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- -- Smutty Smurf
- enigma.ConserveLevel = TRUE
- levelw = 39
- levelh = 25
- create_world(levelw, levelh)
- oxyd_default_flavor = "c"
- difficult = (options.Difficulty==2)
- set_actor("ac-blackball", 2.5,2.5, {player=0})
- draw_border("st-rock1")
- fill_floor("fl-rough", 0,0, levelw,levelh)
- -- Randsteine verschiebbar
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for x=1,7 do
- y=5*x
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",1,y)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",37,y)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",y,1)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",y,23)
- end
- set_item("it-floppy",5,1)
- set_item("it-blackbomb",10,1)
- set_item("it-magnet",15,1)
- if difficult then
- set_item("it-flagblack",20,1)
- else
- set_item("it-umbrella",20,1)
- end
- set_item("it-sword",25,1)
- set_item("it-key_a",30,1)
- set_item("it-brush",35,1)
- set_item("it-yinyang",5,23)
- set_item("it-hammer",10,23)
- shogundot3(15,23)
- set_item("it-whitebomb",20,23)
- set_item("it-tinyhollow",25,23)
- set_item("it-spade",30,23)
- set_item("it-key_c",35,23)
- set_item("it-tinyhill",37,5)
- document(37,10,"If I only had a bag")
- set_item("it-hollow",37,15)
- set_item("it-crack",37,20, {type=3})
- set_item("it-hill",1,5)
- set_item("it-springboard",1,10)
- set_item("it-key_b",1,15)
- set_item("it-extralife",1,20)
- -- Einzelrahmen
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Definition eines Rahmens
- function draw_border_SS(name,xx0,yy0,w,h)
- draw_stones (name,{xx0,yy0}, {1,0},w)
- draw_stones (name,{xx0,(yy0+h-1)}, {1,0},w)
- draw_stones (name,{xx0,yy0}, {0,1},h)
- draw_stones (name,{(xx0+w-1),yy0}, {0,1},h)
- end
- y0=3
- x0=3
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- x0=11
- x0=20
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- x0=28
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- y0=14
- x0=3
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- x0=11
- draw_border_SS("st-death",x0,y0,8,8)
- x0=20
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- x0=28
- draw_border_SS("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,8)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Box 1
- y0=3
- x0=3
- set_stone("st-bolder", x0+4,y0-2, {name="startbolder", direction=SOUTH})
- fakeoxyd(x0+4,y0-1)
- set_stone("st-switch", 0, 14, {action="callback", target="start"})
- function start()
- kill_stone(7,2) --blocker weg
- end
- kill_stone(x0+4,y0)
- draw_items("it-seed",{x0+4,y0}, {0,1},2)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+3,y0+3)
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+4,y0+6}, {1,0},3)
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+1,y0+4}, {0,1},3)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+4,y0+4)
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+6,y0+1}, {0,1},3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+2,y0+2)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+5,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+2,y0+5)
- oxyd(x0+5,y0+1)
- document(x0+6,y0+5,"shh...listen!")
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+3,y0+1, {invisible=1,action="callback", target="box1trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+3,y0+2, {invisible=1,action="callback", target="box1trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+4,y0+2, {invisible=1,action="callback", target="box1trig3"})
- -- Ansrechbar als %door1
- local door1 = set_stone("st-door-v", x0+7, y0+5)
- -- Ansprechbar als %switchesbox1
- local switchesbox1={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox1=0
- function box1trig1 () triggerbox1(1) end
- function box1trig2 () triggerbox1(2) end
- function box1trig3 () triggerbox1(3) end
- function triggerbox1(num)
- %switchesbox1[num] = 1-%switchesbox1[num]
- allbox1=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox1[x]==0) then
- allbox1 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox1==0 and allbox1==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%door1, "open", nil)
- doorsopenbox1 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox1==1 and allbox1==0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%door1, "close", nil)
- doorsopenbox1 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=3
- x0=11
- -- Box 2
- fill_stones("st-rock1",x0,y0,8,2)
- fill_stones("st-rock1",x0,y0,2,5)
- fill_stones("st-rock1",x0+6,y0,2,8)
- enigma.KillStone(x0+4, y0)
- enigma.KillStone(x0+4, y0+1)
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0,y0+7}, {1,0},8 )
- draw_floor("fl-water",{x0+4,y0}, {0,1},2 )
- set_floor("fl-water",x0,y0+6)
- set_floor("fl-water",x0+4,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-thief",x0+1,y0+1)
- set_stone("st-thief",x0+2,y0+1)
- oxyd(x0,y0+2)
- enigma.KillStone(x0+1, y0+2)
- set_stone("st-thief",x0+1,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-thief",x0+2,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+2,y0+4)
- set_item("it-magicwand",x0+3,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+3,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+4,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+4,y0+6)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+5,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box2trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+5,y0+4, {action="callback", target="box2trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+3,y0+6, {action="callback", target="box2trig3"})
- local switchesbox2={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox2=0
