ifkx%<2orkx%>39orky%<2orky%>20thenpoke54283,64:goto400
- 372 poke54280,6:poke54279,rnd(0)*256:poke54283,65
- 375 ifkl%=0then400
- 380 h=kx%:v=ky%:gosub40:print"[209]"
- 390 kb=1
- 400 ifkx%<xorkx%>x+2orky%<yorky%>y+1thenreturn
- 410 h=kx%:v=ky%:gosub40:print"[209]"
- 415 x$="the killer bug got you!"
- 430 goto9000:rem pop?
- 500 rem
- 508 ox=x:oy=y
- 509 ifjs<>0then3000
- 510 geti$
- 512 ifi$=""theni$=j$
- 515 j$=""
- 516 ifi$=""then2000
- 517 ifi$=" "theni=0:goto600
- 520 ifi$="j"thenx=x-1:j$=i$:ifx<1thenx=1
- 530 ifi$="k"thenx=x+1:j$=i$:ifx>38thenx=38
- 540 ifi$="i"theny=y-1:j$=i$:ify<1theny=1
- 550 ifi$="m"theny=y+1:j$=i$:ify>19theny=19
- 553 tl=tl-1:v=23:h=35:gosub40:printtl"[157] "
- 556 iftl<=0thenx$="time has run out!":goto9000
- 570 ifx=oxandy=oythenreturn
- 580 gosub1000
- 590 return
- 600 rem c
- 610 forb=1tonf
- 620 xb=x%(b):yb=y%(b)
- 630 ifxb<xorxb>x+2oryb<yoryb>y+1then670
- 640 sc=sc+10:nl=nl-1:n2=n2-1
- 641 v=23:h=21:gosub40:printn2"[157] ":v=24:h=21:gosub40:printnl"[157] ":v=22:h=7
- 642 gosub40:printsc"[157] ":h=xb:v=yb:gosub40:print"[158]."
- 645 poke54275,8:poke54273,22:poke54272,21:poke54276,65:fora=1to50:next
- 646 poke54276,64
- 647 gosub40:print" "
- 650 x%(b)=-16384:y%(b)=-16384
- 670 nextb
- 680 ifkx%<xorkx%>x+2orky%<yorky%>y+1thenreturn
- 685 h=kx%:v=ky%:gosub40:print"[209]"
- 690 poke54275,8:poke54273,24:poke54272,1:poke54276,65:fora=1to80:next
- 695 poke54276,64
- 700 sc=sc+500
- 705 v=22:h=7:gosub40:printsc"[157] "
- 710 h=kx%:v=ky%:gosub40:print" "
- 715 kb=0:kx%=-16384:ky%=-16384
- 720 return
- 800 rem
- 810 a=1
- 820 ifx%(a)<-10000then850
- 830 a=a+1:ifa<=nfthen820
- 840 return
- 850 ifa=nfthennf=nf-1:return
- 860 forb=a+1tonf:x%(b-1)=x%(b):y%(b-1)=y%(b):l%(b-1)=l%(b)
- 870 tl%(b-1)=tl%(b):next
- 880 nf=nf-1:goto830
- 900 rem done with board
- 910 ifnl=0thensc=sc+100
- 920 sc=sc+50+tl
- 930 goto100
- 1000 rem draw jar
- 1010 xx=x*8+16
- 1020 hx=int(xx/256):lx=xx-256*hx
- 1030 poke53248,lx:poke53264,hx
- 1040 poke53249,y*8+42
- 1050 return
- 2000 geti$:ifi$=""then2000
- 2010 goto500
- 3000 rem joystick
- 3010 jv=peek(56321)
- 3020 fr=jvand16:jv=15-(jvand15)
- 3030 iffr<>16then600
- 3040 ifjvand1theny=y-1:ify<1theny=1
- 3050 ifjvand2theny=y+1:ify>19theny=19
- 3060 ifjvand4thenx=x-1:ifx<1thenx=1
- 3070 ifjvand8thenx=x+1:ifx>38thenx=38
- 3080 goto553
- 3090 data18,209,200,15,210,100,12,143,100,18,209,300,16,195,100
- 3095 data15,210,200,14,24,200,12,143,400
- 4000 rem read in sprites
- 4010 fori=896to959:readj:pokei,j:next
- 4020 poke2040,14:poke53287,4
- 4025 poke832,0:rem make sure menu sprites are reloaded
- 4030 return
- 4100 data16,0,8,16,0,8,16,0,8,32,0,4,64,0,2,128,0,1
- 4110 data128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1
- 4120 data128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1,64,0,2,63,255,250
- 4130 data0
- 5000 rem draw screen
- 5010 print"[159][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 5020 fori=2to20:print"[194] [194]";:next
- 5030 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 5040 return
- 6000 rem set up tune
- 6005 dimt%(8,2)
- 6010 fori=1to8:readt%(i,0),t%(i,1),t%(i,2):next
- 6020 return
- 9000 rem end
- 9002 print"[147]"
- 9005 poke54283,64:poke53269,peek(53269)and254
- 9006 print:printtab(20-len(x$)/2)x$
- 9007 print:print" g a m e o v e r"
- 9008 print:print" final score:"sc
- 9010 gosub31000
- 9015 print:print"p=play again, q=quit, h=high scores"
- 9100 rem
- 9110 geti$:ifi$=""then9110
- 9120 ifi$="q"then33000:rem pop?
