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- Part of the S5 manual ....
- Entry Points
- ------------
- EP 1 : S5Base = OpenLibrary("s5.library",revision)
- D0 A1 D0
- Mandatory call before any other routine in this library can be
- used. Returns the address of the library node if successfully
- opened. If NULL, do not proceed to use any of these library
- routines. Reasons for not opening might include failure to find
- the file LIBS:S5.Library, or insufficient memory, or library
- already open for use by another program. Possibly an unrelated
- program has allocated the parallel printer port, and since the S5
- requires access to this, if the initialisation code cannot
- perform all of its functions, then a CloseLibrary() call is made
- automatically. The usual name for the global address pointer
- variable is S5Base.
- EP 2 : CloseLibrary(S5Base)
- A1
- A call to inform the system that this library is no longer
- needed, and that the memory that it is using can be reclaimed for
- other programs. During the course of the call, any resources
- claimed by the OpenLibrary routine are freed, including
- deallocating the parallel device.
- EP 3 : Expunge(S5Base)
- Used by CloseLibrary(). Do not use.
- Remove library from memory.
- EP 4 : Null()
- Do not use.
- Reserved entry point. (Reserved for system use rather than S5
- use.)
- EP 5 : Success = S5StartWave(Frequency,type)
- A0 A1
- Begin to play a waveform of Frequency Hz, of shape Type (0=Sine
- 1=Square 2=Triangular 3=Ramp). Note that Frequency must not
- exceed 1800 Hz since each waveform is made from 16 samples, and
- the Amiga is hardware limited to playing sounds at a maximum of
- about 30,000 samples/sec. This function can be used to provide a
- simple signal generator for your program. e.g. for tuning or
- testing some audio equipment. Success is a standard return code.
- EP 6 : Success = S5StopWave()
- Stop playing the sound started by S5StartSound().
- EP 7 : Success = S5StereoStart(LeftFrag,RightFrag,Deviate)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- This is the main sound player routine in the S5 library. The
- parameters LeftFrag and RightFrag are pointers to sound
- fragments. These fragments are used extensively in the S5 system
- and are described in a previous section. Each normally points to
- a structure which holds pointers to the actual data buffers to
- play and the play rate, repeat count, and several other important
- factors. This routine also performs the envelope operation if
- these have been set up. The Deviate parameter is only used to
- change playback pitch during the Preview play mode. i.e. if you
- hit a key when the mode is enabled, the key code is passed to
- this routine. For normal operation just use a value of 0. Success
- is normally E_OK. Occasionally there might be a port conflict or
- insufficient memory, but this is unusual. Under those
- circumstances a particular error code might be returned. See
- 'Return Codes' above.
- EP 8 : Success = S5StereoStop(LeftFrag,RightFrag)
- D0 A0 A1
- Stop the sound playing, even if this means breaking in during
- play. Note that if either channel is running with envelopes
- enabled, then the S5StereoStart() routine will still be
- executing, rather than exiting - so S5StereoStop() is
- inappropriate in this circumstance. Success is the conventional
- return value.
- EP 9 : Boolean = S5CheckPlaying(Select)
- D0 A0
- Returns TRUE if the selected channel is actually playing still,
- and FALSE if it is not. Select is 0 for left, 1 for right.
- EP 10 : S5WaitForEnd(Select)
- A0
- Waits for the selected channel to complete playing. Select is 0
- for left, and 1 for right.
- EP 11 : Success = S5SoundStartup(Size,LeftFrag,RightFrag)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- Allocates and initializes the data buffers for these two channels
- to the specified number of bytes (samples). Both normally have
- the same size. Returns standard success codes. Equivalent to two
- S5AllocateSampleBuffer() calls.
- EP 12 : Success = S5AllocateSampleBuffer(Size,Frag)
- D0 A0 A1
- Initialize just one Frag. Standard Success return. The memory
- could be CHIP or FAST depending on how the Frag was allocated
- (S5AllocateFrag()).
- (Refer to Frag structure definition.)