- function box2trig1 () triggerbox2(1) end
- function box2trig2 () triggerbox2(2) end
- function box2trig3 () triggerbox2(3) end
- function triggerbox2(num)
- %switchesbox2[num] = 1-%switchesbox2[num]
- allbox2=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox2[x]==0) then
- allbox2 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox2==0 and allbox2==1) then
- draw_floor("fl-wood",{15,3}, {0,1},2 ) -- feste Koordinaten
- doorsopenbox2 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox2==1 and allbox2==0) then
- draw_floor("fl-water",{15,3}, {0,1},2 ) -- feste Koordinaten
- doorsopenbox2 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=3
- x0=20
- -- Box 3
- fill_stones("st-rock1",x0+1,y0+1,2,3)
- fill_stones("st-rock1",x0+5,y0+1,2,2)
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+1,y0+6}, {1,0},3)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+4,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-door",x0+3,y0,{name="door3", type="h"})
- set_stone("st-coinslot",x0+2,y0,{action="openclose", target="door3"})
- oxyd(x0+1,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+3,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+4,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+5,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-bolder", x0+11,y0+5, {name="bolder1",direction=EAST}) -- in Box4
- set_stone("st-blocker", x0+7,y0+5, {name="blocker2"})
- set_stone("st-blocker", x0+8,y0+5, {name="blocker3"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+4,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box3trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+5,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box3trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+3,y0+5, {action="callback", target="box3trig3"})
- local switchesbox3={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox3=0
- function box3trig1 () triggerbox3(1) end
- function box3trig2 () triggerbox3(2) end
- function box3trig3 () triggerbox3(3) end
- function triggerbox3(num)
- %switchesbox3[num] = 1-%switchesbox3[num]
- allbox3=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox3[x]==0) then
- allbox3 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox3==0 and allbox3==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("bolder1"), "direction", WEST)
- doorsopenbox3 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox3==1 and allbox3==0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(enigma.GetNamedObject("bolder1"), "direction", EAST)
- doorsopenbox3 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=3
- x0=28
- -- Box 4
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+1,y0+1}, {1,0},2 )
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+6,y0+1}, {0,1},6 )
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+4,y0+2)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+3,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+4,y0+6)
- set_stone("st-bombs",x0+5,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-bombs",x0+5,y0+6)
- set_stone("st-bombs",x0+5,y0+7)
- set_stone("st-grate2",x0+4,y0+5)
- draw_stones("st-wood",{x0+2,y0+2}, {0,1},2 )
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+3,y0+3)
- oxyd(x0+6,y0+5)
- bomb1 = set_item("it-blackbomb",x0+4,y0+5)
- --draw_items("it-blackbomb",{x0+5,y0+5}, {0,1},3)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+5,y0+1, {action="callback", target="box4trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+4,y0+4, {action="callback", target="box4trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+2,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box4trig3"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+2,y0+4, {action="callback", target="box4trig4"})
- local switchesbox4={0, 0, 0, 0}
- exploded=0
- function box4trig1 () triggerbox4(1) end
- function box4trig2 () triggerbox4(2) end
- function box4trig3 () triggerbox4(3) end
- function box4trig4 () triggerbox4(4) end
- function triggerbox4(num)
- %switchesbox4[num] = 1-%switchesbox4[num]
- allbox4=1
- for x=1,4 do
- if (%switchesbox4[x]==0) then
- allbox4 = 0
- end
- end
- if (allbox4==1 and exploded==0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(bomb1, "explode", nil)
- exploded=1
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=14
- x0=3
- -- Box 5
- enigma.KillStone(x0+3, y0)
- set_stone("st-key_a",x0+2,y0, {action="openclose", target="door4"})
- doorh( x0+3,y0, {name="door4"})
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+3,y0+3}, {0,1},4 )
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+6,y0+1}, {0,1},3 )
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+1,y0+1)
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+5,y0+5)
- draw_stones("st-wood",{x0+2,y0+2}, {1,0},3 )
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+1,y0+5)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",x0+2,y0+5)
- set_item("it-coin", x0+2,y0+5,{value=1})
- set_item("it-wormhole", x0+1,y0+5, {name="warp1",targetx="4.5", targety="18.5",strength=5})
- oxyd(x0+3,y0+5)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+3,y0+1, {action="callback", target="box5trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+6,y0+4, {action="callback", target="box5trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+4,y0+2, {action="callback", target="box5trig3"})
- local switchesbox5={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox5=0
- function box5trig1 () triggerbox5(1) end
- function box5trig2 () triggerbox5(2) end
- function box5trig3 () triggerbox5(3) end
