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- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Daniel Heck
- --
- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- --
- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- -- GNU General Public License for more details.
- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- -- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- --
- -- $Id: models.lua,v 2003/09/28 20:53:50 dheck Exp $
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- This file contains common routines for defining new Enigma models.
- -- It is used by all other model*.lua files.
- ---------------
- ---------------
- function Progress(percent)
- local fontname = "levelmenu"
- local scr = video.GetScreen();
- local d = scr:get_surface()
- local logo = enigma.GetImage("enigma_logo2")
- local x = (d:width() - logo:width())/2
- local y = (d:height() - logo:height())/2
- local gs = GS:new(d:size())
- local font = enigma.GetFont("menufont")
- local font2 = enigma.GetFont("menufontsel")
- d:blit(gs, x , y-logo:height(), logo)
- font:render(d, x, y-10, strrep(".", 50))
- font2:render(d, x, y-10, strrep(".", percent/2))
- scr:update_all();
- scr:flush_updates();
- gs:delete()
- end
- modeltag = 0
- function unique_modelname()
- modeltag = modeltag + 1
- return "xmodel" .. modeltag
- end
- -- Define a new image model. 'name' is the name of the model being created
- -- and 'opt' contains optional information about the image file. The following
- -- fields can be set in 'opt':
- --
- -- * filename
- -- * xoff,yoff (hotspot coordinates inside the image)
- --
- -- Suitable default values are used for all options
- function def_image(name, opt)
- opt = opt or {}
- name = name or unique_modelname()
- fname = (opt.filename or name)
- opt = opt or {}
- display.DefineImage(name, fname, opt.xoff or 0, opt.yoff or 0)
- return name
- end
- -- Define multiple image models at once. Use the same options for all
- -- of them.
- function def_images(names, opt)
- opt = opt or {}
- for i,name in names do
- def_image(name,opt)
- end
- end
- -- Define many image models from one single big image file.
- function def_subimages(name, options)
- local opts = options or { }
- local w = opts.w or 1
- local h = opts.h or 1
- local imgw = opts.imgw or 32
- local imgh = opts.imgh or 32
- local xoff = opts.xoff or 0
- local yoff = opts.yoff or 0
- local modelname = opts.modelname or name
- local imagelist={}
- local cnt = 1
- local r=Rect:new(0,0,0,0)
- for x=1,w do
- for y=1,h do
- r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h = imgw*(x-1),imgh*(y-1),imgw,imgh
- tinsert(imagelist, modelname..cnt)
- display.DefineSubImage(modelname..cnt, name, xoff,yoff, r)
- cnt = cnt+1
- end
- end
- r:delete()
- return imagelist
- end
- function map_tiles (imginfo, func)
- local w = imginfo.w or 1
- local h = imginfo.h or 1
- local tilew = imginfo.tilew or 32
- local tileh = imginfo.tileh or 32
- local r=Rect:new(0,0,0,0)
- local n=1
- for y=0,h-1 do
- for x=0,w-1 do
- r.x,r.y = x*tilew,y*tileh
- r.w,r.h = tilew, tileh
- func(n, r)
- n=n+1
- end
- end
- r:delete()
- end
- -- Generate multiple image models by tiling a big image into many
- -- smaller subimages. The parameters are currently hardcoded, see
- -- "items.png" for an example image.
- function def_tiles(big_image, modelnames)
- local xoff = 0
- local yoff = 0
- local imgw = 640
- local tilew = 32
- local tileh = 32
- local r=Rect:new(0,0,0,0)
- for i,mname in modelnames do
- r.x,r.y,r.w,r.h = xoff,yoff,tilew,tileh
- display.DefineSubImage(mname, big_image, 0, 0, r)
- xoff = xoff + tilew
- if xoff >= imgw then
- xoff = 0
- yoff = yoff + tileh
- end
- end
- r:delete()
- end
- function def_stone(name, shmodel, opt)
- opt = opt or {}
- shmodel = shmodel or "sh-solid"
- opt.filename = opt.filename or name
- display.DefineShadedModel(name, def_image(nil, opt), shmodel)
- end
- function def_stone2(model, shmodel)
- shmodel = shmodel or "sh-solid"
- display.DefineShadedModel (model, model.."#", shmodel)
- end
- function def_stones(names)
- for i,name in names do def_stone(name) end
- end
- function def_roundstones(names)
- for i,name in names do def_stone(name, "sh-round") end
- end
- -- Define a shaded model named `name' with texture model `fg' and
- -- shadow model `bg'. Both are real models (not names of image files), so
- -- you can combine animated images with shadows etc.