- 9130 ifi$="p"then80:rem pop?
- 9140 ifi$="h"then32000
- 9150 goto9100
- 30000 rem h
- 30020 open15,8,15:open5,8,5,"ff.hi-scores"
- 30025 input#15,a$,b$,c$,d$:ifval(a$)>0then30100
- 30030 fora=1to10
- 30040 input#5,hs(0,a):input#5,sn$(0,a):input#5,sd$(0,a)
- 30050 next
- 30060 close5:close15:return
- 30100 rem
- 30110 close5:close15
- 30120 return
- 31000 rem u
- 31005 xx=0
- 31010 fora=0to1
- 31020 b=1
- 31030 ifsc>hs(a,b)thengosub31500:goto31100
- 31040 b=b+1:ifb<11then31030
- 31100 next:return
- 31500 rem
- 31503 ifxx=1then31540
- 31506 ifa=0thenxx=1
- 31510 print:print"your score is in the top ten!"
- 31520 print:print"enter your name. (limit 16 characters)"
- 31530 print:inputsn$
- 31532 iflen(sn$)>16thensn$=left$(sn$,16)
- 31540 ifb=10thenhs(a,b)=sc:sn$(a,b)=sn$:sd$(a,b)=sd$:return
- 31550 forc=9tobstep-1
- 31560 hs(a,c+1)=hs(a,c):sn$(a,c+1)=sn$(a,c):sd$(a,c+1)=sd$(a,c)
- 31570 next:hs(a,b)=sc:sn$(a,b)=sn$:sd$(a,b)=sd$:return
- 32000 rem disp hi scores
- 32010 print"[147]"
- 32030 print:print:print"high scores for current run:":print
- 32050 fora=1to10
- 32055 ifhs(1,a)=0thenprint:goto32070
- 32060 printa;tab(4);hs(1,a);tab(15);sn$(1,a);tab(32);sd$(1,a)
- 32070 next
- 32075 print:print"hit any key to continue."
- 32077 geti$:ifi$=""then32077
- 32080 print"[147]":print:print"all-time high scores for this disk:"
- 32085 print
- 32090 fora=1to10
- 32095 ifhs(0,a)=0thenprint:goto32120
- 32100 printa;tab(4);hs(0,a);tab(15);sn$(0,a);tab(32);sd$(0,a)
- 32120 next
- 32125 print
- 32127 geti$
- 32130 print"p=play, q=quit, h=high scores"
- 32140 geti$:ifi$=""then32140
- 32150 ifi$="p"then80
- 32160 ifi$="q"then33000
- 32170 ifi$="h"then32000
- 32180 goto32140
- 33000 remx
- 33005 print"[147]":print"saving high scores to disk."
- 33020 open15,8,15,"s0:ff.hi-scores":open5,8,5,"ff.hi-scores,s,w"
- 33030 fora=1to10:print#5,hs(0,a):print#5,chr$(34)sn$(0,a)
- 33032 print#5,chr$(34)sd$(0,a):next
- 33035 close5:close15
- 33045 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 33050 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2
- 39999 end
- 40000 nf=25
- 40005 n2=25
- 40010 fora=1to5:x%(a)=a:y%(a)=1:next
- 40020 fora=6to10:x%(a)=a-5:y%(a)=2:next
- 40030 fora=11to15:x%(a)=a-10:y%(a)=3:next
- 40040 fora=16to20:x%(a)=a-15:y%(a)=4:next
- 40050 fora=21to25:x%(a)=a-20:y%(a)=5:next
- 40060 return
- 41000 rem instructions
- 41002 poke53280,2:poke53281,1
- 41005 print"[144][147]"
- 41010 print" [198] [201][160][210][160][197][160][198] [204][160][201][160][197][160][211]"
- 41020 print:print" [195]opyright ([195])[160]1984 by [196]aniel [212]obias."