- Sets up the members of the structure:-
- buffer set to address of block of memory;
- buffer size set to Size;
- Cursors ([ I ]) set to start, mid and end of buffer;
- Zoom view set to end points of buffer;
- Play and Record enable switches turned on;
- Playing(SIC) switch off;
- Set initial sample and play rate to 10000;
- Set volume to maximum (64);
- Set left side preference;
- Name cleared;
- Envelopes cleared.
- EP 13 : S5SoundShutDown(LeftFrag,RightFrag)
- A0 A1
- Deallocates the sample buffers of the two frags. Use two
- S5DeallocateFrag() calls to kill the frags entirely.
- EP 14 : Success = S5ConfigureHardware()
- D0
- Called by the OpenLibrary() routine. Attempts to configure any
- hardware registers necessary for use by the S5 recording system.
- If used separately don't forget to S5Seize() the parallel device
- first, otherwise there might be big trouble.
- EP 15 : Success = S5DeConfigureHardware()
- D0
- Called by CloseLibrary() to restore hardware to the state before
- OpenLibrary() (because of S5ConfigureHardware()). Don't forget to
- S5Release() the parallel device.
- (Users might like to claw back the parallel device during a
- program run if they need to use the printer etc. In that case
- call this routine, and later call S5ConfigureHardware() again to
- reallocate the hardware.)
- EP 16 : Success = S5RecordSamples(LeftFrag,RightFrag)
- D0 A0 A1
- The main routine for recording. Assumes that buffers are
- allocated and a sampling rate is set up in each channel fragment.
- One important note is that if a stereo recording is made, the
- sample rate will be the same for both channels, i.e. the left
- channel rate. This is because recording rates are usually very
- fast, and it is not possible to record accurately at any two
- rates simultaneously with this hardware. Also, the system's
- interrupts are turned off during a recording, so the screen will
- blank and multi-tasking stop. It is not a good idea to run any
- other task while making a recording. When recording, the buffer
- cursors are ignored. Also, the number of samples taken is the
- shorter of the two. When buffer lengths are different, use the
- mono record method i.e. turn off one of the sample enable
- switches. (Part of the Frag structure.)
- EP 17 : Value = S5ADC(Select)
- D0 A0
- Read a single value from the specified channel. Select is 0 for
- left, 1 for right. The value returned is between -128 and +127.
- EP 18 : S5Read1LR(LeftPtr,RightPtr)
- A0 A1
- Read a single value from each of the two channels and store them
- in the bytes pointed to by the parameters. (Byte pointers. i.e.
- Not Frag pointers!).
- EP 19 : S5ClearTracks(LeftFrag,RightFrag)
- A0 A1
- Fill each entire buffer with zeroes.
- EP 20 : Bool = S5ValidRange(Frag)
- D0 A0
- Returns TRUE if the start cursor ([) of the fragment is placed
- before the finish cursor (]).
- EP 21 : Success = S5BuildEnvelopeTable(Frag,Select)
- D0 A0 A1
- Creates the volume or period values needed during an envelope
- play operation. If Select is 0 create the volume values, else the
- period values.
- EP 22 : int = S5FreqToPlayRate(Frequency)
- D0 A0
- Convert the play rate in samples/second into the necessary 'tick
- rate'. i.e. the number required by the lowest level play
- routines. Each tick would last about 30nS, and there MUST be a
- minimum of 124 of these between each sample. This function
- ensures this happens. i.e. if you wish to play back a sound at
- 60KHz, you cannot!
- EP 23 : int = S5FreqToSamRateStereo(Frequency)
- D0 A0
- Convert the desired sample rate in samples/second into a number
- of delay loops to perform, assuming this is a stereo sample. Used
- by lowest level recording software.
- EP 24 : int = S5FreqToSamRateMono(Frequency)
- D0 A0
- Convert the desired sample rate in samples/second into a number
- of delay loops to perform, assuming this is a mono recording
- (either left or right). Used by lowest level recording software.
- EP 25 : S5SetTiming(con1,con2,con3)
- A0 A1 D0
- Do not use.
