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- NetHack is Copyright (C) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
- and M. Stephenson. NetHack may be freely redistributed.
- See license for details.
- NetHack for Windows
- =================================
- (last revision: $Date: 2003/10/15 11:00:01 $)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hello ..., Welcome to NetHack 3.4.3!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NetHack for Windows platforms is available in source code
- distribution from http://www.nethack.org/ or in a ready-to-run
- binary format.
- The NetHack 3.4.3 official binary distribution of NetHack for
- Windows 3.4.3 contains two separate executables inside it.
- There is the "NetHack for Windows - tty interface" which
- will run on any platform offering the win32 Console I/O
- support. This is the executable that was included in
- NetHack releases prior to 3.4.0.
- NetHack 3.4 also includes the
- "NetHack for Windows - Graphical Interface"
- which should run on any of the platforms listed below,
- with the following restrictions noted via the
- asterisk:
- Windows 95*
- Windows 98
- Windows Me (untested)
- Windows NT 4.0*
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- (* indicates that it requires updated common control libraries. The
- minimal common control library versions required is 4.71. You can
- get that version or greater by downloading the common control
- library from Microsoft at this URL (valid at time of production of
- this document:
- http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6f94d31a-d1e0-4658-a566-93af0d8d4a1e&DisplayLang=en
- As well, please refer to the notes for this binary at:
- http://www.nethack.org/)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Release notes about NetHack for Windows 3.4.3
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Save and bones files created with version 3.4.0, 3.4.1, or 3.4.2 should
- work with 3.4.3. Save and bones files created with versions earlier than
- 3.4.0 definitely won't work.
- As with earlier 3.4.x versions, 3.4.3 has a whole bunch of defaults.nh
- options for controlling layout and fonts used in the
- "NetHack for Windows - Graphical Inteface." The best source of information
- about those at the present time is the Windows specific help from within
- the game.
- recover.exe is no longer bundled into the binary distribution because
- recover functionality has been included in NetHack itself for Windows
- platforms.
- Check the Guidebook, news file, and defaults.nh for information
- on working with international keyboards, and the "altkeyhandler"
- and "subkeyvalue" config file options.
- perm_invent support did not make it into either win32 interface
- in time for the 3.4 release.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to set up the game:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In order to install this particular version of NetHack, you will need a PC
- running one of the versions of Windows listed earlier. Let it be known
- that we, on the development and win32 porting teams, have not actually tried
- to use the binary on a Windows Me platform. We are not aware of any reason
- that it won't work, but let us know if it doesn't.
- The most straightforward method of setting up the game is to unzip all of
- the NetHack files into a single directory - C:\GAMES\NETHACK would be
- a typical choice, but certainly not a required one.
- To invoke "NetHack for Windows - Tty Interface" run the
- nethack.exe executable.
- To invoke "NetHack for Windows - Graphical Interface" run the
- nethackw.exe executable.
- Save files and bones files should be completely
- compatible between the graphical and tty versions.
- Next, you quite likely want to poke around in the file "defaults.nh"
- with a text editor to set up pragmatic things (like where to
- store saved games or bones files), aesthetic things (like whether to
- use traditional ASCII characters or graphical tiles, which font etc.),
- and Fun Stuff (like the name of your character and your pet).
- With luck the comments in "defaults.nh" should be adequate to
- at least get your started figuring out how things work. Oh, and by
- the way, read the Guidebook and the in-game Windows help. It's
- The Guidebook is stored in the binary distribution as Guidebook.txt.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contacts:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you discover a bug and wish to report it, or if you have comments
- or suggestions we recommend using our "Contact Us" web page at:
- http://www.nethack.org/common/contact.html
- If you don't have access to the web, or you want to send us a patch
- to the NetHack source code feel free to drop us a line c/o:
- DevTeam (at) nethack.org
- Happy NetHacking!
- Please mention which of the 'official' nh3.4.3 binaries you are using,
- assuming that you are. If you aren't, please be sure to mention that
- fact. When you do, also mention exactly what you changed and what
- steps you followed between the time you downloaded the source, and you
- contacted us.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Frequently asked questions:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You asked:
- I try to start up "NetHack for Windows - Graphical Interface",
- but it keeps starting as the tty version. How do I get the
- graphics?