- function triggerbox5(num)
- %switchesbox5[num] = 1-%switchesbox5[num]
- allbox5=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox5[x]==0) then
- allbox5 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox5==0 and allbox5==1) then
- set_attribs(enigma.GetNamedObject("warp1"), {targetx="12.5", targety="19.5",strength=0})
- doorsopenbox5 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox5==1 and allbox5==0) then
- set_attribs(enigma.GetNamedObject("warp1"), {targetx="4.5", targety="18.5",strength=5})
- doorsopenbox5 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=14
- x0=11
- -- Box 6
- enigma.KillStone(x0+5, y0)
- oxyd(x0,y0+4)
- local laser1 = laser(x0+6,y0+1,TRUE,WEST)
- draw_stones("st-death",{x0+4,y0+2}, {1,0},3 )
- draw_stones("st-death",{x0+1,y0+6}, {1,0},4 )
- set_stone("st-death",x0+1,y0+2)
- set_stone("st-death",x0+2,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-death",x0+4,y0+5)
- draw_stones("st-wood",{x0+3,y0+3}, {0,1},2 )
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+5,y0+4)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+1,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box6trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+2,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box6trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+6,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box6trig3"})
- set_item("it-extralife", x0+2,y0+5)
- -- Ansprechbar als %switches
- local switchesbox6={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox6=0
- function box6trig1 () triggerbox6(1) end
- function box6trig2 () triggerbox6(2) end
- function box6trig3 () triggerbox6(3) end
- function triggerbox6(num)
- %switchesbox6[num] = 1-%switchesbox6[num]
- allbox6=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox6[x]==0) then
- allbox6 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox6==0 and allbox6==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%laser1, "off", nil)
- doorsopenbox6 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox6==1 and allbox6==0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%laser1, "on", nil)
- doorsopenbox6 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=14
- x0=20
- -- Box 7
- fill_stones("st-glass1",x0+1,y0+1,3,2)
- draw_stones("st-glass1",{x0+6,y0+4}, {0,1},3 )
- draw_stones("st-glass1",{x0+5,y0+5}, {0,1},2 )
- set_stone("st-glass1",x0+6,y0+1)
- set_stone("st-glass1",x0+3,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-glass1",x0+1,y0+6)
- local door2 = set_stone("st-door-v",x0+7,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-glass1",x0+4,y0)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+4,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+5,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-wood",x0+4,y0+5)
- kill_stone(x0+5,y0)
- set_item("it-crack", x0+5,y0, {type=3})
- set_stone("st-glass1_hole",x0+5,y0)
- oxyd(x0+2,y0+2)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+1,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box7trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+1,y0+5, {action="callback", target="box7trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+2,y0+6, {action="callback", target="box7trig3"})
- local switchesbox7={0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox7=0
- function box7trig1 () triggerbox7(1) end
- function box7trig2 () triggerbox7(2) end
- function box7trig3 () triggerbox7(3) end
- function triggerbox7(num)
- %switchesbox7[num] = 1-%switchesbox7[num]
- allbox7=1
- for x=1,3 do
- if (%switchesbox7[x]==0) then
- allbox7 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox7==0 and allbox7==1) then
- set_stone("st-glass1_hole",24,14)
- enigma.SendMessage(%door2, "open", nil)
- doorsopenbox7 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox7==1 and allbox7==0) then
- set_stone("st-glass1",24,14)
- enigma.SendMessage(%door2, "close", nil)
- doorsopenbox7 = 0
- end
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- y0=14
- x0=28
- -- Box 8
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+1,y0+1}, {1,0},6 )
- draw_stones("st-rock1",{x0+1,y0+5}, {1,0},4 )
- set_stone("st-rock1",x0+4,y0+6)
- set_stone("st-glass",x0+2,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-glass",x0+4,y0+3)
- kill_stone(x0,y0+3)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",x0+2,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",x0+5,y0+4)
- set_stone("st-rock1_move",x0+6,y0+5)
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+1,y0+2, {action="callback", target="box8trig1"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+5,y0+2, {action="callback", target="box8trig2"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0+6,y0+4, {action="callback", target="box8trig3"})
- set_item("it-trigger", x0,y0+3, {action="callback", target="box8trig4"})
- local laser2 = laser(x0+1,y0+6,FALSE,EAST)
- oxyd(x0+3,y0+6)
- local switchesbox8={0, 0, 0, 0}
- doorsopenbox8=0
- function box8trig1 () triggerbox8(1) end
- function box8trig2 () triggerbox8(2) end
- function box8trig3 () triggerbox8(3) end
- function box8trig4 () triggerbox8(4) end
- function triggerbox8(num)
- %switchesbox8[num] = 1-%switchesbox8[num]
- allbox8=1
- for x=1,4 do
- if (%switchesbox8[x]==0) then
- allbox8 = 0
- end
- end
- if (doorsopenbox8==0 and allbox8==1) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%laser2, "on", nil)
- doorsopenbox8 = 1
- elseif (doorsopenbox8==1 and allbox8==0) then
- enigma.SendMessage(%laser2, "off", nil)
- doorsopenbox8 = 0
- end
- end
- oxyd_shuffle()