- function def_shmodel(name, fg, bg)
- display.DefineShadedModel(name, fg, bg)
- end
- function def_overlay(name, imglist)
- display.DefineOverlayImage(name, getn(imglist), imglist)
- end
- function def_solidstone(name, front)
- def_shmodel(name, front, "sh-solid")
- end
- function def_roundstone(name, front)
- def_shmodel(name, front, "sh-round")
- end
- function def_alias(name, othername)
- display.DefineAlias(name,othername)
- end
- ----------------
- ----------------
- -- Generate a list of frame names by appending increasing numerical
- -- prefixes to a base name. For example, 'framenames("hello", 1,2)'
- -- yields {"hello_0001", "hello_0002"}.
- -- [Filenames like this are created by Gimp's "Video/Split Image.."
- -- tool.]
- function framenames(prefix, first, last)
- local fn = {}
- for i=first,last do
- tinsert(fn, prefix .. format("_%04d", i))
- end
- return fn
- end
- -- Build a list of frames from a list of model names and a constant
- -- duration.
- function buildframes(names, msec)
- local a={}
- for i,n in names do a[i] = {n, msec} end
- return a
- end
- -- Build a list of frames from (1) a list of names and (2) a list of
- -- frame durations. These two list are assumed to have the same
- -- number of entries, or, more generally, to have the same index set.
- function composeframes(namelist, mseclist)
- local a={}
- for i=1,getn(namelist) do a[i] = {namelist[i], mseclist[i]} end
- return a
- end
- -- Given a list of frames, this function generates a new framelist
- -- with for a ping-pong style animation. (For example, an "abcd"
- -- style animation would result in an "abcddcba"-style one.)
- function pingpong(framelist)
- local a=framelist
- local n=getn(framelist)
- for i = 0,n-1 do
- a[n+i+1] = framelist[n-i]
- end
- return a
- end
- function repeat_frames(framelist, blocksize, cnt)
- local a={}
- for i=1,getn(framelist),blocksize do
- for j=1,cnt do
- for k=i,i+blocksize-1 do
- tinsert(a,framelist[k])
- end
- end
- end
- return a
- end
- function repeatanim(framelist, cnt)
- return repeat_frames(framelist, getn(framelist), cnt or 2)
- end
- function reverseframes(framelist)
- local a={}
- for i=getn(framelist),1,-1 do
- tinsert(a, framelist[i])
- end
- return a
- end
- -- Define an animation from a list of images. `frames' is a
- -- framelist, as built with `framenames()', but the model names in
- -- this list are interpreted as image filenames.
- function def_anim_images(name, frames, opt)
- opt = opt or {}
- display.DefineAnim(name, opt.loop)
- for i=1,getn(frames) do
- local frame=frames[i]
- opt.filename = frame[1]
- local immodel = def_image(nil, opt)
- display.AddFrame(name, immodel, frame[2])
- end
- end
- -- Define an animation from a list of models.
- function def_anim(name, frames, loop)
- display.DefineAnim(name, loop)
- for i=1,getn(frames) do
- local frame = frames[i]
- display.AddFrame(name, frame[1], frame[2])
- end
- end
- function NewAnim(name,opts) -- name, img, h,w,speed,pingpong, loop)
- local imagefile = opts.img or name
- local h=opts.h or 1
- local w=opts.w or 1
- local speed = opts.speed or 100
- local loop=opts.loop or 0
- local frames = def_subimages(imagefile, {["h"]=h, ["w"]=w})
- if opts.pingpong then frames=pingpong(frames) end
- def_anim(name, buildframes(frames, speed), loop)
- end