- Our RTFM expert replies:
- There are two executable programs included in the binary distribution.
- You have to run the one called "nethackw.exe" to get the graphical
- version. If you ran "nethack.exe", you'll get the tty version. Do it
- over, and do it right this time.
- You asked:
- Ok the game works. Where do I begin to learn how to play?
- A passing strange person replies:
- Of course it works. What do you think I am, a radio?
- Once you've got into the game, some good commands to try (and
- they don't even count as moves!) are ? and /. At risk of sounding
- like a marketing blurb, the HELP key (which on your terminal will be
- marked with a question mark - and be warned that you may have to
- depress the shift key to activate this function!) gives you instant
- access to our online help facility. It's kind of a menu with lovely
- options like "c" (where you get to see MY NAME in the history of
- NetHack!), "i" (which gives you all the important legal blurb which
- tells you about your rights and responsibilities as a NetHack
- licensee), and the more boring items "a" and "b" which merely explain
- all the commands and the display symbols and uninteresting stuff like
- that. What the hell. It's there, you can use it.
- The / key is pretty good, too. If there's something on the
- screen that you don't know what it is, well, it's probably a letter or
- a symbol or something. That's wisdom, see? But to get onto the
- Eternal Verities, suppose you want to know what it MEANS? Aha! Hit
- /, say "y", I want to specify it by cursor (cursors are blinking
- underscores, and if you're British like me you can curse them with
- your numeric bloody keypad, too -- Americans needn't understand this
- joke), whatever it is, and then you can point out the object of your
- confusion and have it explicated in frabjous detail. Helps you avoid
- getting your face et, sometimes, that. Always nice, not having your
- face et.
- Oh, right, I almost forgot. There's the Guidebook, too, for
- the quiche-eaters in our midst.... You may have got one with your
- game in the form of a file called Guidebook.txt.
- You asked:
- Are ASCII characters my only choice for representing things
- on the display?
- A worker tiling our floor responds:
- I've been in this business for twenty years. All the people
- today want to change things! There's a lot to be said for the
- traditional way of doing things. On the other hand I can
- provide you with a set of NetHack tiles, that will give
- your display a completely different look.
- If you want to try tiles on the NetHack display, place an
- OPTION=map_mode:tiles
- line into the "defaults.nh" file and run nethackw.exe. If you
- have a custom set of tiles, such as a 32x32 tile set called chozo32b.bmp,
- then you should also add the following line to your "defaults.nh":
- OPTION=OPTIONS=tile_file:chozo32b.bmp, tile_width:32, tile_height:32
- You asked:
- I like the graphical version, because I get to use
- my mouse for more than just a paper-weight. But I *like*
- ASCII characters. I've been using ASCII characters for
- NetHack since I was in high school. Can't I have my cake
- and eat it too?
- The baker dropping off our daily doughnut supply says:
- Did somebody mention cake? Have I got a recipe for you!
- Take (1) defaults.nh
- Add (1) lines of OPTION=map_mode:ascii8x12
- Save it, and stir. Presto - an ASCII display on the
- graphical screen...or is that a graphical display on the
- ASCII screen...I can't remember - try it yourself.
- You asked:
- Eeewwww. I hate the font the graphical version
- is using on the message window. I like the
- PrestoWizBang font that I got last week. Can
- you change it for the next version, please?
- Our staff Salesperson replies:
- Why wait? You can have it now! Don't delay, add
- an OPTIONS=font_message:PrestoWizBang, font_size_message:10
- PrestoWiz corporation assumes no responsibility for the
- use of their font on NetHack, and all such use is without
- warranty and at your own risk. If you act now, I can
- throw in a couple of Ginsu knives at no extra cost.
- You asked:
- Wow this is a really neat game. Is there any way to explore it
- without dying so much?
- Our staff schizophrenic replies:
- Gentle Reader, I fear this is a most delicate question. It is a
- frequent theme in fantasy literature that it is far easier to be
- granted a wish than it is to decide upon a good wish to make. But I
- am no djinn, and I am willing to advise you on this point as well.
- And so I shall make the observation that, no matter what transpires,
- you will always die the same amount, viz: once. (Unless of course
- some sort of magic intervenes.) Perhaps what you want is a way to
- avoid dying so soon?