- Sets some constants used by the recording software to determine
- the number of software delay loops needed at a particular
- recording rate.
- EP 26 : S5GetTiming(con1Ptr,con2Ptr,con3Ptr)
- A0 A1 D0
- Do not use.
- Returns values into pointers for the three values mentioned
- above.
- EP 27 : Success = S5LoadIFF(Frag,FileName,Options)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- Loads a file from disk to a fragment buffer. Frag must be an
- initialized fragment. Filename is the full DOS filename. Options
- are as follows:-
- 0 : Load up in default mode. The buffer is reallocated to be the
- length of data required. Highest octave only is loaded.
- 1 : Load up into existing cursor range. If cursor range is
- smaller than that in the file, only load a part of it. Highest
- octave only is loaded.
- EP 28 : Success = S5SaveIFF(Frag,FileName,Option1,Option2)
- D0 A0 A1 D0 D1
- Saves a region between cursors as a standard IFF file. Options
- are as follows: If Option1 is 0 only a single octave of a One
- Shot section is to be created. i.e. a sound effect rather than an
- instrument. If Option1 is in the range 1 to 5 then it represents
- the number of octaves to create. Option2 is composed of two
- quantities (sorry about this !) : the number of octaves above the
- current one PLUS 10 times the number of samples per high cycle.
- For example: Option1=4 and Option2=1 means create an octave
- higher than the current one; the current octave; and two octaves
- below. We recommend that you do not have many octaves above the
- current one.
- When an instrument is being created both One-Shot and Repeat
- sections are determined by the three cursor positions ([ I ]) -
- even though you might not be using the S5 control panel, the
- cursors positions are still important. (Remember that the I
- cursor separates the One-Shot part from the Repeat part.)
- Typical usage:-
- S5SaveIFF(LeftFrag,"chickens",0,0); /* one shot FX */
- S5SaveIFF(LeftFrag,"clucks",3,1); /* 3-octave instrument */
- S5SaveIFF(LeftFrag,"clucks2",3,482); /* 3-octaves instrument with
- 2 higher octaves, and SamplesPerHiCycle of 48.
- EP 29 : Success = S5LoadSOP2(Left,Right,FileName,Option)
- D0 A0 A1 D0 D1
- Load a standard SOP2 file into each of the frags (Left,Right)
- from a single file FileName. A load is only made if the
- corresponding play enable flag is set in that Frag. If Option is
- 0 then the buffer is adjusted to an appropriate size. If Option
- is 1 then the data is loaded into the cursor area, truncating if
- this is necessary.
- EP 30 : Success = S5SaveSOP2(Left,Right,FileName,Option)
- D0 A0 A1 D0 D1
- Save an area identified by a region possibly for two Frags
- (Left,Right) depending on whether their play enable flags are
- set. Save both to the same file, FileName. Option should be 0.
- EP 31 : Success = S5LoadSOP3(Frag,FileName,Option)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- Load a SOP3 file. See notes in appendix for format. Standard
- success return code. If Option is 0 then reallocate the buffer
- according to the file size. Otherwise load between the [ and ]
- cursors.
- EP 32 : Success = S5SaveSOP3(Frag,FileName,Option)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- Save sample data to a SOP3 file. Option is unused. Success is
- standard return code.
- EP 33 : FragPtr = S5AllocateFrag(Size,Type)
- D0 A0 A1
- Allocate and initialize a Frag structure, allocating Size bytes
- for the sample buffer. Return zero if insufficient memory. Type
- is FRAG_CHIP (=0) for normal operation of FRAG_FAST (=1) for
- fragments with data buffers placed in FAST memory.
- EP 34 : S5DeallocateFrag(Frag)
- A0
- Undoes the AllocateFrag() operation, freeing any memory
- associated.
- EP 35 : Success = S5LoadEnvelope(EnvPtr,FileName)
- D0 A0 A1
- Reads in a text file and sets up the Envelope pointed to by the
- parameter.
- EP 36 : Success = S5SaveEnvelope(EnvPtr,FileName)
- D0 A0 A1
- Write out an envelope as a text file.
