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- ~This is the text file for QuickScore version 1.09
- ~comments begin with tilde '~' and can come at the end of a text line
- Use MPE to activate QuickScore
- Leave QuickScore?
- OK ~(this should be 6 characters long)
- Track
- Maximum workspace size reached
- None~(these are quantization options) 5
- Sixty-fourth
- Thirty-second
- Sixteenth
- Eighth
- Quarter~10
- No
- Yes
- Descending
- Ascending
- Both~15
- 7 Flats
- 6 Flats
- 5 Flats
- 4 Flats
- 3 Flats~20
- 2 Flats
- 1 Flat
- None
- 1 Sharp
- 2 Sharps~25
- 3 Sharps
- 4 Sharps
- 5 Sharps
- 6 Sharps
- 7 Sharps~30
- Sixteenth
- Dotted Sixteenth
- Eighth
- Dotted Eighth
- Quarter~35
- Dotted Quarter
- Half
- Dotted Half
- Treble~(clefs)
- Bass~40
- Alto
- Drum
- None~(this "None" means no clef)
- None~(this "None" means no transposition)
- Illegal time signature~45
- for the given beat
- Full Score: ~(notice the blank space after the colon)
- Printing Page
- Cancel
- OK ~(this should be 4 characters long) 50
- Stop
- Bar Number:
- Staff Number:
- Split Track?~55
- Transposition:
- Clef:
- Time Signature:
- Key Signature:
- Quantization Amount:~60
- Extend Isolated Notes?
- Clip Durations to Start of Next Note?
- Tie syncopated notes over beat?
- Use Ascending or Descending Stems?
- Join Stems?~65
- Include Bar Lines?
- Bars Per Line:
- Beat:
- ~the following items are for the MENUS
- About QuickScore...
- Save Display~70
- Save Startup
- Print File
- Print Line
- Suppress Form Feeds
- Quit~75
- Display...
- Full Score
- Single Staff...
- Jump to Bar...
- Play Screen~80
- Screen Colors...
- WorkBench
- Back to~used in MPE menu "Back to CUB"; must be 7 characters or less!
- ~Menu Headings
- Project
- Edit~85
- Options
- ~next 2 lines are a message displayed when QuickScore is run without CUB
- You must run ~both lines should be the same length, fill in with blanks
- Tiger Cub first