- 41030 print:input " [201]nstructions ([217]/[206])";i$
- 41040 ifleft$(i$,1)<>"[217]"andleft$(i$,1)<>"y"thenreturn
- 41050 print"[147]";
- 41060 print"[212]he object of the game is to catch"
- 41070 print:print"fireflies by moving your collection jar"
- 41080 print:print"around the screen."
- 41090 print:print"[217]ou also have to watch out for the"
- 41100 print:print"mutant killer firefly."
- 41110 print:print:print"[212]he game starts with 5 fireflies on the"
- 41120 print:print"screen. [212]hey may wander off the screen"
- 41125 print:print"and may wander back on. [193]ll are lit"
- 41130 print:print"half the time and are invisible the rest"
- 41140 print" [200]it any key to continue. [146]";
- 41145 geti$:ifi$=""then41145
- 41147 print"[147]";
- 41150 print"of the time. [212]o catch them, use the"
- 41160 print:print"following keys:"
- 41170 print:print" i=[205]ove [213]p"
- 41180 print:print" j=[205]ove [204]eft k=[205]ove [210]ight"
- 41185 print:print" m=[205]ove [196]own"
- 41190 print:print" [211]pace [194]ar=[195]atch [198]ireflies"
- 41200 print:print" [193]ny [207]ther [203]ey: [211]top moving"
- 41230 print
- 41240 print"([207]r, you can select the joystick option,"
- 41250 print"in which you use the joystick to move"
- 41260 print:print"around, and the button to catch fire-"
- 41270 print:print"flies.)"
- 41280 print" [200]it any key to continue. [146]";
- 41283 geti$:ifi$=""then41283
- 41287 print"[147]";
- 41290 print"[215]hen you hit the space bar (or the joy-"
- 41295 print:print"stick button in joystick mode), all"
- 41300 print:print"fireflies within the jar shown on the"
- 41310 print:print"screen, whether lit or not, will be"
- 41320 print:print"caught. [217]ou score 10 points each."
- 41330 print:print:print"[217]ou must catch all fireflies on the"
- 41340 print:print"screen before the time runs out. [217]ou"
- 41350 print:print"need not necessarily catch all the"
- 41360 print:print"fireflies which appeared originally;"
- 41370 print:print"if some wander off the screen you need"
- 41373 print" [200]it any key to continue. [146]";
- 41376 geti$:ifi$=""then41376
- 41378 print"[147]";
- 41380 print"not catch them. [200]owever, if they fly"
- 41390 print:print"back onto the screen you must catch"
- 41400 print:print"them. [215]hen there are none left on the"
- 41410 print:print"screen, the round ends, and you score a"
- 41420 print:print"bonus of 50 points plus the number of"
- 41430 print:print"time units remaining. [201]n addition, if"
- 41440 print:print"you catch all the fireflies without"
- 41450 print:print"any escaping off the screen, you get"
- 41455 print:print"a bonus of 100 points."
- 41457 print:print"[212]hen, a new round starts. [197]ach round"
- 41458 print:print"has 5 more fireflies to catch than"
- 41459 print" [200]it any key to continue. [146]";
- 41460 geti$:ifi$=""then41460
- 41461 print"[147]";
- 41462 print:print"the last, up to 30 fireflies. [193]fter"
- 41465 print:print"that, there are 30 fireflies in each"
- 41467 print:print"round. [200]owever, you also get more time"
- 41469 print:print"to catch them."
- 41471 print:print:print"[194]ut there's another problem. [212]he mutant"
- 41473 print"killer firefly will show up each round."
- 41475 print:print"[201]ts sting is fatal, but it only stings"
- 41477 print:print"when it moves. [201]n between, you can"
- 41479 print:print"catch it, and it is worth 500 points."
- 41481 print:print"[215]arning: it actively seeks you out!"
- 41485 print" [200]it any key to continue. [146]";
- 41487 geti$:ifi$=""then41487
- 41488 print"[147]";
- 41490 print"[212]he high scores are kept, and saved to"
- 41500 print:print"disk when you are finished."
- 41510 print:print" [200]it any key to start. [146]";
- 41520 geti$:ifi$=""then41520
- 41530 return