- As it happens, this latter can be accomplished. Death, as it
- transpires, is characterisable as _finitely avoidable_ in NetHack, for
- there is a Mystic Prompt known to those who have read the Man Page of
- Doom, the words of which, it is sometimes whispered, are as follows:
- Die? [yn]
- The benefit of being asked this question at the, shall we say,
- appropriate, crucial moments is available -- for a price.
- Classically, an acceptable consideration would be the player's soul;
- but since according to the hallowed doctrines of most major religions,
- @-signs don't have souls to sell, we will be contented with your
- score.... For lo! The game contains an X command, and by the
- strangely inexplicable power of the elder gods this X standeth for the
- word Discover (or EXplore, in the ancient tongue), and the typing of
- this Mystic Device shall effect the deal as described above,
- paragraphs 2 and 3.
- Furthermore, and alternately, IF YOU ORDER IMMEDIATELY at the
- NETHACKW -X if you are more graphically inclined) on the
- command line and, since NetHack is freely distributable, SEND NO MONEY
- NOW. As a variation on this theme, the -D flag will put the game into
- its debugging mode, IF you are a wizard... "Speak, wizard, and enter",
- to paraphrase the Old Master.
- You asked:
- I was playing along with my 400 hitpoint level 8 Barbarian
- named Gorp and my dog Gumby, having a wonderful evening bashing
- heads, eating eye corpses, and generally running amok in the dungeon
- and all of a sudden the (1) the lights go out, (2) I hit the power
- cord with my sword, (3) lightning struck, or (4) the game actually
- crashed. Now what do I do?
- Our resident disaster recovery expert replies:
- WHAT? Damn, hmmm, lets see now. Where is the plan, you know what I
- mean, the PLAN! Wait, now calm down, let me think. Hmm. Hmm. Oh
- yea! You have INSURANCE don't you. I mean you compiled the game
- with INSURANCE didn't you. Well then you are in safe hands, so to
- speak. Included at no extra charge to you is a recovery feature.
- Its sole purpose in life is to save your behind in cases like this.
- Don't go getting the idea that you can cheat by turning off your
- machine just when you are about to die and using it to resurrect
- your Wizard. The recovery mechanism can tell you are cheating and will
- delete your high score list and give you bad luck for twenty games.
- To engage the recovery feature after a crash just start your game
- with the same player name as you used with the one that crashed.
- Forgotton what player name you used? Go to your NETHACK directory
- and check to see if you have a bunch of files ending in a number.
- Your player name is the part after the '-', and before the '.'.
- Example you say:
- nethack -uPRESLEY
- NetHack should detect the earlier failed game and ask you if you
- want to recover. Answer yes. Works.
- Good enough?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Throughout this document, the word "NetHack" refers to a rather jolly
- game involving a small @-sign getting its face et by dragons, and is
- in no way to be construed as relating to the theory or practise of
- gaining unauthorised use of or access to data or data processing
- equipment (except maybe if a few of us play the game at work,
- something which I want to go on record as saying is very, very naughty
- indeed and not the sort of thing you want to get involved with at
- all), and if any security-establishment types are reading this,
- remember it's YOU folks who do the cloak-and-dagger stuff, we're
- responsible professionals with real jobs and self respect and stuff
- like that.
- Secondly, all references to animal sacrifice, Donny Osmond (who?),
- dynamic linking, Microsoft Corporation, okapi, claviprondrophony and
- so forth are made purely for the entertainment of the reader and if
- you think we meant something by it, that's your problem. Research has
- shown that what people say and what they mean have so little to do with
- each other that you can actually get PAID to figure out why people say,
- "can you reach the salt?" when as a matter of fact they don't give a
- pair of dingo's kidneys what the answer to the question is, so long as
- someone provides them with some small white crystals in the near
- future and look! you came up with *that* interpretation all by
- yourself now didn't you.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Special thanks to stephen p spackman who wrote the original version
- of this text and who will live forever in our memories. (Nope, he
- isn't dead, just moved on to a higher calling).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This document is Copyright (C) 1991 Stephen P Spackman and Kevin D
- Smolkowski (1993). It constitutes part of the documentation of the PC
- and Windows versions of the NetHack game, and may be distributed freely
- subject to the same terms set forth in the NetHack license. Thank you
- for having a very nice day indeed. Hack On!