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- opt l-,c+,d+ nolink,case dependant,debug
- * this source code (C) HiSoft 1987 All Rights Reserved
- * a simple demo program to print a message on the screen then quit
- * it uses the DOS and EXEC libraries
- incdir ":include/" where to look
- include exec/exec_lib.i I want to call EXEC
- include libraries/dos_lib.i and DOS
- include libraries/dos.i
- * start by opening the DOS library
- start move.l #dosname,a1
- moveq #0,d0 any version
- CALLEXEC OpenLibrary
- tst.l d0
- beq quit_fast quit if cant
- move.l d0,_DOSBase save pointer
- * now find our output handle
- CALLDOS Output
- move.l d0,d4 d4=output handle
- * and print a message
- move.l d4,d1 file handle
- move.l #string,d2 address of message
- moveq #stringlen,d3 length
- CALLDOS Write and send it
- * dont close the output handle otherwise the CLI bombs!
- * finished so close DOS library
- move.l _DOSBase,a1
- CALLEXEC CloseLibrary
- quit_fast
- rts amd finish
- _DOSBase dc.l 0 space for pointer
- * strings here
- * this defines the name of the DOS library
- dosname DOSNAME
- string dc.b 'A Program written with HiSoft''s Devpac Amiga',10
- stringlen equ *-string
- even