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- * Neverball *
- Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the
- given time. If the ball falls or time expires, a ball is lost.
- Collect coins to unlock the exit and earn extra balls. Red coins are
- worth 5. Blue coins are worth 10. A free ball is awarded for 100
- coins.
- Neverball requires:
- SDL http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php
- SDL_image http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/
- SDL_mixer http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/
- SDL_ttf http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/
- Mehdi Yousfi Monod (Feature ideas and levels)
- Derek Arndt (OSX packaging)
- Phil Harper (TheOpenCD packaging, icons)
- Max Gilead (Debian packaging)
- Michael Sterret (Gentoo ebuild)
- Christoph Frick (OSX port)
- Jeremy Messenger (FreeBSD port)
- Erik Auerswald (Mouse invert)
- Corey Edwards (Joystick select)
- Countless others for play testing and bug reports.
- http://www.happypenguin.org
- http://www.flipcode.com
- Under Unix, Linux, and OSX, simply run
- make
- Under Windows, build using the provided Visual Studio solution.
- The executables will be copied to the base directory. Maps will be
- processed and copied into data/sol/. By default, an uninstalled build
- may be executed in place.
- ./neverball
- Click Play to begin. Mouse motion tilts the floor. Mouse buttons
- rotate the viewpoint. The following keyboard controls are defined.
- See below for details.
- SPACE Pause and resume / Release mouse grab
- ESC End a game / Exit
- SHIFT Fast camera rotation
- F1 Default Camera (configurable)
- F2 Lazy Camera (configurable)
- F3 Static Camera (configurable)
- F7 Toggle wire mode
- F8 Toggle nice mode
- F9 Toggle frame counter
- F10 Snap a screenshot
- F12 Toggle look-around mode
- The game searches for game assets in the following three places, in
- this order. If the game is to be installed globally, at least one of
- them must be set.
- 1) The directory specified on the command line.
- 2) The directory given by the NEVERBALL_DATA environment variable.
- 3) The directory given by the CONFIG_DATA variable defined in config.h
- A normal Linux installation would probably copy the data directory to
- "/usr/local/games/neverball/" and change the CONFIG_DATA variable to
- match.
- A normal Windows installation would simply copy the entire game
- directory to "C:\Program Files\Neverball" and leave the CONFIG_DATA
- variable to its default value "./data".
- Neverball creates a directory called ".neverball" in which it stores
- user data files. These files include high scores, replays, and
- configurations. Under Unix, Linux, and OSX this directory is created
- in your home directory. Under Windows it is assumed that the user has
- permission to write to the game data directory, and the user data
- directory is created within.
- The top three fastest times through each level, and the top three coin
- scores for each level are stored in files named neverballhs-* in the
- user data directory.
- The top three fastest times and most coins scores for each set of
- levels are also stored. To achieve a set score, the player must play
- through all 25 levels of a set in one attempt.
- The total set time will include time spent during both successful and
- unsuccesful level plays, thus time-outs and fall-outs count against
- the total time.
- The total set coin count will include only coins collected on
- successful level plays. This prevents unbounded coin scores from
- being collected on levels with more than 100 coins.
- Neverball includes a mechanism for recording and replaying levels.
- The player may enter a name for each replay at the end of the level.
- By default, the most recent unsaved level will be saved to the replay
- file named "Last".
- Replay files are stored in the user data directory. They may be
- copied freely. To view a replay you have downloaded, simply move it
- to the user data directory and it will appear in the Replay menu
- in-game.
- Note that replay files are not currently portable between machines of
- different byte order.
- Game settings are stored in the file neverballrc in the user data
- directory. This file is created when the game exits. It consists of
- key / value pairs. Some of these values are configurable using the
- in-game options screen. Other meaningful keys and their default
- values follow.
- mouse_sense 300
- This key controls mouse sensitivity. The value gives the
- number of screen pixels the mouse pointer must move to rotate
- the floor through its entire range. A smaller number means
- more sensitive.
- mouse_invert 0
- This key inverts the vertical mouse axis if set to 1.
- key_camera_1 f1
- key_camera_2 f2
- key_camera_3 f3
- key_camera_l left
- key_camera_r right
- These keys define keyboard mappings for camera selection and
- rotation. Key names are specified using SDL's canonical key
- naming convention. The three camera behaviors are as follows:
- 1 - Strict camera stays behind the ball by cueing off of the
- velocity of the ball. It is very responsive, but sometimes
- confusing.
- 2 - Lazy camera chases a point a set distance from the ball.
- It is seldom surprising, but at times it is not sufficiently
- responsive.
- 3 - Locked camera does not rotate except by player command.
- view_fov 50
- view_dp 75
- view_dc 25
- view_dz 200
- These keys define the view of the ball. They give the field
- of view in degrees, the height of the view point, the height
- of the view center, and the horizontal distance from the ball
- in centimeters, respectively. (The ball is 50 centimeters in
- diameter in most levels.)
- The default values for these keys changed with version 1.2.6.
- Some players may be interested in using the old values. They
- were as follows:
- view_fov 40
- view_dp 400
- view_dc 0
- view_dz 600
- rotate_fast 200
- rotate_slow 100
- These keys control the rate of camera rotation. Roughly, they
- give the rate of lateral camera motion in centimeters per
- seconds, so the actual rotation rate depends upon view_dz,
- above. The fast rate is used when the Shift key is held down.
- fps 0
- This key enables an on-screen frames-per-second counter. Press
- F9 to toggle this flag in-game.
- nice 1
- This key enables a delay function after each frame is
- rendered, forcing a context switch and ensuring that the game
- does not utilize 100% of the CPU. 0 is off, 1 is on.
- If the frame rate is not fast enough for you, or you simply
- want to test the performance of the game on your hardware,
- disable it.
- Press F8 to toggle this flag in-game.
- coin png/coin.png
- ball png/ball.png
- These keys determine the texture image applied to the coin and
- ball. If you prefer collecting euros to collecting dollars,
- set:
- coin png/euro_coin.png
- stereo 0
- This key enables quad-buffered stereo viewing for those with
- the hardware to support it. It gives an angle in degrees that
- determines the interocular distance. 0 is normal non-stereo
- viewing. 2 gives a good stereo effect. If the eyes are
- swapped, give a negative value, like -2.
- joystick 0
- This key enables joystick control. 0 is off, 1 is on. The
- game may still be controlled with the mouse even while gamepad
- control is enabled. However, random noise from an analog
- controller at rest can disrupt normal mouse input.
- joystick_device 0
- This number selects which joystick to use if more than one
- joystick is found. 0 is the first joystick, 1 is the second
- and so on.
- joystick_axis_x 0
- Joystick horizontal axis number
- joystick_axis_y 1
- Joystick vertical axis number
- joystick_button_a 0
- Joystick menu select button
- joystick_button_b 1
- Joystick menu cancel button
- joystick_button_r 2
- Joystick counter-clockwise camera rotation button
- joystick_button_l 3
- Joystick clockwise camera rotation button
- joystick_button_exit 4
- Joystick exit button
- Contact: <robert-kooima@gmail.com>