- EP 37 : S5KillEnvelope(Env)
- A0
- Deallocate and clear structures within the envelope, but does not
- deallocate the envelope structure itself.
- EP 38 : Success = S5FastMemRecord(Frag)
- D0 A0
- Record into FAST memory. See section 'Extended Memory'. This is a
- mono recording, on the Left physical channel. Note that the
- ordinary record above will also record into FAST memory.
- EP 39 : Success = S5FastMemPlay(Frag)
- D0 A0
- Play a sample buffer from FAST memory. See section `Extended
- Memory`. CHIP memory will be allocated at the start of this
- routine. If two large buffers already exist, there may not be
- enough CHIP memory left, or not in contiguous blocks. Be sure to
- check the Success code.
- EP 40 : Success = S5Seize()
- D0
- Grabs the Parallel device from the system. Stops other programs
- from using it accidentally. This routine might fail if another
- program is already using the parallel device.
- EP 41 : Success = S5Release()
- D0
- Release the Parallel device so that other programs may use it.
- EP 42 : S5SetPlay(Frag,Option,Value)
- A0 A1 D0
- Change one item of the specified fragment depending on the
- Option.
- Option Element changed
- 1 Play rate
- 2 Volume
- 3 Repeat count
- 4 Play enable flag. 1=on 0=off
- 5 Record enable flag. 1=on 0=off
- 6 Record rate. (same as S5SetRecord()).
- Useful when called from Basic, where structures are unavailable.
- EP 43 : S5SetRecord(Frag,rate)
- A0 A1
- Change record rate.
- EP 44 : int = S5FragSize()
- D0
- Returns size (in bytes) of the Frag structure. Useful for
- languages which do not have a STRUCTURE construct, but need to
- allocate memory dynamically.
- EP 45 : S5STEREOSAMPLE(LeftBuf,RightBuf,Length,Delay)
- A0 A1 D0 D1
- The main stereo recording routine. LeftBuf and Rightbuf are the
- bases of two byte arrays where the data will be written to, for
- Length bytes. Delay is a software loop count per sample computed
- from S5FreqToSamRateStereo(frag->Fr_sampHz).
- EP 46 : S5LEFTSAMPLE(LeftBuf,Length,Delay)
- A0 A1 D0
- Record on left physical channel only. See S5STEREOSAMPLE().
- EP 47 : S5RIGHTSAMPLE(RightBuf,Length,delay)
- A0 A1 D0
- Record on right physical channel only. See S5STEREOSAMPLE().
- EP 48 : S5DUMMYREAD(Length)
- A0
- Exercises recording hardware. Only useful for testing hardware.
- Do not use.
- EP 49 : S5FILL(Buffer,Length,FillByte)
- A0 A1 D0
- Copy FillByte Length times to Buffer.
- EP 50 : S5MOVE(Source,Destination,Length)
- A0 A1 D0
- Block copy from Source to Destination for Length bytes.
- EP 51 : S5GetStatus(VariableAddress)
- A0
- Used in Basic to set a LONG INTEGER variable to the error code
- returned from the previous S5 routine which returned a Success
- code - or any other value, such as a pointer or boolean result.
- An example portion of an Amiga Basic program :
- Succ& = 0 : REM Defines a variable. Most important to do this !!!
- f$="plop.sop2"+chr$(0)
- CALL S5Player(SADD(f$))
- S5GetStatus(VARPTR(Succ&))
- IF Succ&<>EOK THEN GOSUB ReportError
- REM should have loaded, played, and deallocated OK
- EP 52 : Success = S5Player(Filename)
- D0 A0
- Simply load and play the sound in the specified file.
- Automatically works out whether its IFF, SOP2, or SOP3 format.
- Allocates sufficient space and resources to do the job. When
- finished, cleans up accordingly. This uses the resources of the
- rest of the library, so it is not a good idea to use this routine
- with the S5StereoStart() routine.
- EP 53 : S5LatticeIO(inf,outf,errf)
- A0 A1 D0
- Redundant.
- Do not use.
- `