briefing A guide has led you into a dungeon that is rumoured to hold a great secret. He has led you down many dark corridors and finally you find yourself in a room with three doors. Suddenly the guide puts out his torch and in the darkness you hear him laugh, 'Farewell my Heroes' he sneers as he makes his escape. You realize to your horror that it is a trap! You must escape or perish in this dark, forgotten hole.
defeat Despite your efforts you have failed to achieve victory. The armies of the Greenskins and the Undead will certainly get word of your defeat and gain better morale for the battles to come. Time is against us, soon nothing can prevent the forces of Chaos from overrunning the land...
victory You have succesfully completed this Quest! True heroes you are. Now rest and re-equip yourselves, for I fear that the forces of Chaos might soon try to avenge their defeat.